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Mission Impossible - Possible Mode
Written By: Stinger 3:16

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Date: Sat, 01 January 2000 03:16:00

                      __  __  __  ______  ______  __  ______  _    _
                     /  \/  \/  \/      \/      \/  \/      \/ \  / \
                    /       /   /    ___/    ___/   /       /   \/  /   _
                   /       /   /\   \   \   \  /   /       /       /   /_/
                  /       /   /__\   \___\   \/   /       /       /   _
                 /       /   /       /       /   /       /  /\   /   /_/
                 \_/\/\_/\__/\______/\______/\__/\______/\_/  \_/

         __  __  __  ______  ______  ______  ______  __  ______  __      ______
        /  \/  \/  \/      \/      \/      \/      \/  \/      \/  \    /      \
       /   /       /       /       /    ___/    ___/   /       /   /   /     __/
      /   /       /       /       /\   \   \   \  /   /     __/   /   /      \
     /   /       /   ___ /       /__\   \___\   \/   /      \/   /_  /     __/
    /   /       /   /   /       /       /       /   /       /      \/      \
    \__/\_/\/\_/\__/    \______/\______/\______/\__/\______/\______/\______/


                              for Sony Playstation
                                by Stinger 3:16

This  FAQ  is  for  private  and  personal  use.  It  can  only  be   reproduced
electronically,  and if placed on a web page or site,  may be altered as long as
this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and in full.  This FAQ
is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes, etc. Please do not use
this FAQ on your website without asking my permission first. And don't take some
part or whole part of this walkthrough  and  put your names on it.  I don't made
this walkthrough for some damn plagiarist  put their names on it. I work hard on
making this walkthrough, so please don't rip-off my work.
Mission Impossible is (c) Infogrames and (c) Sony Entertainment.

T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S

01.  R E V I S I O N  H I S T O R Y

02.  I N T R O D U C T I O N

03.  B A S I C  M O V E S

04.  W A L K T H R O U G H  :  I C E  H I T

05.  W A L K T H R O U G H  :  R E C O V E R  N O C  L I S T

06.  W A L K T H R O U G H  :  C I A  E S C A P E

07.  W A L K T H R O U G H  :  M O L E  H U N T

08.  W A L K T H R O U G H  :  I C E  S T O R M

09.  P A S S W O R D S

10.  A C T I O N  R E P L A Y  C O D E S

11.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

12.  L I S T  O F  T H E  D A M N E D

13.  I M P O R T A N T  N O T E

14.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

01.  R E V I S I O N  H I S T O R Y

VERSION 0.1 (01 January 2000)
First release. Contain most of this walkthrough.

02.  I N T R O D U C T I O N

This walkthrough is for all the mission on Possible difficulty.

03.  B A S I C  M O V E S

  Up           Move up
  Down         Move down
  Right        Move right
  Left         Move left
  X            Jump
  Square       Punch/Shoot
  Circle       Crouch
  Triangle     Select weapon
  R1           View left
  R2           Aim
  L1           View right
  L2           Change view
  Start        Open menu

04.  W A L K T H R O U G H  :  I C E  H I T


Arriving at the canal,  you should land unoticed. Clutter will take the long way
around to join you near the tunnel entrance and Dowey will take the raft back to
the rendez-vous point for your getaway.
Your main problem  will be to get to the subpen on the other side of a very long
and well-guarded tunnel.
Using your facemaker  you should be able  to take on  someone's identity  and it
would help  if you found someone important.  Perhaps you could find a way to get
someone to run an errand for you and hitch a ride.  Don't forget to take Clutter
with you, as you'll need him to complete the mission.
Oh yes, the facemaker won't work outside in this extreme cold.

Ethan Hunt   : One of IMF's most reliable agents.  Highest  success rate  in the
               agency. Numerous skills make him first choice for any mission.
Jim Phelps   : Leader of IMF team.  Stationed  in a submarine positioned off the
               coast. Will follow all operations by means of satellite video and
               be in constant radio contact with the team.
Andrew Dowey : Ex-marine colonel,  one of the finest triggers  in the agency. An
               inestimable  ally  for  his electronic skills  and  knowledge  of
               alarm systems.
John Clutter : Professional   mountain  climber  and  cold  weather  enthusiast.
               Specialized  in  radio systems  and  explosives.  Participated in
               the successful Arctic Shield Mission in the North Pole.

Change identity
Find excuse for errand
Get to subpen with Clutter

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication  device  that  doubles as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
Field Scanner : A  small  wrist-wielded  scanning device,  can  pinpoint people,
                locations  or  objects   tagged  with  a  special  CIA  "homing"
7.65 Silenced : Very silent,  very deadly. No IMF agent would risk death without
Face Maker    : The  most  useful  IMF  gadget  of  all.  Foam  cartridges  will
                reproduce any face with 100% accuracy.  Time and temperature can
                affect  the duration  of the mask.  A lot of laughs  at  Langley
                Alumni reunion dinners.

From your starting point,  jump  to the other side  through the boxes.  When you
have arrived at the other side, go to the house. Open the door, and a scene will
occur.  After the talking scene,  quickly punch that guy. After he fall then use
your facemaker. When you have disguised yourself, don't forget to hide your gun.
Then take the letter  near the computer.  Go to the truck and give the letter to
the guard there. After the talk, meet Clutter near the truck, then jump into the
truck.  Clutter will follow you  and both of you will jump into the truck to the

                   |             |
                   |   _         |
                   |  | |        |
                   |  |_|->TRUCK |
           ________|             |_____________________________________________
          |   __________         |      _____      _____      |                |
          |  |          |        |     |     |    |     |     |                |
          |  | BUILDING |        |     |     |    |     |     |                |
          |  |__________|        |     |     |    |     |     |                |
          |   __________         |     |     |    |     |     |                |
          |  |          |        |     |_____|    |_____|     |                |
          |  | BUILDING |        |                            |________________|
          |  |__________|        |                                  | | | |    |
 _________|                      |                                  |_|_|_|    |
|                                |                                             |
|       ____________                                                           |
|      |            |                                                          |
|      |            |            |           _________                         |
|      | P O W E R               |          |         |                        |
|      | P L A N T  |            |          |  HOUSE  |                        |
|      |            |            |          |_________|                        |
|      |____________|            |_____________________________________________|
|                                                      |                  |BOX |
|                                                      | STARTING POINT   |____|
|                                                      |                       |


You are  arriving  in the submarine pen  area.  Watch out,  as security has been
geared up  because  they are proceeding  to load the missiles  into the sub. You
will have to find one of the magnetic mines they have stocked somewhere and give
it to Clutter so that he can place it on the sub.
Once in place  you'd better get out quick, as once the sub blows they will be on
the lookout for the saboteurs.
Dowey will be waiting  with the raft  by the waterfront  to secure your getaway.
Be careful, Ethan. I'd like to see you back in one piece!

Ethan Hunt   : One of IMF's most reliable agents.  Highest  success rate  in the
               agency. Numerous skills make him first choice for any mission.
Jim Phelps   : Leader of IMF team.  Stationed  in a submarine positioned off the
               coast. Will follow all operations by means of satellite video and
               be in constant radio contact with the team.
Andrew Dowey : Ex-marine colonel,  one of the finest triggers  in the agency. An
               inestimable  ally  for  his electronic skills  and  knowledge  of
               alarm systems.
John Clutter : Professional   mountain  climber  and  cold  weather  enthusiast.
               Specialized  in  radio systems  and  explosives.  Participated in
               the successful Arctic Shield Mission in the North Pole.

Find magnetic mines
Give mine to Clutter
Sabotage the gunboat
Join Dowey for getaway

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication  device  that  doubles as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
Field Scanner : A  small  wrist-wielded  scanning device,  can  pinpoint people,
                locations  or  objects   tagged  with  a  special  CIA  "homing"
Magnetic Mine : Diabolic  piece of hardware.  Used mainly on metal-plated marine
                vessels. Exists  with  preset timer  and  adjustable timer.  The
                preset timer model is very unreliable.
7.65 Silenced : Very silent,  very deadly. No IMF agent would risk death without

From your starting point, go to the warehouse where the Magnetic Mines are. Just
follow the right wall until you see the warehouse.  Enter the warehouse.  Inside
the warehouse,  follow the path and in the end,  take the magnetic mines.  After
you take the magnetic mines,  go outside and give the magnetic mines to Clutter.
Then go to the gunboat.  Descend the ladder  and  set the magnetic mines  on the
boat.  Now  you must escape from the subpen.  Go to where Dowey waiting for you.
Descend the ladder.

                           _____   _____   _____
                          |     | |     | |     |  __
                          |     | |     | |     | |  |
                  _____   |     | | SUB | |     | |  |--> GUNBOAT
        DOWEY <--|     |  |     | |     | |     | |__|
                 |_____|  |     | |_____| |     |
               ___________|     |_________|     |_________________
              |                                                   |
              |                                                   |
              |                                                   |
              |                                                   |
              |                                    CLUTTER <-- *  |
              |                                                   |
              |                                                   |
              |                                                   |
              |                                                   |
        ______|                                                   |____________
       |                                                                       |
       |                                                                       |
     __|                                                                       |
    |                                                                          |
    |                                                                          |
 ___|                                                             ________     |
|                                                                |        |    |
|                                                                |        |    |
|                                                                | WAREH  |    |
|                                                                |     O  |    |
|                                                                |     U  |    |
|                                                                |     S  |    |
|                                                                |     E  |    |
|                                                                |________|    |
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|                                                                              |
|                                _______                                       |
|                               |       |                                      |
|                               |       |                                      |
|                               | GUARD |                                      |
|                               | HOUSE |                                      |
|                               |       |                                      |
|                               |_______|                                      |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|___                                         _____________              _______|
    |                                       |             |            |
    |                                       |             |____________|
    |          _____________                |
    |         |             |               |
    |         |             |   STARTING    |
    |         |             |    POINT      |
    |_________|             |               |
                            |               |
                            |               |
                            |               |
                            |               |
                            |               |

05.  W A L K T H R O U G H  :  R E C O V E R  N O C  L I S T


We've placed you on the guest list for a society function at the Russian Embassy
in Prague, where Candice Parker and Robert Barnes are being kept prisoner. There
you will make contact with agents Davies and Harmon,who have already infiltrated
the embassy  and can provide useful information and equipment.  Remember to hide
smoke generators  in the ventilation ducts  to prepare for your escape. You will
have to assume  the identity  of the Ambassador's Aide,  as he has access to the
restricted areas of the embassy - Dieter Harmon's spicy cocktails should come in
handy here.

