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Written By: Galen Komatsu
| Tekken 2 Project
| ----------------
| release 2  September 4, 1996
| written by Galen Komatsu

         This document and succeeding releases is a gradual transcription
of Tekken 2 information and data drawing primarily from the two mooks
(magazine-book) on the game released by Gamest.  (Gamest is a bi-weekly
Japanese arcade gaming magazine published by Shinseisha)

Currently this file includes these sections:
o Special attacks for all characters
o Throw reversals
o Non-reversable attacks
o Known sub-boss and boss selction commands
o Resources

Time (and personal laziness) forgiving, future updates will include
these items:
x Character data & backgrounds.
x Basic attacks (this is currently half done)
x Rising strikes
x Time attacks
x Air combos/juggles
x Changes in Version.B (from the original)
     ...anyone know? this is the only thing I have no
        information available on.
x Improved layout.
x Whatever else I dig up and have time to write.

.......... | This file is to be viewed in a monospace typeface.
1234567890 |  (otherwise it'll look like hell =^)


Special attack layout:
command             level      damage             name
d,df,f,2            m          35                 Ponken

command key:
ub  u  uf    1 2    wc      while crouching (tap down on stick)
 b  N  f     3 4    ws      while standing (release stick during crouch)
db  d  df           downed  do to downed opponent
                    lying   lying down
                    back    do from behind
                    +       press buttons together
                    |       logical OR operator
                    [ ]     grouping operator
                    (#      denotes guard point for 10-hit combos
1+2                 press 1 and 2 together
1+3|2+4             press 1+3 or 2+4
[1,2,1,2]|[2,1,2,1] hit 1,2,1,2 combination or 2,1,2,1 combination
[D,DF,4]|[D,3+4],4  enter D,DF,4 or D,3+4, either one followed by 4
1|[df,1],2,4,3      hit 1,2,4,3 or df,1,2,4,3
tackle 1,2,1,2      during tackle, hit 1,2,1,2

level:  h          high (block with stick level:  N or B)
        m          middle (block with stick level: N or B)
        l          low (block with stick down: D or DB)
        X (level)  unblockable (plus level of blow, if applicable)
        down       downed opponent (no escape!)
        t, throw   throw (duck to avoid or counter/escape)

tenhit flow pattern sample:
 ___ ___ ___ ___                         ___
|   |   |   |   |                       |   |
|   |   | C |   |                ___    | C |    ___
|   | B |---| E | means:        |   |-->|___|-->|   |   possible combos:
| A |   | D |   |        ___    | B |    ___    | E |     ABCE
|   |___|___|___|       |   |-->|___|-->|   |-->|___|     ABDE
|   |           |       | A |    ___    | D |             AF
|   |  F        |       |___|-->|   |   |___|
|___|___________|               | F |


Heihachi Mishima
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17              dash sliding

Special attacks:
1,2                 hh         10,15              One-two punch
                               12,15 with stick
f,f,f,3             m          30                 KuuzanKyaku
uf,4,4              hl         25,15              RasenshuujinKyaku
f,N,d,df,2          m          30                 FuujinKen
f,N,d,df,1          m          38                 RaijinKen
1,1,2               hhm        10,10,20           SenkohRekken
                               12,10,20 with stick
4,3                 m          30                 Hasaishuu
df,1,2              mm         10,28              MusouRenken
1,2,2               hhh        10,15,25           KikokuRenken
                               12,15,25 with stick
f,f,3               m          30                 Left Axe Kick
f,4                 m          30                 Right Axe Kick
ws  4,4             mm         20,25              Axe Kick
d,df,f,2            m          33 (cleanhit 49)   Ponken
f,N,d,df,4,4,4      lll        17,12,12           NarakuBarai
narakubarai N,4,4   mm         20,15              NarakuBarai KakatoKiri
f,N,d,df,3          m          35                 GekizanKyaku
f,N,d,DF,3          l          25                 ChizanKyaku
uf,3,4              mm         25,20              RisenkuujinKyaku
f,f,2               m          40                 KijinKen
b,b,N,3+4           -          -                  KageAshi
wc 1                m          15                 KawaraWari
wc 1,f,2            mm         15,30              KawaraWari Ponken
downed D,4          down       25                 OniGeta
f,F,1+2             throw      35                 Super Headbutt
back 1+3|2+4        throw      45                 NiohKudaki
D,1+4               X          70                 OniKawara

f,F,2,1,2,2,(3,4,(4,1,2,1      hhhhmmlhmh         7,8,6,7,6,11,5,5,8,30
df,3,2,(2,4,4,(1,4,1,(2,4      mhhllmhhlm         17,5,6,8,8,5,10,5,6,35
                |      \1      .........m         ..,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,30
                \2,1,2,1       ......hmmm         ..,.,.,.,.,.,5,8,21,25
|                               |  possible combos:
| f,F,2,1,2,2,(3,4,(4,1,2,1     |  f,F,2,1,2,2,(3,4,(4,1,2,1
|_______________________________|  df,3,2,(2,4,4,(1,4,1,(2,4
|                 |         |   |  df,3,2,(2,4,4,(1,4,1,(2,1
|                 |         | 4 |  df,3,2,(2,4,4,(1,2,1,2,1
|                 | 4,1,(2, |---|
| df,3,2,(2,4,(1, |         | 1 |
|                 |_________|___|
|                 |             |
|                 | 2,1,2,1     |


