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Jade Cocoon
Written By: Stinger 3:16

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Date: Wednesday, 29 December 1999 03:16:00
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             |   |    /    \       __    \   | |       |
             |   |    \     \     |  |    |  | |_______|
             |   |     \/\   \    |  |____|  |  ___________
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              S  T  O  R  Y    O  F    T  H  E    T  A  M  A  M  A  Y  U


                              for Sony Playstation
                                by Stinger 3:16

This  FAQ  is  for  private  and  personal  use.  It  can  only  be   reproduced
electronically,  and if placed on a web page or site,  may be altered as long as
this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and in full.  This FAQ
is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes, etc. Please do not use
this FAQ on your website without asking my permission first. And don't take some
part or whole part of this walkthrough and put your names on it. I not made this
walkthrough for some damn plagiarist put their names on it. I work hard for make
this walkthrough, so please don't rip-off my work.

Jade Cocoon is (c) Crave Entertainment and (c) Sony Entertainment.

T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S

01.  R E V I S I O N  H I S T O R Y

02.  C H A R A C T E R S 

03.  B A S I C  M O V E S

04.  S A V I N G  Y O U R  G A M E

05.  L E G E N D S

06.  W A L K T H R O U G H

07.  G A M E  S H A R K  C O D E S

08.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

09.  L I S T  O F  T H E  D A M N E D

10.  I M P O R T A N T  N O T E

11.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

01.  R E V I S I O N  H I S T O R Y

VERSION 1.0 (29 December 1999)
First  release. Contain  the  basic  moves,  some  character  and    walkthrough
(not completed).

02.  C H A R A C T E R S

These are some characters that show up in Jade Cocoon Story of Tamamayu :

He is your main character. He  lives in Syrus Village with his mother, Phio. His
father,  Riketz gone to  the forest  when Levant  was a child. His  father was a 
Cocoon  Master of  the Syrus Village  until he disappear into the forest leaving 
just him and his mother. Levant also has no voice actor behind him so he doesn't
talk at all in this game.

She is a Nagi Woman.  She has the ability  to do "The Purification". Her destiny
has chosen her to become Levant's wife. 

3.  PHIO
She is Levant's mother. Usually she works at the Silk Mill or just stay in home.
She always believes that her husband someday will return to the Village.

Old woman who always stay in  her home. She will give you an advice whenever you
need one.

He is the son of the  Blacksmith and also a friend of Levant and Lui. He usually
show up in the Watchtower or The Blacksmith's place.

6.  LUI
A Little kid  with an attitude.  He is  the guard of The Watchtower. His parents
were killed by minions.

7.  POTO
He is the Story Teller from Syrus. Whenever you want to hear a stories just talk
to the old man. He always stays in his place under the tree in the cemetery.

He is the Blue Cocoon Master who lives in the village in the Beetle Forest.He is
also your mentor. He teach a lot of things such as attacks, defense, and capture
a minion.

He is the Legendary Man of Dragonfly Forest.  Half man and half bird. He is also
the divine spirit of Amos.

He is the divine spirit of Mamon. Very  greedy and also the keeper of The Divine

03.  B A S I C  M O V E S

  Up                        Move forward
  Down                      Move backward
  Right                     Turn right
  Left                      Turn left
  X                         Pick up item
  Square                    Nothing
  Circle                    Open Character Menu
  Triangle                  Run
  R1                        Nothing
  R2                        Nothing
  L1                        Nothing
  L2                        Run
  Start                     Skip Movie
  Select                    Nothing
  Directional Pad + Square  Run

04.  S A V I N G  Y O U R  G A M E

In Jade Cocoon The Story of Tamamayu, you can save your  game only when there is
a  save  point  in  the  area.  Just  walk  close to  the  save  point and press 
directional pad + X. Doing this will bring the menu to save your game,load game,
options and end game.

05.  L E G E N D S

 N    = North
 NE   = North East
 E    = East
 SE   = South East
 S    = South
 SW   = South West
 W    = West
 NW   = North West

06.  W A L K T H R O U G H



The  game  begin  with  a  conversation  between  Levant,  Mahbu, and Lui in the 
Watchtower. They are talking about  tomorrow festival and other stuff related to
the  festival.  After  regain  control of your  character, you will  be given an 
option  to  choose where you  want to go.  The options are : My Home, Silk Mill,
Watchtower, Nam's House, Musa's House, and Wen's House. Explore them as you like
and after that go to your home.  In your home, talk  to the women sitting there.
She is Phio your mother. You will be given an option : go to the bed or stay up.
Choose  go to the bed if you  want to  continue or stay  up if you would like to
explore the town again. By the way,  there is a save point here. Just walk close
to the save point and press directional button + square to save.

After you choose go to  the bed, you will  have a dream. After regain control of
your character, just  follow the path to  the NE  until you reach the end of the
path. You also meet  Mahbu and Lui before  you reach the end of the path. At the
end of the path, you will face  someone named "Dream Man". You must fight him in
your  dream. This  is a no win  battle so  save  your breath and just attack him 
until he summon  minion which looks like a dragon. The dragon attack you and you
will die.

Name            : DREAM MAN
Elemental Power : None
HP              : Unknown
Level           : Unknown

You wake up at your house. Talk to your mother  to receive money 20 Yan then try
to  go  outside.  You will have an automatic  scene  that  shows  the town being 
attacked  by  minions.  After a long  conversation  you will have another dream. 
First you must fight a minion :

Name            : PATAIMEL
Elemental Power : FIRE
HP              : 20
Level           : 1

This time you can kill the minion. Just attack the minion for about 2 or 3 times
the  minion  will  die.  Then  you have another no win battle with the dream man
(again). Quickly attack him and die (again).

Name            : DREAM MAN
Elemental Power : NONE
HP              : UNKNOWN
Level           : UNKNOWN


ITEM FOUND : Flute of Capture, Tears of Reese Ring, Some Supplies, Beetle Key

You  wake  up at  your  home and then automatically been taken to Mother Garai's 
House. There  you  will  receive a  Flute  of Capture and some supplies for your 
journey from Mother Garai. After the  conversation  talk to Mahbu. She will tell
you that you can  use the Earring of The Hunter  when  you are  in the forest to
return home safely. Pay attention to this because this is very important. Notice
that  there is a  save point there  and you  can save  your game. Go outside and
Mahbu will follow you and give you a Tears of Reese ring.

Go to the Watchtower. Talk to  Lui and he will give you a Beetle key to open the 
Beetle Gate. Go outside. You can  explore  the town like go to the Blacksmith to 
buy weapon, town  shop to do some  stock supplies, or to  the cemetery to hear a 
Story from Poto the Story Teller. He is NE at the end of the path.

After you are ready go to the Forest Gates because your journey is now begin.You
will see Lui  following  you then guide you to the Barrier Gates. In the Barrier
Gates  there is a save  point so save your game if you like. Go to the far right
entrance  (the fourth entrance from the left).  This is  the  Beetle Gate so use
The Beetle Key by  pressing X on the entrance. You then enter the Beetle Forest.



In here you meet  Koris The Blue Cocoon Master.  Ask  him  anything  you want to 
know. First ask  him about attacks and defense and he will train you in a combat
with a minion and give you a Mugwort Herb. You must do what he says, just follow
the instructions.

Name            : ARPATRON
Elemental Power : WATER
HP              : 30
Level           : 1

First you learn  how to attack,  then defense,  then  using Mugwort Herb. If you 
don't follow his instructions,  example  instead  using  Mugwort Herb you attack
the minion the  training will quit.  You can begin  training again by talking to
him and receive  another  Mugwort Herb.  Continue  doing this until your Mugwort
Herb reaches number 20 (maximum).

After using  Mugwort Herb, talk to him again.  This time  learn how to capture a
minion. First attack the minion then try to capture the minion.After you succeed
you can ask  Koris  about  anything such as Purification, Summoning, or Merging.
When  you finished  your  training,  go back to Mother Garai's  house to do some
Purification.  Talk to  Mahbu  and  choose "Perform Nagi Magic". She will purify
the  minion  that you had been captured.  Now you can equip your minion with you
in  the battle and ready to the Beetle Forest. Head back to the Forest Gates and
choose Beetle Forest. Don't forget  to save  your game  at the save point in the
Barrier Gate. Enter The Beetle Forest.


ITEM FOUND : Knowledge 1, Knowledge 2, Knowledge 3,Skeleton Key, Beetle Warp Key
             Aquazor, Dragonfly Key

Follow the path then walk N. You will fight a minion. It's up to you if you want 
to capture the minion or kill it.  But remember this : if you  want to  kill the 
minion,  make you  minion do  the job. Don't make Levant kill the minion because 
you got no  experience point from  killing a minion.  The only way for Levant to 
get some experience  points is by  capture the minion.  So make your minion kill 
the enemy.  By doing this, your minion will get experience points. Just remember 
to go  back to  Mother Garai's home when your fireflies is full and let Mahbu do 
the Purification job.

