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Game Type




Release Date

Dec '96

Rapid Review

Nascar Racing arrived at a time when PSX racers were available in abundance. With it's two closest rivals, DD2 and Andretti Racing, both including stock car modes, this game needed to be something special to stand out from the crowd.

There are three polygon cars to choose from, either Rookie, Veteran or Ace. You can adjust each vehicles fuel load, weight distribution and tyre pressure which effectively alters the road handling.

The joypad controls are more or less as you would expect with buttons for acceleration, braking and changing gear, although the inclusion of 'half steer' offers a more accurate control when performing an overtaking manoeuvre.

Nascar offers three different views which are in-car, behind-car and distant behind. There are over twelve tracks to select from but because each is an oval you will find very little challenge from one to the next.


Nascar is a very sorry looking racer. The in-car view jerks everything about, simulation mode is dull and slow and to be honest, how many times can you race around an oval before falling into a deep trance? If you want stock car racing then go for DD2, if you need challenging circuits then pick up a copy of F1 and if you have money to throw away then I suppose you could waste some on Nascar Racing.

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