Paul Pheonix
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17             dash sliding

Special attacks:
1,2                 hh         10,15              One-two punch
                               12,15 with stick
2,3                 hh         12,30              PK combo
                               15,30 with stick
2,D,3               hl         12,17              PDK combo
                               13,15 with stick
uf,3,4              mm         25,25              SoubitenKyaku
wc  4,2             lm         15,25              Rakuyoh
d,df,f,2            m          35 (cleanhit 52)   PonKen
wc  1               m          15                 KawaraWari
wc  1,2             mm         15,30              KawaraWari PonKen
wc  1,4,2           mlm        15,15,25           KawaraWari Rakuyoh
downed, wc  2       d          25                 Ganseki Kawari
f,f,4               m          20                 AbiseKeri
f,F,2               m          15                 Hayate
D,DF,2              m          30                 Hazakura
D,DF,2,1            mm         30,30              Hazakura Ponken
D,DF,2,2            ml         30,15              Hazakura Tekki
f,f,3,4,4           mmh        20,15,25           ShiboRyuu (high)
f,f,3,4,f|df,2      mmm        20,15,15           ShiboRyuu (middle)
f,f,3,4,d|db,2      mml        20,15,15           ShiboRyuu (low)
B,1+2               X          100                BanseiRyuuOhken
1,D,4               hl         10,22              Reverse PDK combo
F,2,3               hh         10,20              Quick PK combo
1+3,B               throw      35                 TomoeNage
f,f,1+2             throw      35                 UraAte
DF,1+2              throw      40                 Fuuga
back 1+3|2+4        throw      40                 SeOtoshi

DB,1+2              throw      5                  Ultimate Tackle
U.Tackle 2,1,2,1,2  throw      5,5,5,5,5          Yamikumo
U.Tackle D,2,1,1,N,4,1,1+2  throw  5,8,8,35       Yamikumo Jime
1,2,3,(2,1,2,1,(4,2,1          hhmhmhhlmm         10,15,7,5,7,4,5,7,8,30
     \(1,(4,2,1,(4,2,1         ...mlmhmlm         ..,..,.,6,7,8,5,8,10,30
        \(2                    ....m              ..,..,.,.,30
 ________ _____________________
|        |                     |  possible combos:
|        | (2,1,2,1,(4,2,1     |  1,2,3,(2,1,2,1,(4,2,1
|        |_____________________|  1,2,3,(1,(4,2,1,(4,2,1
| 1,2,3, |     |               |  1,2,3,(1,(2
|        |     | (4,2,1,(4,2,1 |
|        | (1, |---------------|
|        |     | (2            |


Jun Kazama
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17             dash sliding

Special attacks:
1,1                 hm         10,15              Suirenkei
1,3                 h,l        10,14              SuikeiShitaKeri
1,2                 hm         10,10              Sourenkei
1,1,4               hmlh       10,15,15,20        Suirenshiun
1,1,3               hmm *loop  10,15,14           Suirenshoutai
1,4,4,4             hlll       10,14,14,14        SuikeiKariashi
1+4,2,4             lhhm       7,10,10,25         Hakuroyuubu
1+4,2,1             lhhh       7,10,10,12         TaizanHakuro
1+4,2,1,4,4,4       *loop      7,10,10,12,14,14,14  TaizanhakurouKiriashi
F,2                 m          15                 OniGoroshi
3+4                 mm|d       [25,25]|20         RyuuUntsui
3,4,4,4             lll        14,14,14           ShinkuuKariashi
3,4,4,4,3           lllm       14,14,14,25        KiriashiRyuuUntsui
3,4,1+4,2,4         llhhm      14,7,10,10,25      KiriashiHakuroYuubu
F,4                 h          35                 KasumiGeri
D,3+4               lh         10,15              Shiun NidanKeri
B,3                 m          20                 RyuushaGeri
B,3,4,4,4           mlll       20,14,14,14        RyuushaGeri Kariashi
B,3,2               mm         20,15              RyuushaGeri OniKoroshi
F,1                 m          15                 KasumiShouKen
F,3 (3,3..)         mmX        30,40,40           Onikubi Otoshi
back 1+3|2+4        throw      45                 TsuriganeWari
DF,2+3              throw      35                 Hakuzan