After you killed or capture the minion,  walk N to fight another minion.  Follow 
the path to the N and pick up Knowledge 1 near the floor.  Continue to the W and 
you see a save point so save your game.  On the left  of the  save  point  is  a 
teleporter.  You can use  the  teleporter later after you got a Beetle Warp key.
Walk N then W and fight a minion. Walk N again then go NE. You will fight minion 
again. Continue to the N follow the path and fight another minion.

Don't forget to pick up  Knowledge 2  near the floor. Continue to the E then you
will see an intersection.  Choose the  left path, follow  the path  and  fight a 
minion. Continue N and  fight a  minion  if you  like  because the minion is not 
after you.  Continue W then  pick up  Knowledge 3 on the floor  (near the turtle 
statue). You will see 2 minion here.  

Walk N then follow  the path  to  the N until you reach a fountain and fight two
minion.  You get Ring of Venom after you defeated the minions.  Pick up Skeleton
Key on the  floor  near the  fountain. Continue  NW.  There's a minion here too. 
Continue NE.  You will see 3 intersection. First go to the E and fight a minion.

Follow the path to the save point and save your game. Continue to the NE to pick
up Beetle Warp Key on the floor. From  now you can use the teleporter. Just walk
to the teleporter and you will be  transported to the first place you saw a save
point and a teleporter. But don't do it right now. Go back to the 3 intersection
and follow the path to the S, continue S until you reach a house. Go in and pick
up a weapon Aquazor. Go back outside and follow the path to the South. 

If you try to go back to the house again you will fight Masked Boy.

Name            : MASKED MAN
Elemental Power : NONE
HP              : UNKNOWN
Level           : UNKNOWN

But if you don't want to fight him continue to the S. I suggest you fight him to
gain experience level for your minion. After  that walk to the W then follow the
path to the S. Continue to the S then to  the W. In this area choose the path to
the E. Follow the  path  until  you  see a chest on the floor. Open the chest by 
using the Skeleton Key and you will get : Meta Mugwort (4), Shab Liquor (4), and
Iron Headband (1).  Go back to the place  where you fight the Masked Boy.  Fight
some minions.

Go N until  you  reach  the 3 intersection. From the intersection, go N to enter 
Koris Village.  Before  that try to  fight and capture the minion.  You get Shab 
Liquor when you d efeated it. Go  up and  enter Koris Village. Talk to Koris and 
receive Dragonfly Key. Your  mission  here is  complete unless you still want to 
capture some minion. You will  be  automatically  back to  Mother Garai's house. 
After the conversation you can stock up some supplies,  buy a new weapon, purify 
your minion or talk to Poto to hear more stories about your next mission Kikinak 
the Bird Man. Notice that  every  time you  finish a mission, new armor, weapon, 
and other are available at the Blacksmith. It's the same with the Town Shop.

Whenever you are ready  go to  the Barrier Gates and enter Dragonfly Forest (the
third from the left) by using Dragonfly key.


1.  Name            : SKAWASP
    Elemental Power : AIR
    HP              : 29
    Level           : 1

2.  Name            : SKAEEB
    Elemental Power : AIR
    HP              : 32
    Level           : 1

3.  Name            : MUKHAMBU
    Elemental Power : WATER
    HP              : 25
    Level           : 1

4.  Name            : MUSHAB
    Elemental Power : FIRE
    HP              : 30
    Level           : 1

5.  Name            : TERFRAYD
    Elemental Power : EARTH
    HP              : 61
    Level           : 3

6.  Name            : PATASH
    Elemental Power : FIRE
    HP              : 25
    Level           : 1

7.  Name            : MARRDREG
    Elemental Power : AIR
    HP              : 61
    Level           : 3


ITEM FOUND : Skeleton Key (2), Iron Axe, Larva Key,  Magic Usage 1,Magic Usage 2
             Knowledge 4,   Sleep Spores,  Spider Key,  Calabas Herb,   Ocarina, 
             Dragonfly Warp Key.

Follow the path to  the N until  you fight a minion.  Continue N again and fight
another minion.  Follow the path, you came to an intersection.  First choose the
left (go NW) and fight a minion.Continue follow the path until you see 2 minions
and something on the ground.  Fight the minion.  After that, pick up item on the
floor which is a skeleton key. Fight another minion.

Continue to the to the NE.  Keep  following to the NE until arrived at new area.
In this new area go NW.  Then E, then  N to the room with a Turtle minion on the
North. Fight it. After the fight, go NE. You will see a turtle minion here. Just
follow the path until you came to an intersection.  Whatever path you choose you
will end up in the same location. 

Follow  the path until you  someone standing there.  He is Poacher a fake Cocoon 
Master. You must fight him to get Larva Key.  He will summon his  minion that is
a goat (elemental power : Fire) so it would be more easier to kill the goat with
your minion elemental power : Water.

Name            : POACHER
Elemental Power : NONE
HP              : UNKNOWN
Level           : UNKNOWN

Name            : GOAT
Elemental Power : FIRE
HP              : UNKNOWN
Level           : UNKNOWN

After you  win you get  Iron Axe  and  Larva Key.  Don't forget to pick up Magic
Usage 2.  It's near where the  Poacher is standing.  Go back to the intersection
and follow the  path to the SE.  Continue to the W and then to the E to the room
with  a  chest  guarded by  a  turtle  minion.  Fight it. O pen the chest with a 
skeleton key and get :  Agni Seal 1 (5),  Agni Seal 2 (3)  and Silver Crown (1).
Go back and head SW. Then go S follow the path to the N. Fight the turtle minion

After the fight, follow the path to the N.  You came to a big room with 2 flying
minions.  Fight them and  follow the path to the entrance.  Enter a new area and
follow the path to pick up skeleton key on the small hill.

Turn around E and until you see a white circle on the wall. Press X on the white
circle to emerge the path in the underground so you can cross it later.  Go back
to the room with 2  flying minions and follow the path outside to the S and then
to the W. There is a chest with turtle minion near the chest. Open the chest and
you get : Chestnut Oil (1), Bletila Oil (1) and Tendai Uyaku (1).

Go back and head S. Then S and S again. Follow the path to the outside until you
reach the place where you found the first skeleton key.  From there go S, follow
the  path and  then turn E  (take the right path to the N).  Fight a minion then 
pick up Knowledge 4 on the left of the screen. Continue to the N to an area with
2 minion2.  Fight them.  After that head NW to fight another minion.  Continue N 
follow the  path and  fight another minion.  Follow the path to the NE.  Fight a 

Choose the left path and fight another minion. Pick up Magic Usage 1 here at the
end of  the path. Go  back  and choose  the right  path.  Use Larva Key with the 
triangle  on the center  of the screen  to open the  door to Kikinak.  Enter the 
opened gate.  There's a save point  there so save your game.  Follow the path to
the N twice. Don't forget to pick up Sleep Spores that hanging in the bag on the
right tree. Continue N and fight Kikinak.

Name            : KIKINAK
Elemental Power : NONE
HP              : UNKNOWN
Level           : UNKNOWN

You get Great Walnut after you defeated him. Ask him about Calabas Herb. He will
give you Spider Key and Calabas Herb (1). After you finished talking to him, say
goodbye  and he  will give you Ocarina.  This item is used to summon Kikinak but
only in this  snow field area.  After that you will be  automatically go back to 
Mother Garai's House.

After finished talking  with her save your  game and go  back to  the snow field 
area to the first place you saw Kikinak.  Now is the right time to gain a lot of
experience for your minion.  Every time you use Ocarina,  Kikinak  will come and 
fight you.  He also  tell you a  story about  him being The Bird Man.  Fight him 
until your  minion  gain a  lot of experience. Besides that, sometimes  you  get 
Great Walnut again to boost your HP from killing him.

After you done with him,  go N and follow the path.  There's a save point  and a
Dragonfly  Warp  Key  near  the  save  point.  Save  you r game and walk  to the 
teleporter. You came to a new area.  Follow the path to the E and fight a minion
there.  Follow the path  outside and you will see 3 entrance.  Remember when you
pushed the white circle on the wall?  It used to emerge the path here so you can
reach the three entrances

Now go to the  third entrance  (far right) and  fight a minion there. Press X on 
the Stone to open the middle entrance. Go to the middle entrance. There's a save
point there.  To the right of the screen there's item call Secret of Killing but
DON'T TAKE IT RIGHT NOW because Kikinak will come and take it away from you. You
can  try it but  save you game first.  Just remember this room because next time
you can pick up that item on the Alternate Dragonfly Forest.

Your Quest here is finished so  go back to the  teleporter and  teleport back to
the Snow Field area.  Back to the  village to  stock up  and get ready  to enter
Spider Forest.


