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Written By: Kyle Boon

MMMMMMMM              MMMMMMMM  
MMMMMMMMMM           MMMMMMMMM                       
MMMMMMMMMM          MMMMMMMMMM                       

                    MMMMMM  MMMMMM  MMMMMM  MMMMM
                    MMMMMM  MMMMMM  MMMMMM  MMMMMM
                    MMM     MM      MM      MM   MM
                    MMMMMM  MMMM    MMMM    MM   MM 
                    MMMMMM  MMMM    MMMM    MM   MM
                       MMM  MM      MM      MM   MM
                    MMMMMM  MMMMMM  MMMMMM  MMMMMM
                    MMMMMM  MMMMMM  MMMMMM  MMMMM 
                               PART 1
                             VERSION 4.0
                             BY KYLE BOON
This FAQ can be found at Kyle's Home Page:

Version 1.0: Just made. Added some stuff.
Version 2.0: Added more of the walkthrough. 
Completed the 'how to play' section.
Added the exploring of the town.
Finally, added the names of the main bad guys.
Version 3.0: Added more of the walkthrough.
Version 4.0: Added some more of the walkthrough. 

Something you should know
How to play
GameShark codes


This FAQ is made for personal use and can only be electronically
reproduced. This FAQ can be posted on other web sites and can
also be edited as long as the disclaimer remains unchanged. 
Proper credit must also be given to me. This FAQ is made and owned
by me Kyle Boon. Copyright 1999.

                    SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW

MonsterSeed is a RPG kind of game. You are a ruler by the name of
Daniel. Rulers are special people which can summon monsters. On
his way to Len Bal, he comes upon two guys, which are the main 
bad guys of the game.They are Murdoch and Dryer. He eavesdrops on their 
conversation and is beaten up in the process. You get into a battle with 
them but it is a unbeatable battle(as I know so far)

                           HOW TO PLAY 

The controls are pretty simple, but here they are:
D-pad: Control Daniel.
X: Talk to someone or read a notice. Basically a action button.
Circle: When in the seed or solution menu, lets you see the seed
ability or solution ability. 
Triangle: Exit from a menu. Exit button.
Square: Chooses the solution/s you want to use.
L1: No use.
L2: No use.
R1: No use.
R2: No use.

The battle system is simple. Unlike FF8, FF7 or Xenogears, it's 
much simpler. Use the D-pad to move Daniel to a moveable square.
In case you didn't know, the battle field is grided. press x to
bring up the menu. There are a few things you can do in the menu.
1. Attack: Makes Daniel attack a enemy with one of the skills learnt.
2. StandBy: Wait.
3. Call: Summons a monster. The monster will come out as a glowing ball. 
Depending on the summon speed, is how fast a monster will come
out of the ball. A maximum of three monsters can be summoned into the 
same battle(I think) Everytime I try to summon another monster, it goes 
4. Directions: Give commands to your monsters.
5. Recovery: Unsummon your monster to restore it's HP.
6. Item: Let's you use an item to cure yourself.
7. Status: Let's you see the status of yourself or someone else.
8. Map: Lets you scroll around the battle field.


1.1    M E E T  T H E  H E R O  D A N I E L

Daniel is heading for Len Bal when he sees two guys which are
actually the main bad guys of the game. He accidentally eavsedrops
on their conversation and after the talk with them, you'll have to
fight them. You won't be able to win this battle as they summon a
monster and they are much stronger than you are. After losing the
battle, you'll wake up in a house. Two people, Wolf and his 
granddaughter Kal will talk to you. you'll learn that Wolf found
you and Kal took care of you. Halfway through the conversation with 
them, Wolf will leave. Kal will tell you to go to the town plaza to
find the town elder to get a job. 

As you leave the house, you'll encounter two monsters. After the
conversation, you'll have to fight them. They aren't tough, one
hit using your tornado punch on each of them and they're defeated.

After the battle, just follow the path to reach the town plaza.
The man standing near the stairs is the town elder. Talk to him
and he'll give you some monster seed, money and solution. He'll
also tell you to go to the Monster Store which is actually the
Soulin Monster Store to hatch some monsters. He'll also tell you to 
defeat the lowest grade monsters at the battle arena. Go to the store. 
In the Monster store, you can buy monsters, sell monsters, sell seeds, 
sell solutions and hatch monsters. Choose the hatch option. In the 
hatching room, choose the any seed and press x to begin hatching. Next, 
choose a solution/s using the square button and press x. Set the 
temperature and the seed will hatch. Name the monster. You might want to 
hatch another one. Use a different seed this time as have a variety of 
monsters is better.