2,1,1,(1,2,(1,4,(3,3+4         mhmhmlmlmm         15,10,8,8,6,5,7,7,25,25
     |    \(1+4,1,3+4          .....lhhlh         ..,..,.,.,.,7,5,6,21,24
     \(3                       ...m               ..,..,.,10
 _______ _______ _____________
|       |       |             |  possible combos:
|       |       | (1,4,(3,3+4 |  2,1,1,(1,2,(1,4,(3,3+4
|       | (1,2, |-------------|  2,1,1,(1,2,(1+4,1,3+4
| 2,1,1 |       | (1+4,1,3+4  |  2,1,1,(3
|       |-------'-------------|
|       | (3                  |


Lei Wulong
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17             dash sliding

Special attacks:
     Due to Lei's "ability" to turn around or lie down, several notations
specific to this section are:
standing                 sleeping
--------                 --------   end towards opponent
back to opponent: ba                   head(h) toe(t)
                         face up (u)     uh      ut
                         face down (d)   dh      dt
     If preceeding a move is a prerequisite to do the move, succeeding
and in parenthesis is the resulting position after the move (if not
standing and facing opponent after).  Sleeping notation is always listed
face direction first, opponent direction second.  An "x" means direction
does not matter.  Examples:
ux D,1 (dx)   Lei must be lying face up, will be face down after.
ba D,1 (ba)   Lei must face back to opponent, will face back after move.

d|D,3+4  (uh)       -          -                  Sleep
ux D,1  (dx)        -          -                  Roll face down
dx 1  (ux)          -          -                  Roll face up
ut 3+4              -          -                  handspring
uh 3+4              m          25                 ChoukyuuKyaku
uh 3,4              lh         15,30              GyoushinkouSouenbu
dh 4,3  (d?)        l          15                 FukushinKatsu
dt 4,3  (u?)        m          25                 FukushinKoryuutai
dt 3,4  (d?)        l          15                 FukushinSouai

b|B,3+4  (ba)       -          -                  Turn back
ba 1                h          12                 Haishinda
ba 4                m          15                 Haishintai
ba d|D,1 (ba)       l          8                  HaishinKasouda
ba 2                m          20                 HaishinHoutsui
ba 3+4,3+4 (ba),3+4 mmm        15,15,15           Haijinraku
ba d|D,4,4          lh         15,30              HaishinKouSouenbu
1+2  (ba)           hh         18,18              TenshinRenhou
3,3  (ba)           lh         25,20              KyokanKyaku

db,4,4              lh         15,30              Kousouenbu
[3,4]|[f|F,3,4]     m          30                 SenpuuRenkyaku
     hold stick UP to repeat up to two more times, hold stick
     DOWN during kick to Sleep.
f,3,4               hm         35,20              YoushinGeki
f,3,D,4             hl         35,20              Kosonzan
4,3                 m          25                 Koryuutai
f,f,f,3             m          30                 RaikouChoukyaku
f,2,1,2,1           hhhh       ?                  SousouGa
f,4,1,2,3,4         mmmhm      25,12,12,20,20     Rouga YoushinGeki
d,4,1,2,3,D,4       mmmhl      25,12,12,20,10     Rouga Kosonzan
f,1,2,1,2,4         mmmmm      10,10,10,10,15     Ryuusei chuudankyaku
f,1,2,1,2,3         mmmml      10,10,10,10,20     Ryuusei kadankyaku
4,4,3,3  (dt)       llm        7,7,35             KenzanRenkyaku
F,4,1,2,4           hmmm       35,12,10,15        Raikoh chudankyaku
F,4,1,2,3           hmml       35,12,10,20        Raikoh kadankyaku
B,1+4               -          -                  Hisuichou
hisuichou  4        X          90                 Houou senpuukyaku
hisuichou  3,3,3,3  mmmm       15,15,15,15        YouSou renkyaku
         may be interrupted at any time by Houou Senpuukyaku
f,F,1+2             throw      30                 sweeping throw
back  1+3|2+4       throw      45                 Rakugansai

1,2,(1,3+4,2,1,(4,1,(2,3       hhlmmmhmmh         10,8,7,8,6,6,10,6,6,30
          |        \(4,4       ........lh         ..,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,7,35
          \3+4,(3+4,1,1,2      ....mmllm          ..,.,.,.,9,10,11,12,21
 _____________ ___________ ______
|             |           |      |  possible combos:
|             |           | (2,3 |  1,2,(1,3+4,2,1,(4,1,(2,3
|             | 2,1,(4,1, |------|  1,2,(1,3+4,2,1,(4,1,(4,4
| 1,2,(1,3+4, |           | (4,4 |  1,2,(1,3+4,3+4,(3+4,1,1,2
|             |___________|______|
|             |                  |
|             | 3+4,(3+4,1,1,2   |


Nina Williams
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         20             dash sliding