1.  Name            : TERFRAYD
    Elemental Power : EARTH
    HP              : 61
    Level           : 3

2.  Name            : TERALCO
    Elemental Power : EARTH
    HP              : 64
    Level           : 4

3.  Name            : RIGGU
    Elemental Power : EARTH
    HP              : 76
    Level           : 4

4.  Name            : OHMA
    Elemental Power : WATER
    HP              : 74
    Level           : 4

5.  Name            : TERBREKER
    Elemental Power : EARTH
    HP              : 62
    Level           : 5

6.  Name            : MARRDREG
    Elemental Power : AIR
    HP              : 61
    Level           : 3

7.  Name            : MIRALCO
    Elemental Power : AIR
    HP              : 64
    Level           : 4

8.  Name            : OJIRE
    Elemental Power : WATER
    HP              : 66
    Level           : 5

9.  Name            : FREY
    Elemental Power : FIRE
    HP              : 67
    Level           : 5

10. Name            : MASKHIRA
    Elemental Power : AIR
    HP              : 62
    Level           : 5


Under construction(my Jade Cocoon CD is broken. I don't know what's wrong. After
the PlayStation logo the game won't loading). I'm not  doing  any  update  until 
I can fix this porblem.

07. G A M E  S H A R K  C O D E S

                       C O C O O N  M A S T E R  C O D E S 

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Max Empties                                                | 8008B818 869F |
|                                                              | 8008B81A 0001 | 
| 2 Infinite Emtpies                                           | 8008B818 FFFF | 
| 3 Have All Valuables                                         | 8008B81C FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008B81E FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008B820 FFFF | 
| 4 Max Exp                                                    | 8008BD3E FFFF | 
| 5 Infinite HP (In Battle)                                    | 8008BD40 03E7 | 
| 6 Max HP                                                     | 8008BD40 03E7 |
|                                                              | 8008BD42 03E7 | 
| 7 Equipped Weapon Modifier                                   | 3008BD54 00?? | 
| 8 Equipped Armor Modifier                                    | 3008BD55 00?? | 
| 9 Equipped Other Modifier                                    | 3008BD56 00?? | 
| 10 Max Attack                                                | 3008BD64 00FF | 
| 11 Max Defense                                               | 3008BD65 00FF | 
| 12 Max Magic A.                                              | 3008BD66 00FF | 
| 13 Max Magic D.                                              | 3008BD67 00FF | 
| 14 Max Speed                                                 | 3008BD68 00FF | 
| 15 Max Capture Lvl/Rank                                      | 3008BD7C 00FF | 
| 16 Full Minion List/Alot of Captures                         | 8008BD84 FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD86 FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD88 FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD8A FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD8C FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD8E FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD90 FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD92 FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD94 FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD96 FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD98 FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD9A FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD9C FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BD9E FFFF | 

                             M I N I O N  1  C O D E S

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Max Exp                                                    | 8008BF82 FFFF | 
| 2 Infinite HP (In Battle)                                    | 8008BF84 03E7 | 
| 3 Max HP                                                     | 8008BF84 03E7 |
|                                                              | 8008BF86 03E7 | 
| 4 Infinite Mana (In Battle)                                  | 8008BF88 03E7 | 
| 5 Max Mana                                                   | 8008BF88 03E7 |
|                                                              | 8008BF8A 03E7 |
| 6 Max Attack                                                 | 3008BFA8 00FF | 
| 7 Max Defense                                                | 3008BFA9 00FF | 
| 8 Max Magic A.                                               | 3008BFAA 00FF | 
| 9 Max Magic D.                                               | 3008BFAB 00FF | 
| 10 Max Speed                                                 | 3008BFAC 00FF | 
| 11 Have Fire Element                                         | 3008BFBA 0020 | 
| 12 Have Air Element                                          | 3008BFBB 0020 | 
| 13 Have Earth Element                                        | 3008BFBC 0020 | 
| 14 Have Wind Element                                         | 3008BFBD 0020 | 
| 15 Have All Element Usage                                    | 3008BFBE 000F | 
| 16 Level 255                                                 | 3008BFC0 00FF | 
|                                                              |               |
| Special Feature Modifier Codes                               |               | 
| 17 Horn                                                      | 3008BFD6 0?01 | 
| 18 Fang                                                      | 3008BFDA 0?01 | 
| 19 Claw                                                      | 3008BFDE 0?01 | 
| 20 Tail                                                      | 3008BFE2 0?01 | 
| 21 Foot                                                      | 3008BFE6 0?01 | 
|                                                              |               |
| Special Attributes Modifier Codes                            |               | 
| 22 Horn                                                      | 3008BFD8 000? |
| 23 Fang                                                      | 3008BFDC 000? | 
| 24 Claw                                                      | 3008BFE0 000? | 
| 25 Tail                                                      | 3008BFE4 000? | 
| 26 Foot                                                      | 3008BFE8 000? | 
| 27 Have All Magic                                            | 8008BFEC FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008BFEE 01FF | 

                             M I N I O N  2  C O D E S

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Max Exp                                                    | 8008C07A FFFF | 
| 2 Infinite HP (In Battle)                                    | 8008C07C 03E7 | 
| 3 Max HP                                                     | 8008C07C 03E7 |
|                                                              | 8008C07E 03E7 | 
| 4 Infinite Mana (In Battle)                                  | 8008C080 03E7 | 
| 5 Max Mana                                                   | 8008C080 03E7 |
|                                                              | 8008C082 03E7 | 
| 6 Max Attack                                                 | 3008C0A0 00FF | 
| 7 Max Defense                                                | 3008C0A1 00FF | 
| 8 Max Magic A.                                               | 3008C0A2 00FF | 
| 9 Max Magic D.                                               | 3008C0A3 00FF | 
| 10 Max Speed                                                 | 3008C0A4 00FF | 
| 11 Have Fire Element                                         | 3008C0B2 0020 |
| 12 Have Air Element                                          | 3008C0B3 0020 | 
| 13 Have Earth Element                                        | 3008C0B4 0020 | 
| 14 Have Wind Element                                         | 3008C0B5 0020 | 
| 15 Have All Element Usage                                    | 3008C0B6 000F | 
| 16 Level 255                                                 | 3008C0B8 00FF | 
|                                                              |               |
| Special Feature Modifier Codes                               |               |
| 17 Horn                                                      | 3008C0CE 0?01 | 
| 18 Fang                                                      | 3008C0D2 0?01 |
| 19 Claw                                                      | 3008C0D6 0?01 | 
| 20 Tail                                                      | 3008C0DA 0?01 | 
| 21 Foot                                                      | 3008C0DE 0?01 | 
|                                                              |               | 
| Special Attributes Modifier Codes                            |               | 
| 22 Horn                                                      | 3008C0D0 000? | 
| 23 Fang                                                      | 3008C0D4 000? | 
| 24 Claw                                                      | 3008C0D8 000? | 
| 25 Tail                                                      | 3008C0DC 000? | 
| 26 Foot                                                      | 3008C0E0 000? |
| 27 Have All Magic                                            | 8008C0E4 FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008C0E6 01FF |

                           M I N I O N  3  C O D E S 

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Max Exp                                                    | 8008C172 FFFF | 
| 2 Infinite HP (In Battle)                                    | 8008C174 03E7 | 
| 3 Max HP                                                     | 8008C174 03E7 |
|                                                              | 8008C176 03E7 | 
| 4 Infinite Mana (In Battle)                                  | 8008C178 03E7 | 
| 5 Max Mana                                                   | 8008C178 03E7 |
|                                                              | 8008C17A 03E7 | 
| 6 Max Attack                                                 | 3008C198 00FF |
| 7 Max Defense                                                | 3008C199 00FF |
| 8 Max Magic A.                                               | 3008C19A 00FF | 
| 9 Max Magic D.                                               | 3008C19B 00FF | 
| 10 Max Speed                                                 | 3008C19C 00FF | 
| 11 Have Fire Element                                         | 3008C1AA 0020 | 
| 12 Have Air Element                                          | 3008C1AB 0020 | 
| 13 Have Earth Element                                        | 3008C1AC 0020 | 
| 14 Have Wind Element                                         | 3008C1AD 0020 | 
| 15 Have All Element Usage                                    | 3008C1AE 000F |
| 16 Level 255                                                 | 3008C1B0 00FF | 
|                                                              |               |
| Special Feature Modifier Codes                               |               | 
| 17 Horn                                                      | 3008C1C6 0?01 | 
| 18 Fang                                                      | 3008C1CA 0?01 | 
| 19 Claw                                                      | 3008C1D0 0?01 | 
| 20 Tail                                                      | 3008C1D4 0?01 | 
| 21 Foot                                                      | 3008C1D8 0?01 | 
|                                                              |               | 
| Special Attributes Modifier Codes                            |               | 
| 22 Horn                                                      | 3008C1C8 000? | 
| 23 Fang                                                      | 3008C1CC 000? | 
| 24 Claw                                                      | 3008C1D2 000? | 
| 25 Tail                                                      | 3008C1D6 000? | 
| 26 Foot                                                      | 3008C1DA 000? | 
| 27 Have All Magic                                            | 8008C1DC FFFF |
|                                                              | 8008C1DE 01FF | 