Ethan Hunt     : Currently  in Kiev,  he  will be  your pointman  in  Prague. An
                 official invitation to the Embassy function  has been  arranged
                 for him.
Jim Phelps     : Leader of IMF team. Stationed in a submarine positioned off the
                 coast.  Will follow all operations  by means of satellite video
                 and be in constant radio contact with the team.
Sarah Davies   : Four years  living  in Prague. Infiltrated native high society.
                 Invaluable for local intelligence.
Dieter Harmon  : Schooled in several East European countries. Son of a traveling
                 caviar salesman.  Functions  as bartender  with  high access to
                 parties and social events. Valuable information source.
Jack Kieper    : Organizational   expert,   specializing   in  smooth  getaways.
                 Impeccable timing. Always counted on to get us home safely.
Robert Barnes  : Ultra - reliable  high - risk  operative. Seemingly intercepted
                 attempting rescue on Candice Parker.
                 STATUS : Missing in Action.
Candice Parker : Top cryptology expert. Former MIT researcher. Excellent support
                 agent in missions involving computer security.
                 STATUS : Abducted by enemy.

Find facemaker
Find score
Find nausea powder
Find drink
Place smoke generators
Assume Ambassador's Aide's ID
Access restricted area

Communicator    : Miniaturized  communication device  that doubles as a database
                  with info about the mission in progress.
Smoke Generator : The compact gizmos give the impression a serious fire's broken
                  out. Duration limited. Great for clearing areas,creating panic
                  and assuring yourself a seat on the metro rush hour.
Blow Pipe       : Primitive weapon  best utilized  when discretion is essential.
                  One advantage is that it doesn't react to metal detectors.
Nausea Powder   : Tiny dose mixed in a drink will result in nasty stomach upset.
                  Guaranteed to stall victim in restroom for hours.
Face Maker      : The  most  useful  IMF  gadget  of  all.  Foam cartridges will
                  reproduce  any face  with 100% accuracy. Time  and temperature
                  can  affect  the  duration  of the mask.  A  lot  of laughs at
                  Langley Alumni reunion dinners.

Talk to Sarah twice. After the man is gone, talk to her again, but make sure the
guard isn't there.  You will receive  the face maker.  Now  talk  to the couple.
After the talk,  they will sit on the chair.  Now talk to Harmon, the bartender.
You will receive the drink and nausea powder.  Talk to the piano player. He want
you to find his score. Go back to the couple and talk to them. Take the score on
the chair. After that  give the score  to the piano player.  The Ambassador will
come down. Give  him  the drink.  Follow him  to the toilet.  Inside the toilet,
punch him.  Then use your face maker. Now,  you can put the six smoke generators
freely. After you put them all, enter the restricted area.

           |          |
           |RESTRICTED|                ________
           |   AREA   |               |    |___|
           |          |               |    |___|
           |       ___|               | TOILET |
           |      |                   |    ____|
           |      |                   |__    __|
           |      |                      |  |
           |      |                      |  |
           |      |_______________       |  |
           |      |           | C |      |  |
           |      |5          |___|  ____|  |____
           |      |               | |        1   |
           |      |STAIRCASE      | |    ____    |
           |      |            ___| |   |    |   |_
           |      |4          | D | |   |    |    2|
           |      |____     __|___| |   |    |A    |
           |      |    |   |        |   |    |    *|--> STARTING POINT
           |      |    |   |        |   |    |    _|
           |      |    |   |        |   |____|   |
        ___|      |    |   |        |            |
       |          |    |   |        |    ________|
       |          |    |   |        |   |
       |         6|    |   |________|  3|
       |          |    |       B       _|
       |__________|    |______________|_|--> CHAIR

A   = Sarah Davies
B   = The couple
C   = Dieter Harmon
D   = The piano player
1-6 = The place where you must put the smoke generators


Since you don't have a badge  for direct access to KGB HQ,  you'll have to going
through an old warehouse level and from there find your way to the secured area.
There  may  be  guards  present  so  try  not  to  appear  lost - they could get
suspicious  in spite of your disguise.  I suspect there'll be lots of explosives
and weird Russian equipment down there, so exercise caution.

Ethan Hunt     : Currently  in Kiev,  he  will be  your pointman  in  Prague. An
                 official invitation to the Embassy function  has been  arranged
                 for him.
Jim Phelps     : Leader of IMF team. Stationed in a submarine positioned off the
                 coast.  Will follow all operations  by means of satellite video
                 and be in constant radio contact with the team.
Sarah Davies   : Four years  living  in Prague. Infiltrated native high society.
                 Invaluable for local intelligence.
Dieter Harmon  : Schooled in several East European countries. Son of a traveling
                 caviar salesman.  Functions  as bartender  with  high access to
                 parties and social events. Valuable information source.
Jack Kieper    : Organizational   expert,   specializing   in  smooth  getaways.
                 Impeccable timing. Always counted on to get us home safely.
Robert Barnes  : Ultra - reliable  high - risk  operative. Seemingly intercepted
                 attempting rescue on Candice Parker.
                 STATUS : Missing in Action.
Candice Parker : Top cryptology expert. Former MIT researcher. Excellent support
                 agent in missions involving computer security.
                 STATUS : Abducted by enemy.

Find Protection Suit
Find exit key
Access KGB HQ

Communicator : Miniaturized communication device that doubles as a database with
               info about the mission in progress.
9mm Hi Power : Standard street weapon needs no introduction.  Imprecise,  noisy,
               hazardous when pointing at you.
Face Maker   : The most useful IMF gadget of all. Foam cartridges will reproduce
               any face with 100% accuracy. Time and temperature can affect  the
               duration of the mask.  A lot of laughs  at Langley Alumni reunion

In order  to survive,  you  must find  the protection suit.  After  you find it,
destroy the crates that has an 'X' mark on it.  Then find the guard that holding
the exit key. Kill him and take the key. Then exit through the door.

No map available for now.


You'll be entering  the section  where  we  think  our  agents  are  being  kept
prisoner.  Your disguise  won't grant you  the authority to free them, so you'll
have to use  the facemaker again  on someone else there.  I suggest you find the
head of security  and impersonate him. Be very careful; this is a security area,
and there will be surveillance cameras everywhere.  Be sure to shut them off, so
you don't trigger  an alarm  while  taking Candice out of there  and towards the

Ethan Hunt     : Currently  in Kiev,  he  will be  your pointman  in  Prague. An
                 official invitation to the Embassy function  has been  arranged
                 for him.
Jim Phelps     : Leader of IMF team. Stationed in a submarine positioned off the
                 coast.  Will follow all operations  by means of satellite video
                 and be in constant radio contact with the team.
Sarah Davies   : Four years  living  in Prague. Infiltrated native high society.
                 Invaluable for local intelligence.
Dieter Harmon  : Schooled in several East European countries. Son of a traveling
                 caviar salesman.  Functions  as bartender  with  high access to
                 parties and social events. Valuable information source.
Jack Kieper    : Organizational   expert,   specializing   in  smooth  getaways.
                 Impeccable timing. Always counted on to get us home safely.
Robert Barnes  : Ultra - reliable  high - risk  operative. Seemingly intercepted
                 attempting rescue on Candice Parker.
                 STATUS : Missing in Action.
Candice Parker : Top cryptology expert. Former MIT researcher. Excellent support
                 agent in missions involving computer security.
                 STATUS : Abducted by enemy.

Talk to Barnes
Find video freezer
Find facemaker
Find dartgun
Sabotage video link
Find exit passcard
Get transfer order
Escape with Candice

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
Dart Gun      : Used with sleep-inducing darts. Up to 20 rounds can be stored in
                one clip. Quite powerful and very silent.
Face Maker    : The most useful IMF gadget of all.Foam cartridges will reproduce
                any face with 100% accuracy. Time and temperature can affect the
                duration of the mask. A lot of laughs  at Langley Alumni reunion
9mm Hi Power  : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,  noisy,
                hazardous when pointing at you.
Video Freezer : Electronic jewel that blocks all flow of multimedia data.

Talk to Barnes.  Go to the room  where  Candice is held captive.  Take the video
freezer from the table.  Go to the Stock Room and take the face maker. Now  talk
to the guard  in front of the  Security Head Officer Room,  and  he will let you
enter. Enter the room, and take the dart gun from the table.  Shoot the Security
Head Officer with the dart gun (from the back, so the alarm won't ringing). Hide
his body.  Now stand in front of the painting  on the left side  of the entrance
door. Press X and the painting will move.  Press the red button.  That will open
the door  to the Camera Room.  Open the door.  Inside  this room,  there are two
guards.  Shoot them  with the dart gun  (again, from the back).  Take  the  exit
passcard. Use the video freezer on the machine next to the computer. Now go back
to the Security Head Officer Room  and use the face maker near the Security Head
Officer body.  Go outside  and enter the Comm. Room.  Talk to the man inside. He
will give you the transfer order. Go back to where Candice is. Give the transfer
order to the man inside. He will open the cell door. Talk to Candice. Go outside
and go to the double door.  Use the exit passcard  on the card slot  next to the

                           ____               ________
                          | A  |             | C  \   |
                          |_/__|_____________|___|    |
                          |                    1      |
                          |                           |
                    _____ |     ______/__________     |
                   |  E  ||    |                 |    |
                   |_____||    |   COMM ROOM     |    |
                   __|_|__|    |_________________|    |
                  |       |                           |
                  |   D    \                          |
                  |_______|     ____/____________     |
                          |    |         |       |    |
                          |    |         |   B   |    |
                          |    |_________|_______|    |
                        __|                           |
                       |* |                           |

* = Starting point
/ = Door
\ = Door
A = Barnes
B = Candice Parker
C = Stock Room
D = Security Head Officer Room
E = Camera Room
F = Double door
1 = The place where you must put the beeper


The level you're about to enter is an old-fashioned security hallway.  You might
have run  into one  before.  The tiles  are booby-trapped and there are probably
some guards  in the area.  Candice  should be able  to short-circuit the system,
enabling you to watch your step.  At the end  there'll be a switch to deactivate
the whole system and help Candice through safely.