Special attacks:
1,2                 hh         10,10              One-two punch
2,3                 hh         12,20              PK combo
2,D,3               hl         12,10              PDK combop
2,4                 hh         12,15              Double smash
[f,f,1+2]|1+2       m          20 (cleanhit 30)   Soushouha
1|[df,1],2,4        hhh        10,10,25           Triple smash
df,1,2              mh         10,15              Upper, Straight
B,1                 h          15                 Killing blade
B,2                 m          20                 Side step stab
D|d,2,4             lm         10,15              Frozen kick
D|d,4,1             lh         10|7,10            R.low kick, Backspin chop
3,4                 hh         25,15              Left high, R.high kick
D,3,N,4             lh         12,15              Sit spin, R.high kick
df,3,4              mh         10,15              Left middle, R.high kick
f,f,4               m          16 (cleanhit 24)   Kneel kick
D|d,3,4             ll         12,7               Leg break combo
uf,4,3,4            hlh        20,10,14           Hunting kick combo
ws  1,4             lm         5,10               Rave kick
1|[df,1],2,1,2,F,1+2 [h|m]hhhm 10|15,10,6,6,20    Rengeki Soushouha 1
1|[df,1],2,F,1+2    [h|m]hhhm  10|15,10,6,6,20    Rengeki Soushouha 2
1|[df,1],2,ub|u|uf,3 [h|m]hm   10|15,10,20|15|12  Neel edge combo 1
1,ub|u|uf,3         [h|m]hm    10|15,10,20|15|12  Neel edge combo 2
1|[df,1],2,D,3,4    [h|m]hlh   10|15,10,10,15     Jail crash
1|[df,1],2,D,3,2    [h|m]hlm   10|15,10,10,10     Cemetary crash
df,3,1,2            mhh        10,10,6            Flash combo
df,3,2,ub|u|uf,3    mhm        10,12,20|12|12      edge combo
df,3,3,3,4          mhhh       10,6,8,15          Rapid kick combo
db,1+2              X          95                 Hunting swan (u,u to cancel)
db,4                l          10                 Slicer
d,db,3              m          25                 Divine cannon
db,4,3              lm         10,25              Divine cannon combo
df,DF,1             throw      50                 KakaeKomi HijiUchi
1+3,F               throw      40                 Kubikarinage

d,df,f,1+2          throw      15                 Shoaku
shoaku  3,4,3,1+2              30                 Kubikari JujiGatame
shoaku  1,3,2,1                30                 TachiGyakuWakiGatame
tachigyaku  2,1,3,4,1+2        25                 SuteGyakuWakiGatame
tachigyaku  3,1,4,1+2,1+2      25                 Urakanmekitakahajime
shoaku  2,3,4,2,2              15,15              UdeHisagiHaragatame
udehisagi  1,3+4,1,2,1+2       35                 KubihineriKaoGatame

3,3,4               hlh        25,10,15           Spike combo, Rising high
3,3,2               hlm        25,10,10           Spike combo, Rising upper
3,3,D,4             hll        25,10,7            Spike combo, Right low
df,3,1,2,F,1+2      mhhm       10,10,6,20         Assault combo
ub|u|uf,D,3,2       lm         25,10              Riding kick, Right upper
ub|u|uf,D,3,3       lm         25,15              Riding kick, Left middle
ub|u|uf,D,3,4       lh         25,15              Riding kick, Right high
1|[df,1],2,1,4      [h|m]hhl   10|15,10,6,22      Spark combo
4,3,2               hlm        20,15,10            combo, Right upper
4,3,D,4             hll        20,15,7             combo, Right low
4,3,4               hlh        20,15,15            combo, Right high
df,3,2,1,4          mhhl       10,12,6,22         Quick attack combo
df,3,2,D,3          mhl        10,12,10           Quick attack, left low kick
df,3,2,3            mhh        10,12,20           Quick attack, left high 
df,3,2,4            mhh        10,12,15           Quick attack, right high
df,3,3,3,3          mhhl       10,6,8,10          Rapid combo, left low
df,3,3,3,4          mhhh       10,6,8,15          Rapid combo, right high
df,3,3,3,1,2,1+2    mhhhhm     10,6,8,10,6,20     Rapid combo, Soushoha
f,f,f,4             m          20                 Bone cutter
2+4,1,2,1           throw      30                 Izori hijiotoshi
hijiotoshi  2,1,3   throw      20                 Izorihijiotoshi wakigatame

f,f,f,3             throw      20                 Flying achilles gatame
d,df,f,3+4          throw      15                 Kani hasami
hasami  3+4,3,4,1+2            35                 Zenten udejuji gatame
f.achilles|hasami  3+4,4,2,1+2  20                Achlles gatame
achilles  3,1,4,2+4            35                 Hiza juji gatame
achilles  1,3,2+4,3+4,1+2      45                 Kaiten achilles gatame