                      A R M O R  M O D I F I E R  C O D E S 

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Slot 1                                                     | 3008B698 00?? | 
| 2 Slot 2                                                     | 3008B69A 00?? | 
| 3 Slot 3                                                     | 3008B69C 00?? | 
| 4 Slot 4                                                     | 3008B69E 00?? | 
| 5 Slot 5                                                     | 3008B6A0 00?? |
| 6 Slot 6                                                     | 3008B6A2 00?? | 
| 7 Slot 7                                                     | 3008B6A4 00?? | 
| 8 Slot 8                                                     | 3008B6A6 00?? | 
| 9 Slot 9                                                     | 3008B6A8 00?? | 
| 10 Slot 10                                                   | 3008B6AA 00?? | 
| 11 Slot 11                                                   | 3008B6AC 00?? | 
| 12 Slot 12                                                   | 3008B6AE 00?? | 
| 13 Slot 13                                                   | 3008B6B0 00?? | 
| 14 Slot 14                                                   | 3008B6B2 00?? | 
| 15 Slot 15                                                   | 3008B6B4 00?? | 
| 16 Slot 16                                                   | 3008B6B6 00?? | 
| 17 Slot 17                                                   | 3008B6B8 00?? | 
| 18 Slot 18                                                   | 3008B6BA 00?? | 
| 19 Slot 19                                                   | 3008B6BC 00?? | 
| 20 Slot 20                                                   | 3008B6BE 00?? | 
| 21 Slot 21                                                   | 3008B6C0 00?? | 
| 22 Slot 22                                                   | 3008B6C2 00?? | 
| 23 Slot 23                                                   | 3008B6C4 00?? | 
| 24 Slot 24                                                   | 3008B6C6 00?? | 
| 25 Slot 25                                                   | 3008B6C8 00?? | 
| 26 Slot 26                                                   | 3008B6CA 00?? | 
| 27 Slot 27                                                   | 3008B6CC 00?? | 
| 28 Slot 28                                                   | 3008B6CE 00?? |
| 29 Slot 29                                                   | 3008B6D0 00?? | 
| 30 Slot 30                                                   | 3008B6D2 00?? | 
| 31 Slot 31                                                   | 3008B6D4 00?? | 
| 32 Slot 32                                                   | 3008B6D6 00?? | 
| 33 Slot 33                                                   | 3008B6D8 00?? | 
| 34 Slot 34                                                   | 3008B6DA 00?? | 
| 35 Slot 35                                                   | 3008B6DC 00?? | 
| 36 Slot 36                                                   | 3008B6DE 00?? | 
| 37 Slot 37                                                   | 3008B6E0 00?? | 
| 38 Slot 38                                                   | 3008B6E2 00?? | 
| 39 Slot 39                                                   | 3008B6E4 00?? |
| 40 Slot 40                                                   | 3008B6E6 00?? | 
| 41 Slot 41                                                   | 3008B6E8 00?? |
| 42 Slot 42                                                   | 3008B6EA 00?? | 
| 43 Slot 43                                                   | 3008B6EC 00?? | 
| 44 Slot 44                                                   | 3008B6EE 00?? | 
| 45 Slot 45                                                   | 3008B6F0 00?? | 
| 46 Slot 46                                                   | 3008B6F2 00?? | 
| 47 Slot 47                                                   | 3008B6F4 00?? | 
| 48 Slot 48                                                   | 3008B6F6 00?? | 
| 49 Slot 49                                                   | 3008B6F8 00?? | 
| 50 Slot 50                                                   | 3008B6FA 00?? | 
| 51 Slot 51                                                   | 3008B6FC 00?? | 
| 52 Slot 52                                                   | 3008B6FE 00?? | 
| 53 Slot 53                                                   | 3008B700 00?? | 
| 54 Slot 54                                                   | 3008B702 00?? | 
| 55 Slot 55                                                   | 3008B704 00?? | 
| 56 Slot 56                                                   | 3008B706 00?? | 
| 57 Slot 57                                                   | 3008B708 00?? | 
| 58 Slot 58                                                   | 3008B70A 00?? | 
| 59 Slot 59                                                   | 3008B70C 00?? | 
| 60 Slot 60                                                   | 3008B70E 00?? | 
| 61 Slot 61                                                   | 3008B710 00?? | 
| 62 Slot 62                                                   | 3008B712 00?? | 
| 63 Slot 63                                                   | 3008B714 00?? | 
| 64 Slot 64                                                   | 3008B716 00?? | 

                      I T E M   M O D I F I E R  C O D E S 

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Slot 1                                                     | 3008B598 00?? | 
| 2 Slot 2                                                     | 3008B59A 00?? | 
| 3 Slot 3                                                     | 3008B59C 00?? | 
| 4 Slot 4                                                     | 3008B59E 00?? | 
| 5 Slot 5                                                     | 3008B5A0 00?? |
| 6 Slot 6                                                     | 3008B5A2 00?? | 
| 7 Slot 7                                                     | 3008B5A4 00?? | 
| 8 Slot 8                                                     | 3008B5A6 00?? | 
| 9 Slot 9                                                     | 3008B5A8 00?? | 
| 10 Slot 10                                                   | 3008B5AA 00?? | 
| 11 Slot 11                                                   | 3008B5AC 00?? | 
| 12 Slot 12                                                   | 3008B5AE 00?? | 
| 13 Slot 13                                                   | 3008B5B0 00?? | 
| 14 Slot 14                                                   | 3008B5B2 00?? | 
| 15 Slot 15                                                   | 3008B5B4 00?? | 
| 16 Slot 16                                                   | 3008B5B6 00?? | 
| 17 Slot 17                                                   | 3008B5B8 00?? | 
| 18 Slot 18                                                   | 3008B5BA 00?? | 
| 19 Slot 19                                                   | 3008B5BC 00?? | 
| 20 Slot 20                                                   | 3008B5BE 00?? | 
| 21 Slot 21                                                   | 3008B5C0 00?? | 
| 22 Slot 22                                                   | 3008B5C2 00?? | 
| 23 Slot 23                                                   | 3008B5C4 00?? | 
| 24 Slot 24                                                   | 3008B5C6 00?? | 
| 25 Slot 25                                                   | 3008B5C8 00?? | 
| 26 Slot 26                                                   | 3008B5CA 00?? | 
| 27 Slot 27                                                   | 3008B5CC 00?? | 
| 28 Slot 28                                                   | 3008B5CE 00?? |
| 29 Slot 29                                                   | 3008B5D0 00?? | 
| 30 Slot 30                                                   | 3008B5D2 00?? | 
| 31 Slot 31                                                   | 3008B5D4 00?? | 
| 32 Slot 32                                                   | 3008B5D6 00?? | 
| 33 Slot 33                                                   | 3008B5D8 00?? | 
| 34 Slot 34                                                   | 3008B5DA 00?? | 
| 35 Slot 35                                                   | 3008B5DC 00?? | 
| 36 Slot 36                                                   | 3008B5DE 00?? | 
| 37 Slot 37                                                   | 3008B5E0 00?? | 
| 38 Slot 38                                                   | 3008B5E2 00?? | 
| 39 Slot 39                                                   | 3008B5E4 00?? |
| 40 Slot 40                                                   | 3008B5E6 00?? | 
| 41 Slot 41                                                   | 3008B5E8 00?? |
| 42 Slot 42                                                   | 3008B5EA 00?? | 
| 43 Slot 43                                                   | 3008B5EC 00?? | 
| 44 Slot 44                                                   | 3008B5EE 00?? | 
| 45 Slot 45                                                   | 3008B5F0 00?? | 
| 46 Slot 46                                                   | 3008B5F2 00?? | 
| 47 Slot 47                                                   | 3008B5F4 00?? | 
| 48 Slot 48                                                   | 3008B5F6 00?? | 
| 49 Slot 49                                                   | 3008B5F8 00?? | 
| 50 Slot 50                                                   | 3008B5FA 00?? | 
| 51 Slot 51                                                   | 3008B5FC 00?? | 
| 52 Slot 52                                                   | 3008B5FE 00?? | 
| 53 Slot 53                                                   | 3008B600 00?? | 
| 54 Slot 54                                                   | 3008B602 00?? | 
| 55 Slot 55                                                   | 3008B604 00?? | 
| 56 Slot 56                                                   | 3008B606 00?? | 
| 57 Slot 57                                                   | 3008B608 00?? | 
| 58 Slot 58                                                   | 3008B60A 00?? | 
| 59 Slot 59                                                   | 3008B60C 00?? | 
| 60 Slot 60                                                   | 3008B60E 00?? | 
| 61 Slot 61                                                   | 3008B610 00?? | 
| 62 Slot 62                                                   | 3008B612 00?? | 
| 63 Slot 63                                                   | 3008B614 00?? | 
| 64 Slot 64                                                   | 3008B616 00?? | 