Ethan Hunt     : Currently  in Kiev,  he  will be  your pointman  in  Prague. An
                 official invitation to the Embassy function  has been  arranged
                 for him.
Jim Phelps     : Leader of IMF team. Stationed in a submarine positioned off the
                 coast.  Will follow all operations  by means of satellite video
                 and be in constant radio contact with the team.
Sarah Davies   : Four years  living  in Prague. Infiltrated native high society.
                 Invaluable for local intelligence.
Dieter Harmon  : Schooled in several East European countries. Son of a traveling
                 caviar salesman.  Functions  as bartender  with  high access to
                 parties and social events. Valuable information source.
Jack Kieper    : Organizational   expert,   specializing   in  smooth  getaways.
                 Impeccable timing. Always counted on to get us home safely.
Robert Barnes  : Ultra - reliable  high - risk  operative. Seemingly intercepted
                 attempting rescue on Candice Parker.
                 STATUS : Missing in Action.
Candice Parker : Top cryptology expert. Former MIT researcher. Excellent support
                 agent in missions involving computer security.
                 STATUS : Abducted by enemy.

Secure passage for Candice
Activate master switch

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
Dart Gun      : Used with sleep-inducing darts. Up to 20 rounds can be stored in
                one clip. Quite powerful and very silent.
9mm Hi Power  : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,  noisy,
                hazardous when pointing at you.

You job  this time  is  to reach the end of this hallway, killing all the guards
along the way,  and press the master switch.  But it isn't that easy. The ground
are booby trapped.  You will see a blue floor. Stand near it, and its color will
change.  The red floor are the floor with electricity. You must jump only on the
blue floor. There are also a camera gun on top of these floor.  And don't forget
to kill all the guards, if you don't want they arrested Candice.

                       |       |   |       |
                       |    ___|___|___    |
                       |   |           |   |
                       |___|           |___|
                       |   |           |   |
                       |___|           |___|
                _______|   |           |   |_______________
                         * |           |       |   |       |
                ___________|           |_______|___|___    |
                                                       |   |
                                                       |   |
                                                       |   |
                                                       | A |

* = Starting point
A = Master switch


Their computer complex is set in an old undergroung sewage plant as this was the
only place cold enough  to conceal the super computer's  heat emissions. It will
be heavily guarded  and  very dangerous.  Your priority is  to clear the way for
Candice  so she can download the NOC list  and feed a virus  into the computer's

Ethan Hunt     : Currently  in Kiev,  he  will be  your pointman  in  Prague. An
                 official invitation to the Embassy function  has been  arranged
                 for him.
Jim Phelps     : Leader of IMF team. Stationed in a submarine positioned off the
                 coast.  Will follow all operations  by means of satellite video
                 and be in constant radio contact with the team.
Sarah Davies   : Four years  living  in Prague. Infiltrated native high society.
                 Invaluable for local intelligence.
Dieter Harmon  : Schooled in several East European countries. Son of a traveling
                 caviar salesman.  Functions  as bartender  with  high access to
                 parties and social events. Valuable information source.
Jack Kieper    : Organizational   expert,   specializing   in  smooth  getaways.
                 Impeccable timing. Always counted on to get us home safely.
Robert Barnes  : Ultra - reliable  high - risk  operative. Seemingly intercepted
                 attempting rescue on Candice Parker.
                 STATUS : Missing in Action.
Candice Parker : Top cryptology expert. Former MIT researcher. Excellent support
                 agent in missions involving computer security.
                 STATUS : Abducted by enemy.

Find super-computer
Protect Candice
Get NOC list

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
Dart Gun      : Used with sleep-inducing darts. Up to 20 rounds can be stored in
                one clip. Quite powerful and very silent.
9mm Hi Power  : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,  noisy,
                hazardous when pointing at you.

Press the switch  in front of you  to open the door. There's a guard behind that
door.  Kill him. Just walk forward until you see a path on your left.  Turn left
into the path. Follow the path and wait until the moving platform has come. Jump
into that platform  and jump again on the other side.  Kill the guard there then
press the switch.  Quickly go back to Candice  and kill the guard that trying to
arrested her. After that jump again to the moving platform and jump to your left
and kill the guard.  Follow this new path  until  the end.  In the end there are
another path. To the left and to the right. Open the door on your left. Kill the
guard inside.  Press the switch and go back.  Now go to the right path. Kill the
guard and cross the bridge.  Open the door and kill the guard inside.  Press the
switch.  You have open the door  where the super computer is.  Go there and kill
the guards. Don't forget to protect Candice. Enter this room and Candice will do
the rest. After that go back to your starting point.

         |                       | D  |
         |      _________________|____|
         |     |
         |     |   _______________    ___    __________
         |     |  |B                 | E |             |
         |     |  |_______________   |___|   ______    |
         |     |                                   |   |
         |     |                   |   |           |   |__________
         |     |___________________|   |           |   |          |
         |                             |           |   |  SUPER   |
         |      _______________________|           |   | COMPUTER |
         |     |                                   |   |          |
         |     |                                   |   |          |
         |_____|          _________________________|   |_____/____|
         |     |         |    A        |                          |
         |  C  |         |____  *  ____|__________________________|
         |_____|              |   |
                              |   |

*   = Starting point
A-D = Switch
E   = Moving platform


There's no time to lose, so get out quick!  And be sure to look for the Golitsyn
facemask  that  Barnes  hid  as  you  go  back through the security hallways. Be
careful on your return through the KGB HQ you'll have no disguise and the guards
will be  on alert.  Barnes' mission  was  to make  Golitsyn  appear a traitor to
Moscow. Try to finish this mission for him. Use the Golitsyn facemask.  Find the
door leading directly back into the embassy.

Ethan Hunt     : Currently  in Kiev,  he  will be  your pointman  in  Prague. An
                 official invitation to the Embassy function  has been  arranged
                 for him.
Jim Phelps     : Leader of IMF team. Stationed in a submarine positioned off the
                 coast.  Will follow all operations  by means of satellite video
                 and be in constant radio contact with the team.
Sarah Davies   : Four years  living  in Prague. Infiltrated native high society.
                 Invaluable for local intelligence.
Dieter Harmon  : Schooled in several East European countries. Son of a traveling
                 caviar salesman.  Functions  as bartender  with  high access to
                 parties and social events. Valuable information source.
Jack Kieper    : Organizational   expert,   specializing   in  smooth  getaways.
                 Impeccable timing. Always counted on to get us home safely.
Robert Barnes  : Ultra - reliable  high - risk  operative. Seemingly intercepted
                 attempting rescue on Candice Parker.
                 STATUS : Missing in Action.
Candice Parker : Top cryptology expert. Former MIT researcher. Excellent support
                 agent in missions involving computer security.
                 STATUS : Abducted by enemy.

Secure passage for Candice
Find the mask of Golitsyn
Take back the NOC-list

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
Dart Gun      : Used with sleep-inducing darts. Up to 20 rounds can be stored in
                one clip. Quite powerful and very silent.
9mm Hi Power  : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,  noisy,
                hazardous when pointing at you.
Face Maker    : The most useful IMF gadget of all.Foam cartridges will reproduce
                any face with 100% accuracy. Time and temperature can affect the
                duration of the mask. A lot of laughs  at Langley Alumni reunion
Video Freezer : Electronic jewel that blocks all flow of multimedia data.
Explosive Gum : Looks like Christmas.  Press  red to green, stick some where and
                get away.  Five seconds later  it will blow  your adversary into
                New Year's. Best not to chew.

You  and  Candice  must  reach the other end.  But with the camera gun, it seems
impossible  for  Candice.  Here's  what you must do.  Shoot the camera gun so it
can't shoot for a while then run quickly,  Candice will follow you. If there are
two camera gun, shoot the one in your back first, then shoot the other, run. Get
the idea?  After  you reach the other end,  Candice  will open  the locker room.
Enter the locker room,  and the door behind you suddenly close.  Two guards will
arrest Candice.  Now  open the locker  to receive the Golitsyn mask. Next to the
locker,  there is a circuit box.  Shoot it or punch it  until  it explode.  Four
guards will surround you and shoot you. You must kill them. After you kill them,
go to the small room. A guard will run. Shoot him with your dart gun. After he's
dead, take back the NOC list and then check Candice. Continue to escape.

                    ___ ___________________
                   | B |       |   |       |
                   |___|    ___|___|___    |
                       |   |           |   |
                       |___|           |___|
                       |   |           |   |
                       |___|           |___|
                _______|   |___________|   |_______________
                           |    A      |       |   |       |
                ___________|___________|_______|___|___    |
                                                       |   |
                                                       |   |
                                                       |   |
                                                       | * |

* = Starting point
A = Locker room
B = Small room


There's no time to lose, so get out quick!  And be sure to look for the Golitsyn
facemask  that  Barnes  hid  as  you  go  back through the security hallways. Be
careful on your return through the KGB HQ you'll have no disguise and the guards
will be  on alert.  Barnes' mission  was  to make  Golitsyn  appear a traitor to
Moscow. Try to finish this mission for him. Use the Golitsyn facemask.  Find the
door leading directly back into the embassy.