  1,2,(1,(2,(3,(3,2,1,2,4      hhhhlhhhhh         10,10,6,6,7,9,6,6,6,30
      |    |         \4,3      ........lm         ..,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,5,25
df,1,2/    \(4,(3,4,2,(4,3     mh..hllmlm         10,15,.,.,9,9,5,6,5,25
 _________ ________ ____________ _____
|         |        |            |     |  possible combos:
|         |        |            | 2,4 |  1,2,(1,(2,(3,(3,2,1,2,4
|  1,2,   |        | (3,(3,2,1, |-----|  1,2,(1,(2,(3,(3,2,1,4,3
|_________| (1,(2, |            | 4,3 |  1,2,(1,(2,(4,(3,4,2,(4,3
|         |        |____________|_____|  df,1,2,(1,(2,(3,(3,2,1,2,4
| df,1,2, |        |                  |  df,1,2,(1,(2,(3,(3,2,1,4,3
|         |        | (4,(3,4,2,(4,3   |  df,1,2,(1,(2,(4,(3,4,2,(4,3


Marshall Law
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17             dash sliding

Special attacks:
1,2                 hh         10,12              One-two punch
1,1,1,1,1           hhhhh      10,5,5,5,5         Left punch series
wc 3                l          15                 Dragon low
df,3                m          15                 Step-in middle kick
3,3,3               hhh        25,10,10           Triple high kick
triple high  f      m          15                 Feint middle kick
F,2,2,2             hmh        12,6,6             Dragon knuckle combo
2,2                 hh         12,10              Dragon knuckle combo
f,F,3+4             throw      25                 Dragon knee
D,df,DF,3           l          17                 Sliding
f,f,f,3             m          30                 Dragon slash
4,3,4               hhh        20,12,12           Spin kick combo
D,UB|U|UF,4         m          40|40|30           Somersault kick (big jump)
D,ub|u|uf,4         m          30|35|25           Somersault kick (small jump)
D,ub|u|uf,3+4       m          30                 Somersault drop
4,u,3               hm         20,30              Dragon somersault
D,3,4               lm         12,30              Sit-spinkick somersault
wc 4,3              lm         7,30               Dragon low l.somersault
ws 3,4              lm         25,30              Sidekick r.somersault
ws 4,3              mm         20,30              Frontkick l.somersault
D|d,2,3             lm         8|10,30            Sit straignt l.somersalt
3,4                 lm         25,30              Highkick somersault
ub|u|uf,3,4         hm         25,30              Jump sidekick r.somersault
3+4                 m          30                 Quick somersault kick
D,4,3               m          30                 Lowkick l.somersault
3+4,4               mm         30,30              Double somersault kick
D,2,N,3,3,3,4       lhhhm      15,10,10,10,30     Dragon bless
db,4                l          35                 Dragon tail
back  1+3|2+4       throw      45                 Face crasher
2+4,1,2,1+2         throw      35                 Dragon fall
db,1+2              X          100                Dragon fang (u,u to cancel)

df,1,2,2,(1,3,(3,3,4,3,4       mhmhhlhhhh         10,5,6,5,7,6,7,7,10,25
    |           \|
    |           |\ 
    \3,2,(2,3,d,3,3,(4,4,4     .lmhmlmhlm         ..,6,6,8,6,6,6,8,15,38
                   |  |
                   \(3/        .......l..         ..,.,.,.,.,.,.,7,..,..

combo note: hit 6 of the first string may go into string two, and
            alternately, hit 6 of the second string may go into string one.
 _______ _______________ ________________
|       |               |                |   possible combos:
|       | 2,2,(1,3,(3,  |  3,4,3,4       |   df,1,2,2,(1,3,(3,3,4,3,4
|       |               |________________|   df,1,2,2,(1,3,(3,3,(4,4,4
| df,1, |_______________|    |     |     |   df,1,2,2,(1,3,(3,3,(3,4,4
|       |               |    | (4, |     |   df,1,3,2,(2,3,d3,3,4,3,4
|       | 3,2,(2,3,d,3, | 3, |-----| 4,4 |   df,1,3,2,(2,3,d3,3,(4,4,4
|       |               |    | (3, |     |   df,1,3,2,(2,3,d3,3,(3,4,4


Michelle Chang
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         7              dash sliding

