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1-2 Player

Game Type

Sports Sim

Mem. Card

Review Date

Feb 1997

Setting the Scene

Okay, I'm not going to blow smoke up your butts by starting off this review saying things like "NFL Gameday '97 is the most awesome football game ever created" and stuff like that. What you have here is the second year's installment of Sony's premiere sports title "NFL Gameday". Sony has obviously taken the good part of a year to try and improve on last years masterpiece football game. Their intention: To make the good things of last years title great and the great things ever better. Have they succeeded? Read on my sporting friends...


NFL Gameday '97 is intended to be a good playable football simulation with arcade elements thrown in for good measure. In my opinion Sony has succeeded in doing just that with this game. If you really enjoy a good realistic football showdown, you are sure to love this one...Pick your team, huddle up and get ready to rock!


This is probably the most disappointing part of the entire game. GD '97's player graphics don't seem to have improved at all from last year. The figures still pixelate horribly when close up and are rather small overall when compared to Madden '97 or NFL Quarterback. This, fortunately is where the disappointment ends. All of the NFL stadiums are beautifully reproduced in all their graphic glory. Now when you play, say the Giants, you feel like your in the Meadowlands.

The games animations are also a big improvement from last years game. The frame rate claims to be 50% faster and it surely shows. Players move around wonderfully. You can plainly see one handed diving catches, fakes, blocks and other special player movements. Very nice indeed.

There is also a very engaging Full Motion Video opening sequence that sets the mood nicely. Menu screen graphics are done nicely too. They are laid out logically and are graphically appealing.

Sounds and Effects

Excellent...from the hard hitting, bone crunching sound your defensive linemen make to the grunts and groans from your offensive runner, the sounds put you into the game. The music is pretty much the same as last years (which isn't a bad thing) and you now have an announcer calling the play by play. I must say, the announcer in this game is very good. Play calls are on the money and you also get the echo/stadium sound from his voice. It's really a notch above all the others.


Now this is where the game really pulls out all the heavy artillery and sets the stage for all other football games to follows. Never before has a console football game been created that has such depth and realism yet perfectly balances that with a fun to play game as GD '97. There are literally dozens upon dozens of options available to the user. You actually need to read the instruction booklet to understand what all of the buttons on the controller are used for. There are also game configuration options that can be set prior to or during play. Some of these options are: Computer IQ, Game Speed, Camera Angles, Audibles, Physics, Clock Speed, Show Names or Numbers and Total Control Passing/Advanced Meter Passing. Each of these options have significant impact on the overall game. The computer IQ can be set from 60 to 180 and controls the computers offensive and defensive intelligence. Player physics can be set for loose (slide), normal (minimal slide) and tight (turn on a dime). Game Speed can be set to slow, medium or fast and the camera angles, especially in the instant replay mode, have an almost unlimited number of angles and zooms that can be set.

The playbook is also very impressive! There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 total plays to choose from and everything is laid out very nicely using the button icons on the playstation controller. There are also no "special" plays to be found that will allow you to consistly burn the defense. This makes for a very strategic play calling experience. Another impressive feature is the Total Control Passing element. This enables you to over or underthrow your receiver in heavy coverage. Combine this with a jumping one handed catch and you have yourself one spectacular play calling system here. The defense now has the ability to swim past the offensive line or give a forearm blast and speed burst to cut through the offense like butter. On offense you can now pitch the ball to another player in your area and your also have a nifty little double spin move to confuse the defense. Quarterbacks can spike the ball and kneel down for game ending plays. Hell, you even have interactive sidelines. If your runner gets pushed out of bounds, he can collide with the ref, the other players, cheerleaders, anything that is in his's that for realism! You now have the option of creating your own players too. Another point of interest is that this game also lets you place players in any position at any time during the game.

So there you have it folks, without a doubt, NFL Gameday '97 is the most awesome football game ever created!!! (Hey, I never said anything about finishing up my review by not praising this game)...

Value for Money

All the NFL teams, all the stadiums, all the players AND the ability to create your own superstars certainly gives this title a great deal of value for your gaming dollars. The computer AI is incredibly hard and unforgiving. It will learn your plays and force you to get creative. No two games ever play alike. Now that's value!





About the only thing that Sony needs to focus on for Gameday '98 is improving the player graphics, everything else is indeed top notch! With the innovative passing meter and advanced defense and offensive plays you can execute, this game truly has it all...The stadiums are gorgeous, the animation is top notch and the games sounds are all incredibly realistic. You want a true football gaming experience, go pick up Gameday '97, you won't be sorry.











Just how much more can they cram into a football game? This game is still the leader of the pack.








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