Ethan Hunt     : Currently  in Kiev,  he  will be  your pointman  in  Prague. An
                 official invitation to the Embassy function  has been  arranged
                 for him.
Jim Phelps     : Leader of IMF team. Stationed in a submarine positioned off the
                 coast.  Will follow all operations  by means of satellite video
                 and be in constant radio contact with the team.
Sarah Davies   : Four years  living  in Prague. Infiltrated native high society.
                 Invaluable for local intelligence.
Dieter Harmon  : Schooled in several East European countries. Son of a traveling
                 caviar salesman.  Functions  as bartender  with  high access to
                 parties and social events. Valuable information source.
Jack Kieper    : Organizational   expert,   specializing   in  smooth  getaways.
                 Impeccable timing. Always counted on to get us home safely.
Robert Barnes  : Ultra - reliable  high - risk  operative. Seemingly intercepted
                 attempting rescue on Candice Parker.
                 STATUS : Missing in Action.
Candice Parker : Top cryptology expert. Former MIT researcher. Excellent support
                 agent in missions involving computer security.
                 STATUS : Abducted by enemy.

Unfreeze video cameras
Assume Golitsyn's identity
Find exit key
Escape with Candice

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
Dart Gun      : Used with sleep-inducing darts. Up to 20 rounds can be stored in
                one clip. Quite powerful and very silent.
9mm Hi Power  : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,  noisy,
                hazardous when pointing at you.
Face Maker    : The most useful IMF gadget of all.Foam cartridges will reproduce
                any face with 100% accuracy. Time and temperature can affect the
                duration of the mask. A lot of laughs  at Langley Alumni reunion
Video Freezer : Electronic jewel that blocks all flow of multimedia data.
Explosive Gum : Looks like Christmas.  Press  red to green, stick some where and
                get away.  Five seconds later  it will blow  your adversary into
                New Year's. Best not to chew.

Use your facemaker.  Enter the Security Head Officer Room. Open the secret door.
Take  the video freezer  (from the machine  near the computer).  Enter the Comm.
Room and kill the guard inside. He will drop the exit key. Take it then use your
key on the exit door.

                           ____               ________
                          |    |             |    \   |
                          |_/__|_____________|___|    |
                          |                           |
                          |                          B|
                    _____ |     ______/__________     |
                   |    A||    |                 |    |
                   |_____||    |   COMM ROOM     |    |
                   __|_|__|    |_________________|    |
                  |       |                           |
                  |        \                          |
                  |_______|     ____/____________     |
                          |    |         |       |    |
                          |    |         |       |    |
                          |    |_________|_______|    |
                        __|                           |
                       |  |           *               |

* = Starting point
A = Video freezer
B = Exit door


The smoke generators  will create the temporary illusion of a fire.  As you make
your escape remember the guards will be able to recognize you and will certainly
be on the lookout  for Candice.  Jack  will have fireman uniforms  for you both.
Find him quick, don these disguises and get out of there! If you're still inside
when the smoke stops you'll be trapped.

Ethan Hunt     : Currently  in Kiev,  he  will be  your pointman  in  Prague. An
                 official invitation to the Embassy function  has been  arranged
                 for him.
Jim Phelps     : Leader of IMF team. Stationed in a submarine positioned off the
                 coast.  Will follow all operations  by means of satellite video
                 and be in constant radio contact with the team.
Sarah Davies   : Four years  living  in Prague. Infiltrated native high society.
                 Invaluable for local intelligence.
Dieter Harmon  : Schooled in several East European countries. Son of a traveling
                 caviar salesman.  Functions  as bartender  with  high access to
                 parties and social events. Valuable information source.
Jack Kieper    : Organizational   expert,   specializing   in  smooth  getaways.
                 Impeccable timing. Always counted on to get us home safely.
Robert Barnes  : Ultra - reliable  high - risk  operative. Seemingly intercepted
                 attempting rescue on Candice Parker.
                 STATUS : Missing in Action.
Candice Parker : Top cryptology expert. Former MIT researcher. Excellent support
                 agent in missions involving computer security.
                 STATUS : Abducted by enemy.

Secure access to the lift
Find Jack
Dress as fireman
Give Candice fireman outfit
Escape the Embassy

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
Dart Gun      : Used with sleep-inducing darts. Up to 20 rounds can be stored in
                one clip. Quite powerful and very silent.
9mm Hi Power  : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,  noisy,
                hazardous when pointing at you.

Protect Candice until she arrive at the elevator. Then go down and meet Jack. He
is  the fireman  that  running around. He told you to meet him at the toilet. Go
there. Talk to Jack again, and you will receive the fireman uniform. Now go back
to Candice and give her the uniform. Then exit from this embassy.

           |          |
           |          |__              ________
           |          |A |            |    |___|
           |          |__|            |    |___|
           |       ___|               | TOILET |
           |      |                   |    ____|
           |      |                   |__    __|
           |      |                      |  |
           |      |                      |  |
           |      |_______________       |  |
           |      |           |   |      |  |
           |      |    B      |___|  ____|  |____
           |      |               | |            |
           |      |STAIRCASE      | |    ____    |
           |      |            ___| |   |    |   |_
           |      |           |   | |   |    |     |
           |      |____     __|___| |   |    |    C|
           |      |    |   |        |   |    |     |
           |      |    |   |        |   |    |    _|
           |      |    |   |        |   |____|   |
        ___|      |    |   |        |            |
       |          |    |   |        |    ________|
       |          |    |   |        |   |
       | *        |    |   |________|   |
       |          |    |               _|
       |__________|    |______________|_|

* = Starting point
A = Candice
B = Jack
C = Exit door

06.  W A L K T H R O U G H  :  C I A  E S C A P E


Things aren't looking good for you. Getting out and proving your innocence won't
be easy.  After all, the CIA does have its reputation to uphold, and they're not
too fond of you at the moment.  Hopefully,  you can count on Candice, who should
awe you one since you freed her from that Russian cell.  Oh,  don't be surprised
if you feel a bit drowsy - their coffee has a horrible reputation.  Rumor has it
they recycle their grounds.

Ethan Hunt     : Agent Hunt needs no introduction. Still a faithfull IMF agent..
                 or maybe he isn't.
Candice Parker : Back in activity  at Langley.  Owes Ethan one.  Maybe he should
                 contact  her  for  help.  Will  she  trust  someone  who's been

Escape from interrogation room
Pick up the equipment
Get into hallway

Communicator    : Miniaturized communication device that  doubles  as a database
                  with info about the mission in progress.
Dart Gun        : Used with sleep-inducing darts.  Up to 20 rounds can be stored
                  in one clip. Quite powerful and very silent.
Explosive Gum   : Looks like Christmas. Press red to green, stick some where and
                  get away. Five seconds later it will blow  your adversary into
                  New Year's. Best not to chew.
9mm Hi Power    : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,noisy,
                  hazardous when pointing at you.
Face Maker      : The  most  useful  IMF  gadget  of  all. Foam cartridges  will
                  reproduce  any face  with 100% accuracy.  Time and temperature
                  can affect the duration of the mask.A lot of laughs at Langley
                  Alumni reunion dinners.
Electro Stunner : Sends  a 40.000 volt shock  that will positively electrify the
                  recipient. Leaves victim unconscious but doesn't kill.
Finger Scanner  : For  copying  a person's fingerprints  and  reusing  them  for
                  access to areas protected by digital scanners.

Press  the switch  to  reveal  the interrogation window.  After the communicator
ringing, press it. Candice will tell you to take the explosive gum from the mug.
Take it, then set the explosive gum on the window. Wait a moment, and the window
will shatter.  Jump into the next room.  Take  all your equipment  and exit from
this room.

                                  |        D  |
                                  |           |
                                  |           |
                                  |           |
                                  |    __     |
                                  |   |  |    |
                                  |   |CB|    |
                                  |   |__|    |

* = Starting point
A = Switch
B = Communicator
C = Mug
D = Exit door


The truth serum  will start to work  less than 10 minutes.  You'll have  to find
your way to the informary quickly.  Guards, cameras, and fingerprint codes stand
in your way.  You'll also  have to force  the sergeant  to help you  escape  the
hallway. Unfortunately, he doesn't scare too easy.

Ethan Hunt     : Agent Hunt needs no introduction. Still a faithfull IMF agent..
                 or maybe he isn't.
Candice Parker : Back in activity  at Langley.  Owes Ethan one.  Maybe he should
                 contact  her  for  help.  Will  she  trust  someone  who's been

Get out of the interrogation sector
Take free access print
Find sergeant for exit access
Reach elevator to infirmary

Communicator    : Miniaturized communication device that  doubles  as a database
                  with info about the mission in progress.
Dart Gun        : Used with sleep-inducing darts.  Up to 20 rounds can be stored
                  in one clip. Quite powerful and very silent.
Explosive Gum   : Looks like Christmas. Press red to green, stick some where and
                  get away. Five seconds later it will blow  your adversary into
                  New Year's. Best not to chew.
9mm Hi Power    : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,noisy,
                  hazardous when pointing at you.
Face Maker      : The  most  useful  IMF  gadget  of  all. Foam cartridges  will
                  reproduce  any face  with 100% accuracy.  Time and temperature
                  can affect the duration of the mask.A lot of laughs at Langley
                  Alumni reunion dinners.
Electro Stunner : Sends  a 40.000 volt shock  that will positively electrify the
                  recipient. Leaves victim unconscious but doesn't kill.
Finger Scanner  : For  copying  a person's fingerprints  and  reusing  them  for
                  access to areas protected by digital scanners.