Special attacks:
1,2                 hm         10,10              Renken
1,2,3               hml        10,10,20           Renken low kick
1,2,4               hmh        10,10,20           Renken high kick
1,1,1               hmm        10,8,20            TsuutenHou 1
df,1,1              mm         12,20              TsuutenHou 2
wc  4,1             lm         15,25              Zensou Juujiba 1
4,4,1               llm        20,15,25           Zensou Juujiba 2
wc  4,4             lh         15,20              Zensou Rentai 1
4,4,4               hlh        20,15,20           Zensou Rentai 2
wc  4,D,4           ll         15,10              Zensou Sentai 1
4,4,D,4             hll        20,15,10           Zensou Sentai 2
wc  3               l          15                 Zensoutai
ws  4               m          20                 SoukuuHou
1+2                 m          30                 TotsusouShou
ws  2               m          18                 Zansui
zansui  2,2         mmm        18,15,20           Zansui TsuutenHou
3,2                 m          18                 Zangeki
ws  2,2             mm         18,30              Zansui Houchuu
ws  2,4,1           mlm        18,17,25           Zansui Zensou Juujiba
ws  2,4,4           mlh        18,17,20           Zansui Zensou Rentai
ws  2,4,D,4         mll        18,17,10           Zansui Zensou Sentai
ws  2,1,4,3         mmlh       18,15,12,25        Zansui Soukyuutai
df,2                m          15                 Housui
housui hit  1       -          22                 Daiten Housui
1,2,1               hmm        10,15,22           Renken Daiten Housui
f,F,1               m          12                 KoshinChuu
df,3                m          17                 Shoutai
D,DF,4              l          12                 Kousoutai
kousoutai  3        h          25                 Senkyuutai
3+4,4               h          20                 Tenshintai
2+3,1               lmm        10,10,40           Shoutai TsuutenHou
D,DF,2              m          18                 Shippo Houchuu
d,DF,1              m          12                 Shippo Shouken
F,1+4               X          50                 Zesshou TsuutenSou
big fwd jump start 3+4  m      34                 Resshintou
f,f,1,4             mm         12,12              KoshinRenkou
f,1                 m          25                 Tenhou
1,1,4,3             hmlh       10,8,12,25         SoukyuuTai
[df,1,4]|[1+4,3]    mlh        12,12,25|26        SoukyuuTai
2 hit, b            h          12                 Rear slip
rear slip  1+2      throw      45                 German suplex
back  1+3|2+4       throw      45                 German suplex
DF,1+2              throw      40                 Full Nelson suplex

2,1,1,(2,3,3,(3,4,(4,1         hmmhlhmhlm         12,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,8,12
            \(2,3,(2,1         ......mlmt         ..,.,.,.,.,.,7,5,5,30
               \1,(4,3         .......mlh         ..,.,.,.,.,.,.,7,10,25
 _______________ ______________
|               |              |  possible combos:
|               | (3,4,(4,1    |  2,1,1,(2,3,3,(3,4,(4,1
|               |______________|  2,1,1,(2,3,3,(2,3,(2,1
| 2,1,1,(2,3,3, |     |        |  2,1,1,(2,3,3,(2,1,(4,3
|               |     | 3,(2,1 |
|               | (2, |--------|
|               |     | 1,(4,3 |


run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp

Special attacks:
1,1,1               hhm        18,20,25           Hammer combo
2,1,2               hmm        17,25,25           Straight, Elbow, Upper
1+2,1+2             mm         22,22              Double hammer 1
ws 1+2,1+2          mm         25,30              Double hammer 2
db,1,1,1,1,1,df,2   lllllm     15,20,25,30,35,40  Machine gun knuckle
wc  1,2,1           mmm        15,12,12           Swing left knuckle
f|F,1+2             m          25                 Power scissors
b,db,d,df,2         m          25                 Megaton punch
b,db,d,df,f,...,1   X          20|40|60|80|199    Gigaton punch
   continue joystick spin to increase strength, unblockable after
   the first spin
d,DF,1,2,1,1        hmmh       12,15,15,30        Wild swing
3+4                 -          -                  Sit in place
sit  U              -          -                  Sit & jump
sit  [1,2,1,2]|[2,1,2,1]  llll 10,10,10,10        Blood fan
D,1+2               ml         25                 Meltdown
f|F,1+2,1+2         ml         25,25              Scissors meltdown
f|F,1+2,DF,2        mm         25,35              Scissors megaton
d,1+2               m          50                 Bravo knuckle
b,db,d,df,1         l          35                 Megaton sweep
ws  1               m          20                 Violent upper
wc  1,2             lm         12,35              Megaton strike
DB,3,4,3,4,3,4      llllll     25,12,12,12,12,12  Kossak combo
lying  D,1+2        m          12                 Spring hammer punch
uf,3+4  (sit)       m          35                 Hip press
sit  3,4  (sit)     m          35                 Sit & Hip press
D,1,1,1,2,F,1       llmmh      12,12,12,12,12     A-Hammer rush high
D,1,1,1,2,DF,1      llmmm      12,12,12,12,12     A-Hammer rush middle
D,1,1,1,2,D,1       llmml      12,12,12,12,12     A-Hammer rush low
d,DF,1,2,F,1        mmh        12,12,12           B-Hammer rush high
d,DF,1,2,DF,1       mmm        12,12,12           B-Hammer rush middle
d,DF,1,2,D,1        mml        12,12,12           B-Hammer rush low
d,DF,2,F,1          mh         12,12              C-Hammer rush high
d,DF,2,DF,1         mm         12,12              C-Hammer rush middle
d,DF,2,D,1          ml         12,12              C-Hammer rush low
db,F,1+2            throw      70                 Piledriver
d,db,B,2            throw      55                 Backbreaker
d,df,F,1            throw      25                 Pyramid driver
hellpress  1+2      throw      30                 Face breaker
back  2+4           throw      70                 Death shot
DF,2+4              throw      30                 Catapult throw