                       O T H E R  M O D I F I E R  C O D E S 

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Slot 1                                                     | 3008B718 00?? | 
| 2 Slot 2                                                     | 3008B71A 00?? | 
| 3 Slot 3                                                     | 3008B71A 00?? | 
| 4 Slot 4                                                     | 3008B71E 00?? | 
| 5 Slot 5                                                     | 3008B720 00?? |
| 6 Slot 6                                                     | 3008B722 00?? | 
| 7 Slot 7                                                     | 3008B724 00?? | 
| 8 Slot 8                                                     | 3008B726 00?? | 
| 9 Slot 9                                                     | 3008B728 00?? | 
| 10 Slot 10                                                   | 3008B72A 00?? | 
| 11 Slot 11                                                   | 3008B72C 00?? | 
| 12 Slot 12                                                   | 3008B72E 00?? | 
| 13 Slot 13                                                   | 3008B730 00?? | 
| 14 Slot 14                                                   | 3008B732 00?? | 
| 15 Slot 15                                                   | 3008B734 00?? | 
| 16 Slot 16                                                   | 3008B736 00?? | 
| 17 Slot 17                                                   | 3008B738 00?? | 
| 18 Slot 18                                                   | 3008B73A 00?? | 
| 19 Slot 19                                                   | 3008B73C 00?? | 
| 20 Slot 20                                                   | 3008B73E 00?? | 
| 21 Slot 21                                                   | 3008B740 00?? | 
| 22 Slot 22                                                   | 3008B742 00?? | 
| 23 Slot 23                                                   | 3008B744 00?? | 
| 24 Slot 24                                                   | 3008B746 00?? | 
| 25 Slot 25                                                   | 3008B748 00?? | 
| 26 Slot 26                                                   | 3008B74A 00?? | 
| 27 Slot 27                                                   | 3008B74C 00?? | 
| 28 Slot 28                                                   | 3008B74E 00?? |
| 29 Slot 29                                                   | 3008B750 00?? | 
| 30 Slot 30                                                   | 3008B752 00?? | 
| 31 Slot 31                                                   | 3008B754 00?? | 
| 32 Slot 32                                                   | 3008B756 00?? | 
| 33 Slot 33                                                   | 3008B758 00?? | 
| 34 Slot 34                                                   | 3008B75A 00?? | 
| 35 Slot 35                                                   | 3008B75C 00?? | 
| 36 Slot 36                                                   | 3008B75E 00?? | 
| 37 Slot 37                                                   | 3008B760 00?? | 
| 38 Slot 38                                                   | 3008B762 00?? | 
| 39 Slot 39                                                   | 3008B764 00?? |
| 40 Slot 40                                                   | 3008B766 00?? | 
| 41 Slot 41                                                   | 3008B768 00?? |
| 42 Slot 42                                                   | 3008B76A 00?? | 
| 43 Slot 43                                                   | 3008B76C 00?? | 
| 44 Slot 44                                                   | 3008B76E 00?? | 
| 45 Slot 45                                                   | 3008B770 00?? | 
| 46 Slot 46                                                   | 3008B772 00?? | 
| 47 Slot 47                                                   | 3008B774 00?? | 
| 48 Slot 48                                                   | 3008B776 00?? | 
| 49 Slot 49                                                   | 3008B778 00?? | 
| 50 Slot 50                                                   | 3008B77A 00?? | 
| 51 Slot 51                                                   | 3008B77C 00?? | 
| 52 Slot 52                                                   | 3008B77E 00?? | 
| 53 Slot 53                                                   | 3008B780 00?? | 
| 54 Slot 54                                                   | 3008B782 00?? | 
| 55 Slot 55                                                   | 3008B784 00?? | 
| 56 Slot 56                                                   | 3008B786 00?? | 
| 57 Slot 57                                                   | 3008B788 00?? | 
| 58 Slot 58                                                   | 3008B78A 00?? | 
| 59 Slot 59                                                   | 3008B78C 00?? | 
| 60 Slot 60                                                   | 3008B78E 00?? | 
| 61 Slot 61                                                   | 3008B790 00?? | 
| 62 Slot 62                                                   | 3008B792 00?? | 
| 63 Slot 63                                                   | 3008B794 00?? | 
| 64 Slot 64                                                   | 3008B796 00?? | 

                     W E A P O N  M O D I F I E R  C O D E S

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Slot 1                                                     | 3008B618 00?? | 
| 2 Slot 2                                                     | 3008B61A 00?? | 
| 3 Slot 3                                                     | 3008B61C 00?? | 
| 4 Slot 4                                                     | 3008B61E 00?? | 
| 5 Slot 5                                                     | 3008B620 00?? |
| 6 Slot 6                                                     | 3008B622 00?? | 
| 7 Slot 7                                                     | 3008B624 00?? | 
| 8 Slot 8                                                     | 3008B626 00?? | 
| 9 Slot 9                                                     | 3008B628 00?? | 
| 10 Slot 10                                                   | 3008B62A 00?? | 
| 11 Slot 11                                                   | 3008B62C 00?? | 
| 12 Slot 12                                                   | 3008B62E 00?? | 
| 13 Slot 13                                                   | 3008B630 00?? | 
| 14 Slot 14                                                   | 3008B632 00?? | 
| 15 Slot 15                                                   | 3008B634 00?? | 
| 16 Slot 16                                                   | 3008B636 00?? | 
| 17 Slot 17                                                   | 3008B638 00?? | 
| 18 Slot 18                                                   | 3008B63A 00?? | 
| 19 Slot 19                                                   | 3008B63C 00?? | 
| 20 Slot 20                                                   | 3008B63E 00?? | 
| 21 Slot 21                                                   | 3008B640 00?? | 
| 22 Slot 22                                                   | 3008B642 00?? | 
| 23 Slot 23                                                   | 3008B644 00?? | 
| 24 Slot 24                                                   | 3008B646 00?? | 
| 25 Slot 25                                                   | 3008B648 00?? | 
| 26 Slot 26                                                   | 3008B64A 00?? | 
| 27 Slot 27                                                   | 3008B64C 00?? | 
| 28 Slot 28                                                   | 3008B64E 00?? |
| 29 Slot 29                                                   | 3008B650 00?? | 
| 30 Slot 30                                                   | 3008B652 00?? | 
| 31 Slot 31                                                   | 3008B654 00?? | 
| 32 Slot 32                                                   | 3008B656 00?? | 
| 33 Slot 33                                                   | 3008B658 00?? | 
| 34 Slot 34                                                   | 3008B65A 00?? | 
| 35 Slot 35                                                   | 3008B65C 00?? | 
| 36 Slot 36                                                   | 3008B65E 00?? | 
| 37 Slot 37                                                   | 3008B660 00?? | 
| 38 Slot 38                                                   | 3008B662 00?? | 
| 39 Slot 39                                                   | 3008B664 00?? |
| 40 Slot 40                                                   | 3008B666 00?? | 
| 41 Slot 41                                                   | 3008B668 00?? |
| 42 Slot 42                                                   | 3008B66A 00?? | 
| 43 Slot 43                                                   | 3008B66C 00?? | 
| 44 Slot 44                                                   | 3008B66E 00?? | 
| 45 Slot 45                                                   | 3008B670 00?? | 
| 46 Slot 46                                                   | 3008B672 00?? | 
| 47 Slot 47                                                   | 3008B674 00?? | 
| 48 Slot 48                                                   | 3008B676 00?? | 
| 49 Slot 49                                                   | 3008B678 00?? | 
| 50 Slot 50                                                   | 3008B67A 00?? | 
| 51 Slot 51                                                   | 3008B67C 00?? | 
| 52 Slot 52                                                   | 3008B67E 00?? | 
| 53 Slot 53                                                   | 3008B680 00?? | 
| 54 Slot 54                                                   | 3008B682 00?? | 
| 55 Slot 55                                                   | 3008B684 00?? | 
| 56 Slot 56                                                   | 3008B686 00?? | 
| 57 Slot 57                                                   | 3008B688 00?? | 
| 58 Slot 58                                                   | 3008B68A 00?? | 
| 59 Slot 59                                                   | 3008B68C 00?? | 
| 60 Slot 60                                                   | 3008B68E 00?? | 
| 61 Slot 61                                                   | 3008B690 00?? | 
| 62 Slot 62                                                   | 3008B692 00?? | 
| 63 Slot 63                                                   | 3008B694 00?? | 
| 64 Slot 64                                                   | 3008B696 00?? | 