Go outside  the cell  and  shoot the guard.  Take his fingerprint  and press the
switch  to open the door.  Take the paint.  You can use the paint  to  blind the
surveillance camera.  Kill the guard  that have the free access.  Use the finger
scanner on his body. Now go to the flip door #1.  Press the switch.  Continue to
the flip door #2. Press the switch. Shoot the guard. Open the door. You will see
the sergeant. Don't shoot him.  Let him run, but follow him as close as you can.
When he's trying to enter the elevator, shoot him. Enter the elevator, close the

                      |  |           |
                      |D |           |
                           |   |
                       ____|   |
                      |     \  |
                      |__/_|   |____________
                      |     \ /             |
                      |      / --> FLIP DOOR|
                      |____ / \ ____________|
                           |   |
                           |   |
                           |   |
                           |   |
                           |   |
                           |   |
                           |   |
                           |   |
                       ____|   |___________________
                      |     \ /                    |
                      | C    / --> FLIP DOOR       |
                      |____ / \ ______________     |
                           |   |              |    |
                           |   |              |    |
                           |   |              |    |
                           |   |              |    |
                           |   |              |    |____
                           |   |              |  B |    |
                           |   |              |    |    |
                       ____|   |______________|_/__|____|__
                      |                     |              |
                      |                      \             |
                      |         ____________|______________|
                      |        |             |       |
                      |      A |             |       |
                      |________|             |   *   |

* = Starting Point
A = Paint
B = Free Access Guard
C = Empty gun
D = Elevator


The infirmary  has an antidote  but there's no way back.  The only way  is up. I
hope you're fond of heights.

Ethan Hunt     : Agent Hunt needs no introduction. Still a faithfull IMF agent..
                 or maybe he isn't.
Candice Parker : Back in activity  at Langley.  Owes Ethan one.  Maybe he should
                 contact  her  for  help.  Will  she  trust  someone  who's been

Find the antidote
Distract attention
Find way to the roof

Communicator    : Miniaturized communication device that  doubles  as a database
                  with info about the mission in progress.
Dart Gun        : Used with sleep-inducing darts.  Up to 20 rounds can be stored
                  in one clip. Quite powerful and very silent.
Explosive Gum   : Looks like Christmas. Press red to green, stick some where and
                  get away. Five seconds later it will blow  your adversary into
                  New Year's. Best not to chew.
9mm Hi Power    : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,noisy,
                  hazardous when pointing at you.
Face Maker      : The  most  useful  IMF  gadget  of  all. Foam cartridges  will
                  reproduce  any face  with 100% accuracy.  Time and temperature
                  can affect the duration of the mask.A lot of laughs at Langley
                  Alumni reunion dinners.
Electro Stunner : Sends  a 40.000 volt shock  that will positively electrify the
                  recipient. Leaves victim unconscious but doesn't kill.
Finger Scanner  : For  copying  a person's fingerprints  and  reusing  them  for
                  access to areas protected by digital scanners.

Enter  the infirmary.  Talk  to the nurse.  Activate  the bed  with patient.  Go
outside through the window.

|      A       |
|              |
|              |
|              |
|              |
    |     |
    |     |
    |     |
    |     |
    |  *  |

* = Starting point
A = Window


I've prepared  a small bag  with equipment  for you.  You'll have to temporarily
sabotage the heliport lights.  A maintenance will be called and disguised as him
you'll be able to access the area. To escape, you'll want to use the helicopter,
so you'll have to strategically  place an electromagnetic scrambler,  which will
keep the copter grounded for you.  You'll have to find ways around the different
security systems  as you run  into them,  but as CIA is on your side, Ethan, try
not  to kill  anybody,  okay?  I'll  be waiting  at  the  other  end  with  more

Ethan Hunt     : Agent Hunt needs no introduction. Still a faithfull IMF agent..
                 or maybe he isn't.
Candice Parker : Back in activity  at Langley.  Owes Ethan one.  Maybe he should
                 contact  her  for  help.  Will  she  trust  someone  who's been

Sabotage heliport lights
Find bag of equipment
Find zone digitcard
Fix lights
Paralyze helicopter with EMS
Enter security level
Find security level code
Meet Candice

Communicator     : Miniaturized communication device that  doubles as a database
                   with info about the mission in progress.
Dart Gun         : Used with sleep-inducing darts. Up to 20 rounds can be stored
                   in one clip. Quite powerful and very silent.
Electro Stunner  : Sends a 40.000 volt shock  that will positively electrify the
                   recipient. Leaves victim unconscious but doesn't kill.
EMS              : An  electromagnetic  scrambler   for   disturbing  instrument
                   reading and radar.
Deflector        : A special device  used  to create a passage in security laser
Miniature Camera : Miniature video camera,  can be easily placed to record hard-
                   to-get-at information like digital codes.
IR Contact Lens  : Infra  Red  Contact  Lenses   enable  security  personnel  to
                   visualize   invisible   security   lasers  without  otherwise
                   altering the vision.

Shoot the guard. Take his ID. Climb up. Deactivate the electric floor. Go to the
other end  and sabotage the lights.  Jump outside. You will alnd in some kind of
box. Jump up.  Follow the path. Enter the door. Take your equipment and dress as
the  maintenance  man.  Go to  the heliport. Fix the light. After the helicopter
landed,  use the EMS.  Now kill a guard  (whichever you want).  He will drop his
security card. Take it. Enter the sealed door. Shoot the guard and take the zone
digitcard.  Put on your  Infra Red Contact Lens. Climb the pile of crates.  When
you have on top of the crates, use the deflector. Enter the security level area.
When you have arrived at the guard post,  climb the crates and put you miniature
camera, then hide somewhere.  After the guard come out  and go back inside, take
back your camera.  You will receive the security level code.  Open the door. You
will arrive on top of the security level.  Just find another door  and open that

                         ___          1F
                        |   |
                        |   |______________
                        |          |       |__________
                        |          |          |       |
                        |    ______|__________|_      |
                        |   |                   |    _|
                        |   |                   |A  |
                        |   |                   |   |
                        |   |                   |   |
                        |   |                   |   |
                        |   |                   |   |
                        |   |                   |   |_
                        |   |___________________|     |
                        |      |          | *         |

* = Starting point
A = Box to climb to 2F

                                  |         |
                                  |___   ___|  2F
                                      | |
                                      | |
                                ______| |__________
                               |      D    |B      |
                               |    __/____|___    |
                               |   |           |   |
                               |   |           |   |
                               |   |           |   |
                               |   |___________|   |
                               |           |C      |

B = Device to deactivate the electric floor
C = Device to sabotage the heliport light
D = Door to 3F

 |                    |
 |    ____________    |
 |   |            |   |                      3F
 |   |            |___|
 |   |            |   |
 |   |            |   |___________________
 |___|            |          |H           |
 |   |            |    ______|   _________|_____        ________________
 |   |            |   |      |            |     |      |                |
 |   |            |___|      |________    |     |      |  _____         |
 |   |            |   |      |            |     |      |   _   |        |
 |   |____________|   |      |   _________|     |      |  |E|  |        |
 |                    |      |                  |      |  |_|  |        |
 |____________________|      |____________      |      |_______|        |
                             |                  |______|                |
                             |G                 |                       |
                             |     HELIPORT     |______                 |
                             |                  |      |     __         |
                             |____________      |      |    |  |        |
                             |   F              |      |    |__|        |
                             |   _________      |      |________________|
                             |            |     |
                             |________    |_____|
                             |            |

E = Equipment
F = Device to fix the light
G = Place to put the EMS
H = Sealed door

                                   SECURITY LEVEL
                               |                   |
                               |    ___________    |
                               |   |           |___|
                               |   |           |  I|
                               |   |           |___|
                               |___|           |   |
                               |   |           |   |
                               |   |___________|   |
                               |                   |
                               |____________  _____|

I = Place to put the miniature camera


Stealing  the invaluable NOC list  from  the CIA mainframe computer  will be the
most demanding job you've ever faced.  So far you've managed not to activate any
alarms  inside  the  CIA  security  zone,  but now  you're about  to violate the
strongest security system in the world. To enter this highly-protected area,
you'll have to descend through the ventilation access in the ceiling, harnessed
and hanging from a special fiber cable, while avoiding the security laser on
your way down. If you accidently touch one of them you'll certainly know you've
been touched. When you reach the bottom, swing back and forth to access the card
slot next to the door, activate the computer and turn around. Then insert the
disk in the terminal for the download. I've placed a little something on the
disk that will help you getaway later. I also served another "special" coffee to
the operator. He might return, but not for long!

Ethan Hunt     : Agent Hunt needs no introduction. Still a faithfull IMF agent..
                 or maybe he isn't.
Candice Parker : Back in activity  at Langley.  Owes Ethan one.  Maybe he should
                 contact  her  for  help.  Will  she  trust  someone  who's been

Switch on the computer
Get the NOC list

Communicator     : Miniaturized communication device that  doubles as a database
                   with info about the mission in progress.
Pass Card        : Candice's magnetic access card  will allow Ethan to start the
                   computer and lock the room from the outside.
Virus Disk       : Candice  has devised  a nasty virus  that will  shut down the
                   security systems  as soon  as the disk  is  inserted into the
                   mainframe computer.
Winch Controller : A well known  video game  controller  has served as model for
                   this gadget, but  there's little "joy" involved.  The precise
                   manipulation will be the key to achieving your goal here.

Go down.  The yellow laser will trigger the alarm. Just go down until Ethan said
this is the proper place  to reach the card reader.  Swing  forth and back until
you reach the card reader.  Then changer your position and do the same, but this
time the target is the computer. If you have success, then go back up.