 d,2,1,1,(1,2,1,2,1,(1+2,1+2   lllmmhmmmm         10,6,5,7,7,6,6,8,21,25
                |  |
uf,1,1,(4,3,4,(1/  \d,(1+2,1+2 hmlllm..lm         15,8,5,5,5,8,.,.,12,35
 ___________________ ______ ____________
|                   |      |            |  possible combos
| d,2,1,1,(1,2,1,   |      | (1+2,1+2   |  d,2,1,1,(1,2,1,2,1,(1+2,1+2
|-------------------| 2,1, |------------|  d,2,1,1,(1,2,1,2,1,d,(1+2,1+2
| uf,1,1,(4,3,4,(1, |      | d,(1+2,1+2 |  uf,1,1,(4,3,4,(1,2,1,(1+2,1+2
|___________________|______|____________|  uf,1,1,(4,3,4,(1,2,1,d,(1+2,1+2


run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  2                     throw     25             stab
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp

Special attacks:
2,3                 hh         12,30              PK combo
2,D,3               hl         12,17              PDK combo
3,4                 hm         35,30              Inazuma
B,1,1,1,1,1,1       hhhhhh     10,10,10,10,10,10  Ninpo Manji kazura
DB,2,2,2,2,2,2      mmmmmm     10,10,10,10,10     Ninpo Manji giku
DB,3,3,3,3,3        lllll      12,7,7,5,5         Ninpo Manji sou
manji sou  f,4      m          12                 DoubokuJuu
f,f,3+4             m          40                 Ninpo Kageroh
ninpo kageroh  1+2  h          40                 Ninpo Kusanagi
f,f,3+4,1+2,3+4     mhm        40,40,30           KusanagiHou
f,2                 h          12                 Manji uraken
f,f,4               m          20                 Fubuki
4,4,4               hhh        20,20,20           Sazanka
D,DF,3              l          12                 Tsuyubarai
uf,3+4              m          30                 Ninpo Manji guruma
4,3                 m          30                 HyuukaHou
D,3+4               -          -                  Manji agura
agura  N            -          (+3)               Zengaku
     Yoshimitsu heals each time he rocks in place.
agura  B            -          -                  Zengaku Bukuubu
     if near opponent, teleports behind, otherwise facing backward.
db,1                X          15                 ZankokuKen
db,1,N,DB           X          15                 RengokuKen
B,3+4               -          (-8)               Karin
     Yoshimitsu slips away in a clockwise arc at the cost of his health.
b,b,1               X          90                 ZetsumeiKen
zetsumei  1         X          30                 SenpuuKen
D,db,b,1            X          30                 Kegon
big jump start 1+2  -          -                  HikuuKen
     Yoshimitsu displays the aerodynamics of polished steel...
hikuuken  D         X          25|30|40           HikuuShuuKen
d,1+4               X          60                 Ureinashi
     Yoshimitsu runs himself through with his sword damaging himself
     in the process.
f,F,1+4             X          100                Madoinashi  (N to cancel)
     Yoshimitsu turns, then runs himself through.
back  1+3|2+4       throw      70                 Ninpo Fuujin
d,db,B,1+2          throw      60                 Ninpo YaguraOtoshi

4,(4,(2,2,1                    hhmhX              20,20,5,6,30
1,2,1,(4,(4,(1,1,1,1,1         hmmhhllXXX         10,8,6,9,9,5,5,8,8,30
        |       \(3+4          .......m           ..,.,.,.,.,.,.,25
        \2,2,2,(4,1,1          ....mmmmXX         ..,.,.,.,3,3,3,7,8,30
 ____________ __________________
|            |                  |  possible combos:
| 4,(4,(2,2, | 1                |  4,(4,(2,2,1
|____________*__________________|  4,(4,(2,2,(4,(1,1,1,1,1
|            |          |       |  4,(4,(2,2,(4,(1,1,(3+4
|            |          | 1,1,1 |  1,2,1,(4,(4,(1,1,1,1,1
|            | (4,(1,1, |-------|  1,2,1,(4,(4,(1,(3+4
| 1,2,1,(4,  |          | (3+4  |  1,2,1,(4,2,2,2,(4,1,1
|            |__________|_______|
|            #                  |
|            | 2,2,2,(4,1,1     | * only 4,(4,(2,2, may go into 1.
|____________|__________________| # only 1,2,1,(4, may go into 2,2,2,(4,1,1.