               M A X  A M O U N T  A R M O R  S L O T  C O D E S

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Slot 1                                                     | 3008B699 00FF | 
| 2 Slot 2                                                     | 3008B69B 00FF | 
| 3 Slot 3                                                     | 3008B69D 00FF | 
| 4 Slot 4                                                     | 3008B69F 00FF | 
| 5 Slot 5                                                     | 3008B6A1 00FF |
| 6 Slot 6                                                     | 3008B6A3 00FF | 
| 7 Slot 7                                                     | 3008B6A5 00FF | 
| 8 Slot 8                                                     | 3008B6A7 00FF | 
| 9 Slot 9                                                     | 3008B6A9 00FF | 
| 10 Slot 10                                                   | 3008B6AB 00FF | 
| 11 Slot 11                                                   | 3008B6AD 00FF | 
| 12 Slot 12                                                   | 3008B6AF 00FF | 
| 13 Slot 13                                                   | 3008B6B1 00FF | 
| 14 Slot 14                                                   | 3008B6B3 00FF | 
| 15 Slot 15                                                   | 3008B6B5 00FF | 
| 16 Slot 16                                                   | 3008B6B7 00FF | 
| 17 Slot 17                                                   | 3008B6B9 00FF | 
| 18 Slot 18                                                   | 3008B6BB 00FF | 
| 19 Slot 19                                                   | 3008B6BD 00FF | 
| 20 Slot 20                                                   | 3008B6BF 00FF | 
| 21 Slot 21                                                   | 3008B6C1 00FF | 
| 22 Slot 22                                                   | 3008B6C3 00FF | 
| 23 Slot 23                                                   | 3008B6C5 00FF | 
| 24 Slot 24                                                   | 3008B6C7 00FF | 
| 25 Slot 25                                                   | 3008B6C9 00FF | 
| 26 Slot 26                                                   | 3008B6CB 00FF | 
| 27 Slot 27                                                   | 3008B6CD 00FF | 
| 28 Slot 28                                                   | 3008B6CF 00FF |
| 29 Slot 29                                                   | 3008B6D1 00FF | 
| 30 Slot 30                                                   | 3008B6D3 00FF | 
| 31 Slot 31                                                   | 3008B6D5 00FF | 
| 32 Slot 32                                                   | 3008B6D7 00FF | 
| 33 Slot 33                                                   | 3008B6D9 00FF | 
| 34 Slot 34                                                   | 3008B6DB 00FF | 
| 35 Slot 35                                                   | 3008B6DD 00FF | 
| 36 Slot 36                                                   | 3008B6DF 00FF | 
| 37 Slot 37                                                   | 3008B6E1 00FF | 
| 38 Slot 38                                                   | 3008B6E3 00FF | 
| 39 Slot 39                                                   | 3008B6E5 00FF |
| 40 Slot 40                                                   | 3008B6E7 00FF | 
| 41 Slot 41                                                   | 3008B6E9 00FF |
| 42 Slot 42                                                   | 3008B6EB 00FF | 
| 43 Slot 43                                                   | 3008B6ED 00FF | 
| 44 Slot 44                                                   | 3008B6EF 00FF | 
| 45 Slot 45                                                   | 3008B6F1 00FF | 
| 46 Slot 46                                                   | 3008B6F3 00FF | 
| 47 Slot 47                                                   | 3008B6F5 00FF | 
| 48 Slot 48                                                   | 3008B6F7 00FF | 
| 49 Slot 49                                                   | 3008B6F9 00FF | 
| 50 Slot 50                                                   | 3008B6FB 00FF | 
| 51 Slot 51                                                   | 3008B6FD 00FF | 
| 52 Slot 52                                                   | 3008B6FF 00FF | 
| 53 Slot 53                                                   | 3008B701 00FF | 
| 54 Slot 54                                                   | 3008B703 00FF | 
| 55 Slot 55                                                   | 3008B705 00FF | 
| 56 Slot 56                                                   | 3008B707 00FF | 
| 57 Slot 57                                                   | 3008B709 00FF | 
| 58 Slot 58                                                   | 3008B70B 00FF | 
| 59 Slot 59                                                   | 3008B70D 00FF | 
| 60 Slot 60                                                   | 3008B70F 00FF | 
| 61 Slot 61                                                   | 3008B711 00FF | 
| 62 Slot 62                                                   | 3008B713 00FF | 
| 63 Slot 63                                                   | 3008B715 00FF | 
| 64 Slot 64                                                   | 3008B717 00FF | 

                  M A X  A M O U N T  I T E M  S L O T  C O D E S

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Slot 1                                                     | 3008B599 00FF | 
| 2 Slot 2                                                     | 3008B59B 00FF | 
| 3 Slot 3                                                     | 3008B59D 00FF | 
| 4 Slot 4                                                     | 3008B59F 00FF | 
| 5 Slot 5                                                     | 3008B5A1 00FF |
| 6 Slot 6                                                     | 3008B5A3 00FF | 
| 7 Slot 7                                                     | 3008B5A5 00FF | 
| 8 Slot 8                                                     | 3008B5A7 00FF | 
| 9 Slot 9                                                     | 3008B5A9 00FF | 
| 10 Slot 10                                                   | 3008B5AB 00FF | 
| 11 Slot 11                                                   | 3008B5AD 00FF | 
| 12 Slot 12                                                   | 3008B5AF 00FF | 
| 13 Slot 13                                                   | 3008B5B1 00FF | 
| 14 Slot 14                                                   | 3008B5B3 00FF | 
| 15 Slot 15                                                   | 3008B5B5 00FF | 
| 16 Slot 16                                                   | 3008B5B7 00FF | 
| 17 Slot 17                                                   | 3008B5B9 00FF | 
| 18 Slot 18                                                   | 3008B5BB 00FF | 
| 19 Slot 19                                                   | 3008B5BD 00FF | 
| 20 Slot 20                                                   | 3008B5BF 00FF | 
| 21 Slot 21                                                   | 3008B5C1 00FF | 
| 22 Slot 22                                                   | 3008B5C3 00FF | 
| 23 Slot 23                                                   | 3008B5C5 00FF | 
| 24 Slot 24                                                   | 3008B5C7 00FF | 
| 25 Slot 25                                                   | 3008B5C9 00FF | 
| 26 Slot 26                                                   | 3008B5CB 00FF | 
| 27 Slot 27                                                   | 3008B5CD 00FF | 
| 28 Slot 28                                                   | 3008B5CF 00FF |
| 29 Slot 29                                                   | 3008B5D1 00FF | 
| 30 Slot 30                                                   | 3008B5D3 00FF | 
| 31 Slot 31                                                   | 3008B5D5 00FF | 
| 32 Slot 32                                                   | 3008B5D7 00FF | 
| 33 Slot 33                                                   | 3008B5D9 00FF | 
| 34 Slot 34                                                   | 3008B5DB 00FF | 
| 35 Slot 35                                                   | 3008B5DD 00FF | 
| 36 Slot 36                                                   | 3008B5DF 00FF | 
| 37 Slot 37                                                   | 3008B5E1 00FF | 
| 38 Slot 38                                                   | 3008B5E3 00FF | 
| 39 Slot 39                                                   | 3008B5E5 00FF |
| 40 Slot 40                                                   | 3008B5E7 00FF | 
| 41 Slot 41                                                   | 3008B5E9 00FF |
| 42 Slot 42                                                   | 3008B5EB 00FF | 
| 43 Slot 43                                                   | 3008B5ED 00FF | 
| 44 Slot 44                                                   | 3008B5EF 00FF | 
| 45 Slot 45                                                   | 3008B5F1 00FF | 
| 46 Slot 46                                                   | 3008B5F3 00FF | 
| 47 Slot 47                                                   | 3008B5F5 00FF | 
| 48 Slot 48                                                   | 3008B5F7 00FF | 
| 49 Slot 49                                                   | 3008B5F9 00FF | 
| 50 Slot 50                                                   | 3008B5FB 00FF | 
| 51 Slot 51                                                   | 3008B5FD 00FF | 
| 52 Slot 52                                                   | 3008B5FF 00FF | 
| 53 Slot 53                                                   | 3008B601 00FF | 
| 54 Slot 54                                                   | 3008B603 00FF | 
| 55 Slot 55                                                   | 3008B605 00FF | 
| 56 Slot 56                                                   | 3008B607 00FF | 
| 57 Slot 57                                                   | 3008B609 00FF | 
| 58 Slot 58                                                   | 3008B60B 00FF | 
| 59 Slot 59                                                   | 3008B60D 00FF | 
| 60 Slot 60                                                   | 3008B60F 00FF | 
| 61 Slot 61                                                   | 3008B611 00FF | 
| 62 Slot 62                                                   | 3008B613 00FF | 
| 63 Slot 63                                                   | 3008B615 00FF | 
| 64 Slot 64                                                   | 3008B617 00FF | 