                              |         A    |
                              |              |
                              |              |
                              |              |
                              |              |
                              |      B       |

A = Card reader
B = Computer


Thanks  to the virus  you introduced  into the computer the security systems are
momentarily frozen. You should have enough time to get to the helicopter and get
away safely.  The guards,  however,  will be on alert.  Try  to  distract  their
attention. Don't forget the EMS!

Ethan Hunt     : Agent Hunt needs no introduction. Still a faithfull IMF agent..
                 or maybe he isn't.
Candice Parker : Back in activity  at Langley.  Owes Ethan one.  Maybe he should
                 contact  her  for  help.  Will  she  trust  someone  who's been

Go to heliport
Unactive EMS
Escape with helicopter

Communicator     : Miniaturized communication device that  doubles as a database
                   with info about the mission in progress.
Dart Gun         : Used with sleep-inducing darts. Up to 20 rounds can be stored
                   in one clip. Quite powerful and very silent.
Electro Stunner  : Sends a 40.000 volt shock  that will positively electrify the
                   recipient. Leaves victim unconscious but doesn't kill.
EMS              : An  electromagnetic  scrambler   for   disturbing  instrument
                   reading and radar.
Explosive Gum    : Looks like Christmas. Press red to green,stick some where and
                   get away. Five seconds later it will blow your adversary into
                   New Year's. Best not to chew.
IR Contact Lens  : Infra  Red  Contact  Lenses   enable  security  personnel  to
                   visualize   invisible   security   lasers  without  otherwise
                   altering the vision.

Go down to the Security Level.  Jump over the laser. When you have arrive in 3F,
search  for a pipe,  then  set the explosive gum.  Quickly run to the other way.
When the explosive gum has explode, quickly go back to the sealed door. Open the
door  and go back to the heliport.  Take  the EMS  and throw it away.  Board the

 |                    |
 |    ____________    |
 |   |            |   |                      3F
 |   |            |___|
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 |___|            |          |B           |
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 |      A             |      |                  |      |  |_|  |        |
 |____________________|      |____________      |      |_______|        |
                             |                  |______|                |
                             |C                 |                       |
                             |     HELIPORT     |______                 |
                             |                  |      |     __         |
                             |____________      |      |    |  |        |
                             |                  |      |    |__|        |
                             |   _________      |      |________________|
                             |            |     |
                             |________    |_____|
                             |            |

A = Pipe
B = Sealed door

                                   SECURITY LEVEL
                               |                   |
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07.  W A L K T H R O U G H  :  M O L E  H U N T


We've set up a meeting with Max  in London at Waterloo Station,  under the clock
at midnight.  You will make a deal to exchange  the NOC list for the name of the
mole.  Luther and Krieger, two ex-agents, will be there for back-up just in case
Max pulls a double-cross. We will,  of course,  try to snatch the list back from
Max after the "deal" so don't lose track of her.

Ethan Hunt     : Disavowed. No longer in service of the IMF and on the run. Must
                 prove his innocence  by finding the real mole and capturing the
                 information dealer Max.
Candice Parker : Runs  the risk  of being disavowed  for helping runaway suspect
Krieger        : Skilled CIA agent  disavowed  for  unpredictability and hostile
                 behaviour bordering on the sociopathic.
Luther Stickll : Disavowed CIA agent  suspected  of  bypassing internal security
                 regulations. Allegations unproven. Trusted by Ethan Hunt.

Protect Ethan
Take the train.

Communicator    : Miniaturized communication device that  doubles  as a database
                  with info about the mission in progress.

After  the two men captured Ethan,  you can shoot them,  or you can shoot one of
them, and  Ethan  will kick the other.  After  you get rid  those two men,  just
follow wherever  Ethan go,  and keep your eyes open.  If  the people  around the
station want to shoot Ethan, shoot first.  You ammo is unlimited,  so just shoot
like crazy but you musn't shoot the civilian.  You must  protect  Ethan until he
has boarded the train.

No map needed, just follow wherever Ethan go.


Ethan,  we must find Max!  But use caution - Max's men  are  vicious killers and
will shoot you  on sight. Be careful  not to injure  any civilians. Knowing Max,
she probably has a backup plan  in case things don't go her way. Remember, she's
not too concerned about hurting innocent bystanders, so when you find Max, it'll
probably be best to neutralize her before retrieving the NOC list. We'll meet up
once I've found out where she is.  The mole  could be nearby as well.  If he is,
grab the rat and make sure he doesn't escape!

Ethan Hunt     : Disavowed. No longer in service of the IMF and on the run. Must
                 prove his innocence  by finding the real mole and capturing the
                 information dealer Max.
Candice Parker : Runs  the risk  of being disavowed  for helping runaway suspect
Krieger        : Skilled CIA agent  disavowed  for  unpredictability and hostile
                 behaviour bordering on the sociopathic.
Luther Stickll : Disavowed CIA agent  suspected  of  bypassing internal security
                 regulations. Allegations unproven. Trusted by Ethan Hunt.

Neutralizer Max's henchmen
Meet Candice
Find switch to block exits

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
9mm Hi Power  : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,  noisy,
                hazardous when pointing at you.
Face Maker    : The most useful IMF gadget of all.Foam cartridges will reproduce
                any face with 100% accuracy. Time and temperature can affect the
                duration of the mask. A lot of laughs  at Langley Alumni reunion
Gas Capsules  : Small capsules when thrown to the ground produce same results as
                the gas injector.  Work  well  in  open areas, but their effects
                dissipate quickly.

Your job  is pretty simple,  eliminate  all the bad guys  inside this train. But
don't kill  the civilians.  The first wagon contains three bad guys.  The second
wagon contains four bad guys.  One of them is taking hostage. You must shoot his
head  to  kill him.  The third wagon  contains  three  bad guys.  The last wagon
contains  four bad guys.  Candice is also there, don't shoot her. After you kill
all the bad guys, talk to Candice. After that press the switch to block exits.

                                  |B   |
                             |              |
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                             |A        |    |
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                             |              |
                             |              |
                             |_____    _____|
                             |              |
                                  |*   |

* = Starting Point
A = Candice
B = switch


Ethan,  we must find Max!  But use caution - Max's men  are  vicious killers and
will shoot you  on sight. Be careful  not to injure  any civilians. Knowing Max,
she probably has a backup plan  in case things don't go her way. Remember, she's
not too concerned about hurting innocent bystanders, so when you find Max, it'll
probably be best to neutralize her before retrieving the NOC list. We'll meet up
once I've found out where she is.  The mole  could be nearby as well.  If he is,
grab the rat and make sure he doesn't escape!

Ethan Hunt     : Disavowed. No longer in service of the IMF and on the run. Must
                 prove his innocence  by finding the real mole and capturing the
                 information dealer Max.
Candice Parker : Runs  the risk  of being disavowed  for helping runaway suspect
Krieger        : Skilled CIA agent  disavowed  for  unpredictability and hostile
                 behaviour bordering on the sociopathic.
Luther Stickll : Disavowed CIA agent  suspected  of  bypassing internal security
                 regulations. Allegations unproven. Trusted by Ethan Hunt.

Knock out Max's bodyguard
Stop Max and seize the NOC list and detonator
Refuse Max's backup plan

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
9mm Hi Power  : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,  noisy,
                hazardous when pointing at you.
Face Maker    : The most useful IMF gadget of all.Foam cartridges will reproduce
                any face with 100% accuracy. Time and temperature can affect the
                duration of the mask. A lot of laughs  at Langley Alumni reunion
Gas Capsules  : Small capsules when thrown to the ground produce same results as
                the gas injector.  Work  well  in  open areas, but their effects
                dissipate quickly.

Enter the first wagon.  No bad guys here. In the end of this wagon, you will see
the conductor. "Talk" to him.  After you "talk" to him, use your facemaker. Then
enter  the second wagon.  Inside  this wagon,  there are  four bad guys  and Max
herself. Do nothing for now. Just go to the third wagon. Inside this wagon there
are 3 bad guys that pretend to be civilians.  Before they shoot you,  shoot them
first. After you kill all the three, walk to the end of this wagon. You will see
Phleps, the mole.  He will escape. Continue to the last wagon. Inside, three bad
guys have been waiting.  After you kill them,  go to the end of this wagon.  You
will see a safe contains the bomb.  You can't open this safe, cause of the metal
hinges. Take the liquid nitrogen (inside this wagon). Use the liquid nitrogen on
the metal hinges  until it broke  (To make it easier,  crouch then press R2 then
aim the metal hinges, and fires the liquid nitrogen until the hinges broke).Open
the  safe  and  you  will  see  the  bomb. Now go back to the third wagon. Stand
outside Max's compartment and use the gas capsules. It will kill her. But before
she die, she has activate the bomb. Take the NOC list and the detonator. Now you
must act fast.  You can try to take  her bodyguards first,  then  deactivate the
bomb.  Or you can deactivate the bomb  then go back to this wagon to exterminate
her bodyguards. To deactivate the bomb just use the detonator on the bomb.

                             |              |
                             | D            |
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                             | A            |
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                             |              |
                                  |*   |

* = Starting point
A = Conductor
B = Max
C = Phleps
D = Bomb


Phleps is the mole!  He is fleeing over the roof.  A helicopter  has come to his
aid  and  Max's men are  helping him escape.  Eliminate  them  and  destroy  the
helicopter  before they get away.  Watch out!  You're  on top  of a moving train
running at maximum speed. This is an extremely dangerous situation!

Ethan Hunt     : Disavowed. No longer in service of the IMF and on the run. Must
                 prove his innocence  by finding the real mole and capturing the
                 information dealer Max.
Candice Parker : Runs  the risk  of being disavowed  for helping runaway suspect
Krieger        : Skilled CIA agent  disavowed  for  unpredictability and hostile
                 behaviour bordering on the sociopathic.
Luther Stickll : Disavowed CIA agent  suspected  of  bypassing internal security
                 regulations. Allegations unproven. Trusted by Ethan Hunt.