1.2    W H A T  I  D I D

This is what I did to defeat the lowest grade monsters. You don't have 
to follow it but the monsters you get are good.

What I did was this: 
I chose seed no 6 on chose the solution to affect life force. Set the 
temperature to seven and got the mad pig! It's really good and has some 
fairly good skills. Very useful for the beginning of the game.

Next, I got the hedgehog using seed no 2. Set the seed and choose the
solution affect willpower and set the temperature to 9.(I think it 
correct. I can't remember)

Stop hatching and talk to the girl in the shop. I bought the most 
expensive monster(the last one on the list). Now go to the arena and 
fight some monsters!

1.3    D E F E A T I N G  T H E  M O N S T E R S

At the arena, choose to fight the first E grade monster. Simple battle. 
Just summon your monsters and attack the opponent's monster and then the 
opponent. After the battle, if you have lost a lot of HP, go to the inn 
and have a rest. If not, continue to fight the next battle. 

Challenge the second E grade monster. A little tough but you should win. 
The monster you'll fight looks like a t-rex. It's attacks are
quite damaging. Like the previous battle, do the same. Cast monsters,
attack, attack, attack. You'll probably lose quite a bit of life, so get 
some rest at the inn. NOTE: Your monsters don't need to get rest. So if 
your monsters are injuried, don't worry. After the battle, they'll be 
back at full health.

Challenge the third E grade monster. Not tough, just ok. Should not be 
as tough as the t-rex. Use the same method as before. I'm not going to 
repeat it. After the three battles, go back to the town square. Talk to 
the town elder and he'll give you a job. Restore whatever hp lost, maybe 
hatch or buy a few monsters and some supplies from the departmental 
store and save your game at the inn. You will now have to go to Bal's 

1.4    E X P L O R I N G  T H E  T O W N

Let's explore the town before going to Bal's fortress. There are a few 
shops/places which you can enter. Here they are:

Town Plaza: You can talk to the town elder, read a message on the notice 
board or go to Kal's house.

Soulin Monster store: Do some hatching, buy or sell a monster, sell a 
seed or sell a solution. (Look out for my Hatching FAQ which should be 
posted soon.) 

White Armor Inn: You can have a nap or save your game here. Cost of 
sleeping the night, 300 gold coins. 

Battling Arena: Battle some other monsters any see whose boss. You can 
get some money, solutions, seeds and items from battles.

Departmental Store: Buy some items or sell some items. 

1.5    B A L ' S  F O R T R E S S

Enter Bal's fortress. Once inside, you'll see two doors. Go to the door 
on the right and you'll see a chest. Open it to get some goodies. Then, 
go back out and walk through the door on the left. Explore the fortress 
if you want. You can get quite a bit of goodies.
There is a room with a locked door. That door leads to the dungon. Once 
you've gotten the book Odyu 3 for Kal, go back and give it to her. Note 
that you'll fight random battles here. 

1.6    G I V E  T H E  B O O K  T O  K A L

Go back to Kal's house. Talk to her to give the book to her. After the 
conversation, go and talk to the town elder. He'll tell you some stuff. 
After that, stock up on some supplies. Curing items, maybe hatch a 
monster or two. Have a battle at the battle arena and restore HP. Now to 
head back to the fortress.

1.7    B A C K  T O  T H E  F O R T R E S S

Ok now we're back at the fortress. Enter and go back to the locked door. 
There will now be a guy there. He's the gatekeeper. Prepare to fight him 
after the short conversation. He has no attacks, but has lots of 
monsters to cast. Plus, they are summoned very fast. 

The way I defeated him:
First, I summoned these three monsters. Koogeslf, Ang-Oolia and ...... I 
forgot the third monster but I guess you can summon any other monster. 
You can cast any other monsters as long as they are fast to summon 
and/or have good skills and a fair ammount of life. After that, get my 
monsters to deal with him three monsters while I go for him. He has 
about forty HP, and since you tornado uppercut tends to vary in the 
ammount of damage it does, it will take about seven turns. Remember to 
save your game before fighting him. And by the way, it's kinda stupid to 
kill him monsters since he'll just cast new ones. Now use the key to 
open the door, and head down the stairs.