                M A X  A M O U N T  O T H E R  S L O T  C O D E S

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Slot 1                                                     | 3008B719 00FF | 
| 2 Slot 2                                                     | 3008B71B 00FF | 
| 3 Slot 3                                                     | 3008B71D 00FF | 
| 4 Slot 4                                                     | 3008B71F 00FF | 
| 5 Slot 5                                                     | 3008B721 00FF |
| 6 Slot 6                                                     | 3008B723 00FF | 
| 7 Slot 7                                                     | 3008B725 00FF | 
| 8 Slot 8                                                     | 3008B727 00FF | 
| 9 Slot 9                                                     | 3008B729 00FF | 
| 10 Slot 10                                                   | 3008B72B 00FF | 
| 11 Slot 11                                                   | 3008B72D 00FF | 
| 12 Slot 12                                                   | 3008B72F 00FF | 
| 13 Slot 13                                                   | 3008B731 00FF | 
| 14 Slot 14                                                   | 3008B733 00FF | 
| 15 Slot 15                                                   | 3008B735 00FF | 
| 16 Slot 16                                                   | 3008B737 00FF | 
| 17 Slot 17                                                   | 3008B739 00FF | 
| 18 Slot 18                                                   | 3008B73B 00FF | 
| 19 Slot 19                                                   | 3008B73D 00FF | 
| 20 Slot 20                                                   | 3008B73F 00FF | 
| 21 Slot 21                                                   | 3008B741 00FF | 
| 22 Slot 22                                                   | 3008B743 00FF | 
| 23 Slot 23                                                   | 3008B745 00FF | 
| 24 Slot 24                                                   | 3008B747 00FF | 
| 25 Slot 25                                                   | 3008B749 00FF | 
| 26 Slot 26                                                   | 3008B74B 00FF | 
| 27 Slot 27                                                   | 3008B74D 00FF | 
| 28 Slot 28                                                   | 3008B74F 00FF |
| 29 Slot 29                                                   | 3008B751 00FF | 
| 30 Slot 30                                                   | 3008B753 00FF | 
| 31 Slot 31                                                   | 3008B755 00FF | 
| 32 Slot 32                                                   | 3008B757 00FF | 
| 33 Slot 33                                                   | 3008B759 00FF | 
| 34 Slot 34                                                   | 3008B75B 00FF | 
| 35 Slot 35                                                   | 3008B75D 00FF | 
| 36 Slot 36                                                   | 3008B75F 00FF | 
| 37 Slot 37                                                   | 3008B761 00FF | 
| 38 Slot 38                                                   | 3008B763 00FF | 
| 39 Slot 39                                                   | 3008B765 00FF |
| 40 Slot 40                                                   | 3008B767 00FF | 
| 41 Slot 41                                                   | 3008B769 00FF |
| 42 Slot 42                                                   | 3008B76B 00FF | 
| 43 Slot 43                                                   | 3008B76D 00FF | 
| 44 Slot 44                                                   | 3008B76F 00FF | 
| 45 Slot 45                                                   | 3008B771 00FF | 
| 46 Slot 46                                                   | 3008B773 00FF | 
| 47 Slot 47                                                   | 3008B775 00FF | 
| 48 Slot 48                                                   | 3008B777 00FF | 
| 49 Slot 49                                                   | 3008B779 00FF | 
| 50 Slot 50                                                   | 3008B77B 00FF | 
| 51 Slot 51                                                   | 3008B77D 00FF | 
| 52 Slot 52                                                   | 3008B77F 00FF | 
| 53 Slot 53                                                   | 3008B781 00FF | 
| 54 Slot 54                                                   | 3008B783 00FF | 
| 55 Slot 55                                                   | 3008B785 00FF | 
| 56 Slot 56                                                   | 3008B787 00FF | 
| 57 Slot 57                                                   | 3008B789 00FF | 
| 58 Slot 58                                                   | 3008B78B 00FF | 
| 59 Slot 59                                                   | 3008B78D 00FF | 
| 60 Slot 60                                                   | 3008B78F 00FF | 
| 61 Slot 61                                                   | 3008B791 00FF | 
| 62 Slot 62                                                   | 3008B793 00FF | 
| 63 Slot 63                                                   | 3008B795 00FF | 
| 64 Slot 64                                                   | 3008B797 00FF | 

              M A X  A M O U N T  W E A P O N  S L O T  C O D E S

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Slot 1                                                     | 3008B619 00FF | 
| 2 Slot 2                                                     | 3008B61B 00FF | 
| 3 Slot 3                                                     | 3008B61D 00FF | 
| 4 Slot 4                                                     | 3008B61F 00FF | 
| 5 Slot 5                                                     | 3008B621 00FF |
| 6 Slot 6                                                     | 3008B623 00FF | 
| 7 Slot 7                                                     | 3008B625 00FF | 
| 8 Slot 8                                                     | 3008B627 00FF | 
| 9 Slot 9                                                     | 3008B629 00FF | 
| 10 Slot 10                                                   | 3008B62B 00FF | 
| 11 Slot 11                                                   | 3008B62D 00FF | 
| 12 Slot 12                                                   | 3008B62F 00FF | 
| 13 Slot 13                                                   | 3008B631 00FF | 
| 14 Slot 14                                                   | 3008B633 00FF | 
| 15 Slot 15                                                   | 3008B635 00FF | 
| 16 Slot 16                                                   | 3008B637 00FF | 
| 17 Slot 17                                                   | 3008B639 00FF | 
| 18 Slot 18                                                   | 3008B63B 00FF | 
| 19 Slot 19                                                   | 3008B63D 00FF | 
| 20 Slot 20                                                   | 3008B63F 00FF | 
| 21 Slot 21                                                   | 3008B641 00FF | 
| 22 Slot 22                                                   | 3008B643 00FF | 
| 23 Slot 23                                                   | 3008B645 00FF | 
| 24 Slot 24                                                   | 3008B647 00FF | 
| 25 Slot 25                                                   | 3008B649 00FF | 
| 26 Slot 26                                                   | 3008B64B 00FF | 
| 27 Slot 27                                                   | 3008B64D 00FF | 
| 28 Slot 28                                                   | 3008B64F 00FF |
| 29 Slot 29                                                   | 3008B651 00FF | 
| 30 Slot 30                                                   | 3008B653 00FF | 
| 31 Slot 31                                                   | 3008B655 00FF | 
| 32 Slot 32                                                   | 3008B657 00FF | 
| 33 Slot 33                                                   | 3008B659 00FF | 
| 34 Slot 34                                                   | 3008B65B 00FF | 
| 35 Slot 35                                                   | 3008B65D 00FF | 
| 36 Slot 36                                                   | 3008B65F 00FF | 
| 37 Slot 37                                                   | 3008B661 00FF | 
| 38 Slot 38                                                   | 3008B663 00FF | 
| 39 Slot 39                                                   | 3008B665 00FF |
| 40 Slot 40                                                   | 3008B667 00FF | 
| 41 Slot 41                                                   | 3008B669 00FF |
| 42 Slot 42                                                   | 3008B66B 00FF | 
| 43 Slot 43                                                   | 3008B66D 00FF | 
| 44 Slot 44                                                   | 3008B66F 00FF | 
| 45 Slot 45                                                   | 3008B671 00FF | 
| 46 Slot 46                                                   | 3008B673 00FF | 
| 47 Slot 47                                                   | 3008B675 00FF | 
| 48 Slot 48                                                   | 3008B677 00FF | 
| 49 Slot 49                                                   | 3008B679 00FF | 
| 50 Slot 50                                                   | 3008B67B 00FF | 
| 51 Slot 51                                                   | 3008B67D 00FF | 
| 52 Slot 52                                                   | 3008B67F 00FF | 
| 53 Slot 53                                                   | 3008B681 00FF | 
| 54 Slot 54                                                   | 3008B683 00FF | 
| 55 Slot 55                                                   | 3008B685 00FF | 
| 56 Slot 56                                                   | 3008B687 00FF | 
| 57 Slot 57                                                   | 3008B689 00FF | 
| 58 Slot 58                                                   | 3008B68B 00FF | 
| 59 Slot 59                                                   | 3008B68D 00FF | 
| 60 Slot 60                                                   | 3008B68F 00FF | 
| 61 Slot 61                                                   | 3008B691 00FF | 
| 62 Slot 62                                                   | 3008B693 00FF | 
| 63 Slot 63                                                   | 3008B695 00FF | 
| 64 Slot 64                                                   | 3008B697 00FF | 

                              M I S C  C O D E S

|                                                              |               |
| 1 Infinite Usage All Items                                   | 800AD22A 2400 | 
| 2 Max Yan                                                    | 8008B594 967F |
|                                                              | 8008B596 0098 | 
| 3 Infinite Yan                                               | 8008B594 FFFF | 
| 4 Enemies Have 1 HP 1st Position                             | 800B1314 0001 | 
| 5 Enemies Have 1 HP 2nd Position                             | 800B139C 0001 | 
| 6 Enemies Have 1 HP 3rd Position                             | 800B1424 0001 | 
| 7 Start With All Minion Skins                                | 8008B798 0300 |
|                                                              | 8008B79A 0301 |
|                                                              | 8008B79C 0302 |
|                                                              | 8008B79E 0303 |
|                                                              | 8008B7A0 0304 |
|                                                              | 8008B7A2 0305 |
|                                                              | 8008B7A4 0306 |
|                                                              | 8008B7A6 0307 | 
| 8 Enemy Level Modifier 1st Position                          | 800B1350 00?? | 
| 9 Enemy Level Modifier 2nd Position                          | 800B13D8 00?? | 
| 10 Enemy Level Modifier 3rd Position                         | 800B1460 00?? |

                   W E A P O N  M O D I F I E R  D I G I T S
|                                                                              |
| Quantity Digits to Accompany Weapon Modifier Codes                           |
|                                                                              |
| 00 - Knife                                                                   |
| 01 - Dagger                                                                  |
| 02 - Aquazor                                                                 |
| 03 - Bronze Sword                                                            |
| 04 - Sword of Speed                                                          |
| 05 - Iron Sword                                                              |
| 06 - Iron Axe                                                                |
| 07 - Life Stealer                                                            |
| 08 - White Horn                                                              |
| 09 - Little Bird                                                             |
| 0A - Whistler                                                                |
| 0B - Nightglow                                                               |
| 0C - Blue Phantom                                                            |
| 0D - Thunderbolt                                                             |
| 0E - Tsunami                                                                 |
| 0F - Spring Blossom                                                          |
| 10 - Dragoncrest                                                             |
| 11 - Cloudcover                                                              |
| 12 - Palemoon                                                                |
| 13 - Reaper                                                                  |
| 14 - Drainer                                                                 |
| 15 - Autumn Moon                                                             |
| 16 - Icicle                                                                  |