"Catch" Phleps

Communicator    : Miniaturized communication device  that doubles  as a database
                  with info about the mission in progress.
9mm Hi Power    : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,noisy,
                  hazardous when pointing at you.
Rocket Launcher : A nice little  hand rocker launcher.  Very portable. Ideal for
                  agents on the move.

You're now in the train roof.  Just walk forward and shoot all the scumbags that
tries  to kill you.  After  you kill  the first scumbag,  he  will drop a rocket
launcher. Take it of course. Your enemies will including the pistol man, the car
and  the helicopter.  To destroy  the car  and  the helicopter  you must use the
rocket launcher. Just walk forward until you see Phleps climb on the helicopter,
trying to escape.  Shoot the helicopter with your rocket launcher, and Phleps is

No map needed, just walk forward until you see Phleps.

08.  W A L K T H R O U G H  :  I C E  S T O R M


Prior  to your arrival,  HQ  dropped the equipment by plane.  Due to bad weather
they've scattered it around a bit.  Luckily  all items  are tagged  so you'll be
able  to track them  easily  thanks to your field scanner.  First on your agenda
will be to get our communication going,  so I can guide you through the mission.
To that end, Clutter will need to install the Automatic Frequency Scrambler near
the Submarine antenna,  while Dowey  places a mine,  just in case they decide to
move  out.  You'd  best  avoid  contact  with  the  guards,  as  you're  largely
outnumbered.  Make sabotaging  the pump house  high priority. The deal will take
place  in the secure area  on the other side  of the mountain.  There's a tunnel
running through it and from the top of the old communication building you should
be able to jump on top of the trucks. Dowey will have to cut the security system
wires to avoid detection while you're in there.

Ethan Hunt     : Reintegrated  in the IMF  and  cleared  of  all suspicion.  New
                 leader of the IMF.
Candice Parker : Promoted  to action agent status  as she has proven her courage
                 and wits in the line of fire during the Mole Hunt. Stationed in
                 a submarine positioned off the coast.  Will supervise satellite
                 video communications  and be in constant radio contact with the
John Clutter   : Back in action  with Ethan.  Nice  to have the old team working
                 again!   Professional   mountain  climber   and   cold  weather
                 enthusiast.   Specialized  in   radio systems  and  explosives.
                 Participated  in  the successful  Arctic Shield Mission  in the
                 North Pole.
Andrew Dowey   : Back in action  with Ethan.  Nice  to have the old team working
                 again!  Ex-marine colonel,  one of the  finest triggers  in the
                 agency.  An  inestimable  ally  for  his electronic skills  and
                 knowledge of alarm systems.

Get the AF Scrambler
Get the mine
Get the explosives
Get the gas injector
Get the RC Detonator
Sabotage the pump house
Regroup on Comm building
Find wirecutters
Bring Clutter AFS and mine

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
7.65 Silenced : Very silent,  very deadly. No IMF agent would risk death without
9mm Hi Power  : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,  noisy,
                hazardous when pointing at you.
UZI           : Popular black market item.  Compact,  automatic, frequently seen
                in criminal circles and major motion pictures.
Gas Injector  : Very powerful and compact spray device. Used in closed areas can
                render almost an entire army unconscious in seconds.
Explosives    : Combined  with radio controlled detonator  makes  for great fire
Detonator     : Standard  equipment.   Radio  controlled,  requires  no  special
Mine          : Standard IMF Sabotage device.  Detonation can be set on contact,
                depth or height.
AF Scrambler  : When installed  near an emitting device  makes IMF communication
                completely undetectable.

Get  the AF Scrambler.  Get  the mine.  Give  the AF Scrambler  and  the mine to
Clutter.  Get the explosives.  Get the gas injector.  Then Candice will tell you
that the a guard have found the RC Detonator. Now the RC Detonator is inside the
guard house.  Go there  and  take the RC Detonator.  Go to the pump house. Dowey
will contact you.  He tell you  to find a wirecutter for him. He will be waiting
behind the pump house.  Go inside the pump house.  In the end of the pump house,
take  the wirecutter  and set the explosives. Go outside and gove the wirecutter
to Dowey. After that, use the detonator to explode the pump house.  Candice will
told you to go to the Comm. Building. Go there. To reach the top, you must climb
the crates.  When you have arrive on the top, kill the enemies. After the scene,
jump into the truck.

                           _____           _______
                          |     |         |     | |
          AF Scrambler <--| B   |         |     |A|--> Clutter
                          |     |         |     |*|--> STARTING POINT
                          |     |         |     |_|
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        ______|                                                   |____________
       |       C --> Mine                                                      |
       |                                                                       |
     __|                                                                       |
    |                                                                          |
    |D --> Explosives                               Gas Injector <-- E         |
 ___|                                                             ________     |
|                                                                |        |    |
|                                                                |        |    |
|                                                                |        |  F |--> Dowey
|                                                                |  PUMP  |    |
|                                                                |  HOUSE |    |
|                                                                |        |    |
|                                                                |        |    |
|                                                                |________|    |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                _______                                       |
|                               |       |                                      |
|                               |       |                                      |
|                               | GUARD |                                      |
|                               | HOUSE |                                      |
|                               |       |                                      |
|                               |_______|                                      |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|___                                         _____________              _______|
    |                                       |             |            |
    |                                       |             |____________|
    |          _____________                |
    |         |             |               |
    |         |    COMM     |               |
    |         |  BUILDING   |               |
    |_________|_____________|               |
                            |               |
                            |               |
                            |               |
                            |               |
                            |               |


You'll have to place  explosives  to blow up the tunnel  so the link will be cut
between  the two sections  of the base.  There  are  eight  main  support  beams
anchored to the walls.  Set the explosives  on the anchor bolts.  Careful not to
bump your head on the ceiling.

Ethan Hunt     : Reintegrated  in the IMF  and  cleared  of  all suspicion.  New
                 leader of the IMF.
Candice Parker : Promoted  to action agent status  as she has proven her courage
                 and wits in the line of fire during the Mole Hunt. Stationed in
                 a submarine positioned off the coast.  Will supervise satellite
                 video communications  and be in constant radio contact with the
John Clutter   : Back in action  with Ethan.  Nice  to have the old team working
                 again!   Professional   mountain  climber   and   cold  weather
                 enthusiast.   Specialized  in   radio systems  and  explosives.
                 Participated  in  the successful  Arctic Shield Mission  in the
                 North Pole.
Andrew Dowey   : Back in action  with Ethan.  Nice  to have the old team working
                 again!  Ex-marine colonel,  one of the  finest triggers  in the
                 agency.  An  inestimable  ally  for  his electronic skills  and
                 knowledge of alarm systems.

Find explosives
Sabotage anchor bolts

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
Nightglasses  : Useful on sabotage missions where power outages are frequent.
7.65 Silenced : Very silent,  very deadly. No IMF agent would risk death without
9mm Hi Power  : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,  noisy,
                hazardous when pointing at you.
Explosives    : Combined  with radio controlled detonator  makes  for great fire
Detonator     : Standard  equipment.   Radio  controlled,  requires  no  special

Jump into the platform.  Take the explosives.  Now, in every plattform there are
two anchor bolts.  One  in each side.  Set  the explosives there. There are four
platform,  so there are eight anchor bolts so must sabotage. If you want to move
to another platform just wait for the truck to pass, then jump into the truck.

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                   |         STARTING POINT            |
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After  protecting your backs  by destroying the tunnel,  Dowey will climb one of
the towers with his sniper rifle.  He'll be able  to give you cover  from there.
Clutter will cut through the fencing to open a passageway over the canal as well
as find  some more explosives  to blow  the power plant. You'll have to find the
accountant,  assume his identity and acquire the detonators for the deal.  Bring
the case to Clutter,  who will sabotage it. Once you've given the merchandise to
the buyer,  get out quick,  as things are bound  to get  messy  when  they  find
they've been set up.  Clutter and Dowey  will be waiting  on the gunboat for the

Ethan Hunt     : Reintegrated  in the IMF  and  cleared  of  all suspicion.  New
                 leader of the IMF.
Candice Parker : Promoted  to action agent status  as she has proven her courage
                 and wits in the line of fire during the Mole Hunt. Stationed in
                 a submarine positioned off the coast.  Will supervise satellite
                 video communications  and be in constant radio contact with the
John Clutter   : Back in action  with Ethan.  Nice  to have the old team working
                 again!   Professional   mountain  climber   and   cold  weather
                 enthusiast.   Specialized  in   radio systems  and  explosives.
                 Participated  in  the successful  Arctic Shield Mission  in the
                 North Pole.
Andrew Dowey   : Back in action  with Ethan.  Nice  to have the old team working
                 again!  Ex-marine colonel,  one of the  finest triggers  in the
                 agency.  An  inestimable  ally  for  his electronic skills  and
                 knowledge of alarm systems.

Find explosives and plastic
Sabotage power plant
Cut off camera power
Get accountant's ID
Get briefcase from bunker
Sabotage briefcase
Bring briefcase to deal
Blow away helicopter
Escape on gunboat with Clutter

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.
7.65 Silenced : Very silent,  very deadly. No IMF agent would risk death without
9mm Hi Power  : Standard street weapon needs no introduction. Imprecise,  noisy,
                hazardous when pointing at you.
Face Maker    : The  most  useful  IMF  gadget  of  all.  Foam  cartridges  will
                reproduce any face with 100% accuracy.  Time and temperature can
                affect  the duration  of the mask.  A lot of laughs  at  Langley
                Alumni reunion dinners.
Explosives    : Combined  with radio controlled detonator  makes  for great fire
Detonator     : Standard  equipment.   Radio  controlled,  requires  no  special
Sniper Rifle  : High precision rifle with very powerful telescope.
Plastic xplsv : Can be used  in minute quantities  to blow away small equipment.
                Shoot to activate it without fuse.