1.8    I N  T H E  D U N G O N

Ok, we are now at the stairs heading to dungon. Continue to walk down 
until you reach the door at the bottom of the stairs. Enter and you'll 
have a battle( At least that's what happened to me ). After defeating 
the guy, head towards the end of the room. You'll see two doors. One on 
top, and the other on the right side. Enter the room on the right to 
find a chest. Go back out and go through the door on top. Continue 
walking. In the next room, is a bobby trap room. The traps are easy to 
avoid and if you get hit, I think it deals three damage. Ok, now in the 
next room, Daniel will say something. After that, walk down the stairs, 
open the chest and enter the next room.
If I'm not wrong, in the next room you'll have to fight a boss. 

He'll be with his monster. Quite strong, and this time, he has an attack 
call 'Zero Pusher'. Deals a fair amount of damage. It's kinda strange as 
his monster, that big thing, can deal a huge amount of damage. The first 
time I fought it, it did little damage, but the next time I fought it, 
wow! It killed me instantly! So be on your guard. Like the gatekeeper, 
he has quite a few monsters to cast. The good thing is that he's not as 
hard to defeat as the next boss you'll fight. Good monsters that are 
fast to come out, deal good damage and have a good amount of HP. Deal 
with his monsters first, or if you want, deal with him yourself and let 
your monsters deal with his monsters. It's all up to you.

After the battle, enter the next room. There are three chests to find  
before going to fight the next boss. Find the chests and go fight the 

This boss is also quite hard. His monsters can deal a lot of damage. So 
be careful. Make sure you can have the potion to revive monsters and 
also make sure they can take some damage. Go for his monsters first to 
make sure they can't do any more damage. Hit and run.

Ok, you've defeated the boss. Now to go save Mao. Enter the door. You'll 
see a man in the prison cell. Talk to him and he won't say anything. So 
go through the other door and activate the lever. The cell gate will 
open and Mao will be out. Go talk to him and he'll give you a couple of 
Dark seeds. Wow! Dark seeds! Go back out of Bal's fortress and go hatch 

1.9    H A T C H I N G  T H E  E G G S

Ok, since these are rare eggs, you might want to save your game first 
before hatching them. Then record what monster you've got and try to get 
other monsters. Although it can take some time to get the monster you 
want, it's a good way to get the best monsters or the monsters you want.

1.10    A  N E W  J O B

Ok, go get some supplies, replenish your HP and go talk to the town 
chief. He'll give you a new job, which is to find Molu, a flower needed 
by the item shop owner to make items. 

So here we go to the mines. You'll have to fight random battles here so 
be careful. The mine is kinda big but you shouldn't get lost. Explore 
around. There are some good items to get from the chests in the caves. 
To get to the flower, you'll have to fight at least three battles. It's 
quite easy to find. And as you know, I hate to write about all this but 
maybe I will later.

The flower is a blue flower but you shouldn't have any problem telling 
whether it's the correct flower or not as there's only one flower. Go 
bring it back to the item shop owner. Use the trolley to get back faster 
and to avoid enemies. The trolley is located at the top door. Enter the 
door and turn left.

1.11    G E T T I N G  Y O U R  R E W A R D

Ok, we're now at back at the town of Len Bal. Go talk to the item shop 
owner and he'll thank you for the Molu flower. He'll also give you a 
reward. I dunno whether everybody gets the same reward, but I got three 
solutions 7000 gold and some items.

That's all for now folks.

                          GAMESHARK CODES

1| INFINITE MONEY                         |  801ACCDE 7FFF          |
 |                                        |                         |
 |  MAIN CHARACTER                        |                         |  
2|                                        |301AB849 0063            |
 |                                        |301AB84A 0063            | 
 |                                        |301AB84B 0063            |
 |                                        |301AB84C 0063            |
 |                                        |301AB84D 0063            |
 |                                        |301AB84E 0063            |
 |                                        |301AB84F 0063            |
 |                                        |301AB850 0063            |
 |All MAX STATUS                          |301AB856 0064            |                                            
 |                                        |301AB857 0064            |
 |                                        |301AB858 0064            |
 |                                        |301AB859 0064            |
 |                                        |301AB85A 0064            |
 |                                        |301AB85B 0064            |
 |                                        |301AB85C 0064            |
 |                                        |301AB85D 0064            |

If you have any suggestions or comments, remember to mail them to Ok, I need your help. I'm currently making a 
hatching FAQ for Monster Seed so I need your help. Record down the 
monsters you've gotten and with what temperature and what seed. I'll add 
it if I haven't added it and will also add your name. Thanks.


To gamefaqs for making this wonderful site.

To GSCCC for the gameshark codes.

To Kao Megura, my idol.

To all Ping Yians in the PYSS band.

And lastly to myself for making this FAQ. 


Please note that A.P.I shall not be held responsible for the accuracy of this article.

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