                     A R M O R  M O D I F I E R  D I G I T S

|                                                                              |
| Quantity Digits to Acccompany Armor Modifier Codes                           |
|                                                                              |
| 00 - Hunter's Vest                                                           |
| 01 - Leather Vest                                                            |
| 02 - Chain Mail Vest                                                         |
| 03 - Wire Vest                                                               |
| 04 - Plate Mail Vest                                                         |
| 05 - Reflecting Vest                                                         |
| 06 - Silver Vest                                                             |
| 07 - Divine Vest                                                             |
| 08 - Riketz' Garb                                                            |
| 09 - Nagi Garb                                                               |
| 0A - Bloody Garb                                                             |
| 0B - Navy Blue Garb                                                          |
| 0C - Forest Garb                                                             |
| 0D - Divine Garb 1                                                           |
| 0E - Divine Garb 2                                                           |

                    O T H E R  M O D I F I E R  D I G I T S

|                                                                              |
| Quantity Digits to Accompany Other Modifier Codes                            |
|                                                                              | 
| 00 - Leather Headband                                                        |
| 01 - Iron Headband                                                           |
| 02 - Silver Headband                                                         |
| 03 - Blue Bead                                                               |
| 04 - Green Bead                                                              |
| 05 - Yellow Bead                                                             |
| 06 - Red Bead                                                                |
| 07 - Sparrow Ruff                                                            |
| 08 - Iron Bracelet                                                           |
| 09 - Silver Crown                                                            |
| 0A - Holly Ruff                                                              |
| 0B - Hawk Ruff                                                               |
| 0C - Poison Choker                                                           |
| 0D - Sleep Choker                                                            |
| 0E - Stone Choker                                                            |
| 0F - Super Choker                                                            |
| 10 - Nagi Belt                                                               | 

                      I T E M  M O D I F I E R  D I G I T S

|                                                                              |
| Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Codes                             |
|                                                                              |
| 00 - Mugwort                                                                 |
| 01 - Meta-Mugwort                                                            |
| 02 - Bitter Mugwort                                                          |
| 03 - Great Walnut                                                            |
| 04 - Cheatnut Oil                                                            |
| 05 - Shishiudo Oil                                                           |
| 06 - Kukumira Oil                                                            |
| 07 - Bletilla Oil                                                            |
| 08 - Ichishi Oil                                                             |
| 09 - Shab Liquor                                                             |
| 0A - Fine Liquor                                                             |
| 0B - Excellent Liquor                                                        |
| 0C - Special Liquor                                                          |
| 0D - Tendai Uyaku                                                            |
| 0E - Valerian Powder                                                         |
| 0F - Ikari Powder                                                            |
| 10 - Ring of Venom                                                           |
| 11 - Ring of Sleep                                                           |
| 12 - Ring of Stoning                                                         |
| 13 - Ring of Death                                                           |
| 14 - Mirror of Deva                                                          |
| 15 - Urvy's Blessing                                                         |
| 16 - Vary's Blessing                                                         |
| 17 - Agni's Blessing                                                         |
| 18 - Malty's Blessing                                                        |
| 19 - Urvy's Seal 1                                                           |
| 1A - Urvy's Seal 2                                                           |
| 1B - Vary's Seal 1                                                           |
| 1C - Vary's Seal 2                                                           |
| 1D - Agni's Seal 1                                                           |
| 1E - Agni's Seal 2                                                           |
| 1F - Malty's Seal 1                                                          |
| 20 - Malty's Seal 2                                                          |
| 21 - Cloud Silk                                                              |
| 22 - Thunder Silk                                                            |
| 23 - Lily Silk                                                               |
| 24 - Pearl Silk                                                              |
| 25 - First Snow Silk                                                         |
| 26 - Angelwing Silk                                                          |
| 27 - Moonlight Silk                                                          |
| 28 - Skeleton Key                                                            |
| 29 - Sleep Spores                                                            |
| 2A - Attract Spores                                                          |

         S P E C I A L  F E A T U R E  M O D I F I E R  D I G I T S

|                                                                              |
| Quantity Digits to Accompany Special Feature Modifier Codes                  |
|                                                                              | 
| 00 - Nothing                                                                 |
| 01 - Nothing                                                                 |
| 02 - Earth Attack                                                            |
| 03 - Water Attack                                                            |
| 04 - Fire Attack                                                             |
| 05 - Wind Attack                                                             |
| 06 - Poison                                                                  |
| 07 - Sleep                                                                   |
| 08 - Flesh to Stone                                                          |
| 09 - Destroy Mana                                                            |
| 0A - Aborb HP                                                                |
| 0B - Aborb Mana                                                              |
| 0C - All Enemies                                                             |
| 0D - Critical                                                                |
| 0E - Break Legs                                                              |
| 0F - Rend Wings                                                              |

        S P E C I A L  A T T R I B U T E S  M O D I F I E R  D I G I T S

|                                                                             |
| Quantity Digits to Accompany Special Attributes Modifier Codes              |
|                                                                             | 
| 00 - Nothing                                                                |
| 01 - Nothing                                                                |
| 02 - +Power                                                                 |
| 03 - +Accuracy                                                              |
| 04 - +Critical                                                              | 

08.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

1. GOD for everything
2. My family and my dogs
3. Game FAQs for publishing my faqs
4. Cheat Code Central for allowing me to use their GameShark Codes. Thanks Dave.
5. My computer
6. Those of you who sent me your compliments, thanks man
7. You for reading my FAQ

09.  L I S T  O F  T H E  D A M N E D

This list now contain two suckers.  I still hope that this list isn't growing so

1. Today,  I went to a game-shop,  and guess what?  I found that  my Dino Crisis
   walkthrough  has been published  without  my  permission.  That  sucker  only
   translate my walkthrough in Indonesian language and sell it for Rp. 12.500,-.
   That bastard  translate it words by words.  It’s title is GAME GUIDE Volume :
   9. And it has this statement on the back cover : “Anggota IKAPI 106/JBA/10-08
   -99”. Some of my friends told me that it was made in Bandung by VEGA(the same
   store  that sell it). The  previous volume  of that magazine  is also ripping
   someone else's faq(especially from GameFAQs)and translate it into Indonesian.
   And I got some words for anyone that responsible for this :
   happen  to read my walkthrough prepare to be scared. I mean  VERY SCARED (No,
   don’t worry, I won’t take your pitiful soul from your brainless body,  I only
   make sure that you will  suffer till the rest of your life).
   And for you, dear readers, if you know anything,  anything about this asshole
   -person, please let me know about that. I will apreciate any infos about this
   animal.  His address, telephone, faxs, or e-mail.  I will  greatly appreciate
   Ah,  hah.  Finally I got that bastard's e-mail address : vdirect@bdg.centrin. So please send all your curse words and condemn to that motherfucker.

2. This magazine called Game Station and also made in Bandung. Well, he actually
   didn't stole my walkthrough, but he stole my friend's walkthrough. So I think
   this bastard  is  worth enough  to enter my list.  OK, here's the stat : Game
   Station, October 1999, third week, volume 21, Rp. 3.500,-. It's address is on
   Jl. Pungkur 155 Lt. 2, Bandung 40251. And, the best part is I know its e-mail
   address :  And  this  magazine is also have some
   connection  to  VEGA  (the one that plagiarized my walkthrough).  So,  if you
   concern about this plagiarism problem, you know where to send your e-mail.

10.  I M P O R T A N T  N O T E

Hey,  faq-makers, you should read this section.  I just receive an e-mail and he
told me that  he has asking everybody  who made a walkthrough (including myself)
and  I'm the  ONLY  one that answered.  Have you all forgot the manner that your
father and mother taught you when you were kids? If someone asking for your help
and you can help him, then do so. If you don't want people to send you an e-mail
then said so  on your faq.  Don't let people disappointed.  I also have the same
experience.  I asked someone  and he didn't answered me.  I don't know if he's a
busy man or not,  but he didn't answered me. I'm very disappointed. Just because
you have made a great faq,  and a lot of people e-mail you,  it don't make you a
great man. What makes you a great man is your attitude.

And for myself, I guarantee that  I will answer  your questions, even if I can't
answer it.  And  if I haven't  answered your mail within a week , please mail me
back, because maybe I don't read your faq, or something like that.

11.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

For those of you who want to send comments,  questions, or information regarding
this FAQ, send them to :

Feel free  to e-mail me  about any mistakes  or  additions  concerning this FAQ,
but don't forget to mention "Jade Cocoon" in the "Subject" field.

My CD is still broken. So don't  e-mail  me about the Spider Forest and the rest
of the game.

Thanks  for  reading  my  FAQ  and  please send in any comments,  questions, or

This document copyright (c) 1999 Stinger 3:16


As you can imagine, writing a quality guide for any game takes dedication and many hours of hard work. If you have found the Jade Cocoon walkthrough helpful, please complete the form below and we will send the author a short message of thanks on your behalf (we will also email you a copy of the letter for your records):

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