Go to the Bunker's roof.  Kill the guards there.  Go down and meet Clutter.  You
will receive  the explosives  and plastic.  Now set the explosives  on the power
plant.  Then  set the plastic explosive on the circuit box. Shoot to blow it up.
Now  you can enter  the accountant's office.  Shoot him.  Use the facemaker  and
take  the accountant's ID.  Go to the bunker.  A guard will open the door. Enter
the next room  and use your ID card on the metal door. Take the briefcase.  Give
the briefcase to Clutter, who will sabotage it. Go to the factory and wait until
the buyer come. After the deal, wait a while until the helicopter blow up. After
the helicopter blow up,  change to Dowey and shoot all the bad guys.  After they
all dead, change again to Ethan. Go outside and jump into the gunboat.

                   |             |
                   |             |
                   |             |
                   |             |
           ________|             |_____________________________________________
          |   __________         |      _____      _____      |  ___      ___  |
          |  |          |     *        |     |    |     |     | |H  |    |H  | |
          |  | BUILDING |        |     |     |    |     |     | |O  |    |O  | |
          |  |__________|        |     |     |    |     |     | |U 1|    |U 2| |
          |   __________         |     |     |    |     |     | |S  |    |S  | |
          |  |          |        |     |_____|    |_____|     | |E__|    |E__| |
          |  | BUILDING |        |                            |______   _______|
          |  |__________|        |                                             |
 _________|                      |                                             |
|      |__|-->CIRCUIT BOX        |                                             |
|       ____________                                                           |
|      |            |                                                          |
|      |            |            |           ____________                      |
|      | P O W E R               |          |ACCOUNTANT'S|                     |
|      | P L A N T  |            |          |   OFFICE   |                     |
|      |            |            |          |____________|                     |
|      |____________|            |_____________________________________________|
|                                                      |                  |    |
|                                                      |                  |____|
|                                                      |                       |
                           |   |                                            |  |
                           |   |                                            |  |
                           |   |                                            |  |
|   _________________                                  |                       |
|  |                 |                                 |                       |
|  |   FACTORY       |                                 |                       |
|  |                 |                                 |_______________________|
|  |_________________|                                 |                       |
|                                                      |____                   |
|                                                           |     BUNKER       |
|                     _____                             ____|                  |
|                    |     |          A --> CLUTTER    |                       |
|                    |  H  |                           |_______________________|
|                    |_____|                           |                       |
|                                                      |                       |
|                                                      |                       |

* = Starting Point


Mission orders are to render the base useless.  Destroy  as many elements of the
installation as possible during your escape on the boat.  I'll see you then, all
in one piece, I hope. Good luck, Ethan.

Ethan Hunt     : Reintegrated  in the IMF  and  cleared  of  all suspicion.  New
                 leader of the IMF.
Candice Parker : Promoted  to action agent status  as she has proven her courage
                 and wits in the line of fire during the Mole Hunt. Stationed in
                 a submarine positioned off the coast.  Will supervise satellite
                 video communications  and be in constant radio contact with the
John Clutter   : Back in action  with Ethan.  Nice  to have the old team working
                 again!   Professional   mountain  climber   and   cold  weather
                 enthusiast.   Specialized  in   radio systems  and  explosives.
                 Participated  in  the successful  Arctic Shield Mission  in the
                 North Pole.
Andrew Dowey   : Back in action  with Ethan.  Nice  to have the old team working
                 again!  Ex-marine colonel,  one of the  finest triggers  in the
                 agency.  An  inestimable  ally  for  his electronic skills  and
                 knowledge of alarm systems.

Escape enemy base
Destroy gas factory

Communicator  : Miniaturized  communication device  that  doubles  as a database
                with info about the mission in progress.

Just shoot everything on sight. When Candice warned you about the mines, quickly
shoot the mines (in front of you, in the water). Sometimes there is also another
gunboat,  shoot them.  What you must destroy is the gas factory,  located in the
end of this base.

No map needed, you can't gone the wrong way.

09.  P A S S W O R D S

               |                  |              |              |
               |     MISSION      |   POSSIBLE   |  IMPOSSIBLE  |
               |                  |              |              |
               | LUNDKWIST BASE   |      --      |      --      |
               | SUBPEN           | ABOMOUKPXTHG | JKLORKLSLVAD |
               |                  |              |              |
               | K.G.B. HQ        | EHLJFPVUIJLP | FEEJGJUOQYDO |
               | ESCAPE           | GQNFGPRIJMNI | FFEOGHUPQTEG |
               |                  | IGPJITTLKRFL | MKFDHUJSXVGD |
               |                  |              |              |
               |                  | IMCPKFLNVSMM | ODMJMROLVRJL |
               |                  | PBORMNSVLVBB | DHNSTMPQNUKN |
               |                  |              |              |
               | STATION          | HDEGJORRKOFC | BHPSEMMQSUIN |
               | TRAIN CAR        | IGQLQOTOKYFO | BKPOFKMSTVID |
               |                  | HDEOJGRRKOFC | AOPDQLMHSXHH |
               |                  |              |              |
               | SUBPEN           | NGMSIRIIPMOI | GBIKKIQNISLM |
               | TUNNEL           | NQPIKRIUQJDS | GPIMKPQQIUNN |
               | MAINLAND         | NHPFIRIQPUDN | EHGNIHVSIVLD |
               | GUNBOAT          | FDHJKRUKQRDL | EKGQIOQTILLF |

10.  A C T I O N  R E P L A Y  C O D E S

                            North American Version
                |                           |               |
                | Infinite Health           | 8008FE04 00FF |
                |                           |               |
                | Infinite Ammo All Weapons | 800454AA 2400 |
                |                           |               |
                | Unlock All Missions       | 8008FA8C 00FF |
                |                           | 8008FB10 FFFF |

                    European and Australian (PAL) Version
           |                                     |               |
           | Infinite Health                     | 8008FC0C 0196 |
           |                                     | 8008FC1C 00FF |
           |                                     |               |
           | Infinite Time                       | 8008FD7C 00FF |
           |                                     |               |
           | Infinite Ammo For Most Main Weapons | 801F5812 0014 |
           |                                     |               |
           | Infinite Fire Extinguisher          | 801F5820 00FF |
           |                                     |               |
           | Infinite Tazer                      | 801F5832 0064 |
           |                                     |               |
           | Infinite Blue Spray                 | 801F5852 0064 |
           |                                     |               |
           | Infinite Masks                      | 801F5822 0063 |

11.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

1. GOD for everything
2. My family and my dogs
3. Game FAQs for publishing my faqs
4. Cheat Code Central for allowing me to use their GameShark Codes. Thanks Dave.
5. My computer
6. You for reading my FAQ

12.  L I S T  O F  T H E  D A M N E D

This list now contain two suckers.  I still hope that this list isn't growing so

1. Today,  I went to a game-shop,  and guess what?  I found that  my Dino Crisis
   walkthrough  has been published  without  my  permission.  That  sucker  only
   translate my walkthrough in Indonesian language and sell it for Rp. 12.500,-.
   That bastard  translate it words by words.  It’s title is GAME GUIDE Volume :
   9. And it has this statement on the back cover : “Anggota IKAPI 106/JBA/10-08
   -99”. Some of my friends told me that it was made in Bandung by VEGA(the same
   store  that sell it). The  previous volume  of that magazine  is also ripping
   someone else's faq(especially from GameFAQs)and translate it into Indonesian.
   And I got some words for anyone that responsible for this :
   happen  to read my walkthrough prepare to be scared. I mean  VERY SCARED (No,
   don’t worry, I won’t take your pitiful soul from your brainless body,  I only
   make sure that you will  suffer till the rest of your life).
   And for you, dear readers, if you know anything,  anything about this asshole
   -person, please let me know about that. I will apreciate any infos about this
   animal.  His address, telephone, faxs, or e-mail.  I will  greatly appreciate
   Ah,  hah.  Finally I got that bastard's e-mail address : vdirect@bdg.centrin. So please send all your curse words and condemn to that motherfucker.

2. This magazine called Game Station and also made in Bandung. Well, he actually
   didn't stole my walkthrough, but he stole my friend's walkthrough. So I think
   this bastard  is  worth enough  to enter my list.  OK, here's the stat : Game
   Station, October 1999, third week, volume 21, Rp. 3.500,-. It's address is on
   Jl. Pungkur 155 Lt. 2, Bandung 40251. And, the best part is I know its e-mail
   address :  And  this  magazine is also have some
   connection  to  VEGA  (the one that plagiarized my walkthrough).  So,  if you
   concern about this plagiarism problem, you know where to send your e-mail.

13.  I M P O R T A N T  N O T E

Hey,  faq-makers, you should read this section.  I just receive an e-mail and he
told me that  he has asking everybody  who made a walkthrough (including myself)
and  I'm the  ONLY  one that answered.  Have you all forgot the manner that your
father and mother taught you when you were kids? If someone asking for your help
and you can help him, then do so. If you don't want people to send you an e-mail
then said so  on your faq.  Don't let people disappointed.  I also have the same
experience.  I asked someone  and he didn't answered me.  I don't know if he's a
busy man or not,  but he didn't answered me. I'm very disappointed. Just because
you have made a great faq,  and a lot of people e-mail you,  it don't make you a
great man. What makes you a great man is your attitude.

And for myself, I guarantee that  I will answer  your questions, even if I can't
answer it.  And  if I haven't  answered your mail within a week , please mail me
back, because maybe I don't read your faq, or something like that.

14.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

For those of you who want to send comments,  questions, or information regarding
this FAQ, send them to :

Feel free  to e-mail me  about any mistakes  or  additions  concerning this FAQ,
but don't forget to mention "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE" in the "Subject" field.

Thanks  for  reading  my  FAQ  and  please send in any comments,  questions, or

This document copyright (c) 1999 - 2000 Stinger 3:16


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