run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp

Special attacks:
1,2                 hh         12,15              One-two punch
                               15,15 with stick
1,2,1               hhm        12,15,10           One-two upper
                               15,15,10 with stick
f,f,4               m          30                 Jail kick
f,f,f,3+4           m          40                 Sattellite drop kick
[f,f,3+4]|3+4       m          25                 Drop kick
f,f,2               m          20                 Smash upper
big-jump start 2+4  m          35                 Elbow drop
uf,1+2              m          35                 Knuckle bomb
F,DF,2              m          20                 Dynamite upper
[D,DF,4]|[d,3+4],4,4 lll       17,7,7             Ali kick
D,DF,4,4,4,4,4      lllll      17,7,5,4,3         Ali kick (counter)
wc  1,2             lm         5,15               Left straight, Right upper
2,1                 hm         12,15              Right straight, Left upper
                               15,10 with stick
u|uf,3+4            m          40                 Double knee drop
f,f,1+2             h (start)  15                 Flying cross chop
                    l (ending)
df,3+4              m          20                 Frankensteiner
                                                  (outside throw range)
df,3+4              throw      45                 Frankensteiner
                                                  (in throw range)
df,3+4              throw      20+45              Frankensteiner
                                                  (in throw range, no guard)
db,F,1+2            throw      65                 Tombstone piledriver
db,DB,1+2           throw      45                 DDT
d,df,F,1            throw      25                 Jaguar driver
J.driver 1+2        throw      30                 "aachirokku" face buster
J.driver 1+2,3,4,1+2 throw     45                 Boston Crab
f,b,db,d,df,F,1     throw      70                 Giant swing
f,1+4               X          25                 Moonsault bodypress
f,f,N,2             l          6                  Grand smash
G.smash 1+2         throw      40                 Jaguar backbreaker
G.smash 1+2,u,d,3+4 throw      60                 Jumping powerbomb

F,DF,2+3            throw      30                 Standing achilles hold
Achilles  1,2,3,1,1+2          35                 S.T.F.
                                                  (stepover toehold facelock)
Achilles  1+2,3,1,1+3          35                 Scorpion death lock
Achilles  1+2,1,3,1+2+4        30                 Indian death lock
Indian  1+2,3,4,1+2,ALL        50                 Romero Special

d,1+2               m          15                 Elbow sting
Ali kick  2         m          10                 Spinning smash
4th ali kick 4,2,1,3  throw    80                 Octopus hold
F,1+2               X (high)   50                 Jaguar impact
back  1+3           throw      55                 Half Boston crab
back  2+4           throw      55                 Cobra twist
DB,1+2              throw      30                 Figure-4 leg lock

"Wonderful Mexican Combo"
F,DF,1+3|2+4        throw      25                 Reverse arm clutch slam
R.Arm  2,1,1+2                 18                 Backdrop
Backdrop  3+4,1+2              15                 German suplex
G.Suplex  1,2,3+4              25                 Powerbomb
Powerbomb  2,1,3,4             30                 Giant swing

1,2,1,(1,2,(4,4,4,(1,3         hhmmhlllmm         12,15,10,6,6,5,5,5,7,30
        |    /      \1         .........m         ..,..,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,23
       *\3,(3,4,3,(2,1+2       ....hmlllt         ..,..,..,.,8,10,5,5,6,30

*alternate combo: 1,2,1,1,3,3 may return to original string (then
                 ending with 4,4,1,3) or continue with 4,3,2,1+2
 ___________ _______ _________ ___
|           |       |         |   |  possible combos:
|           |       |         | 3 |  1,2,1,(1,2,(4,4,4,(1,3
|           | 2,(4, | 4,4,(1, |---|  1,2,1,(1,2,(4,4,4,(1,1
| 1,2,1,(1, |_______|         | 1 |  1,2,1,(1,3,(3,4,4,(1,3
|           |       *_________|___|  1,2,1,(1,3,(3,4,4,(1,1
|           | 3,(3, |             |  1,2,1,(1,3,(3,4,3,(2,1+2
|           |       | 4,3,(2,1+2  |
* ...,2,(4 can only go to 4,4,(1,..  whereas ...,3,(3 may go either way.


Lee Chaolan
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17              dash sliding

Special attacks:
  same as law
1,2                 hh         10,12              One-two punch
1,1,1,1,1           hhhhh      10,5,5,5,5         Left jab rush
F,2,2,2             hmh        12,6,6             Lee knuckle combo 1
2,2                 hh         12,10              Lee knuckle combo 2
df,3                m          15                 Step in middle kick
4,3,4               hhh        20,12,12           Spin kick combo
3,3,3               hhh        25,10,10           Triple high kick
triple high  f      m          15                 Feint middle kick
D,UB|U|UF,4         m          25|40|35           Somersault kick (big jump)
D,ub|u|uf,4         m          25|30|35           Somersault kick (small jump)
D,UB|U|UF,3+4       m          30                 Somersault drop
4,u,3               hm         20,30              Lee somersault
wc  3               l          15                 Silver low
D,df,DF,3           l          17                 Sliding
db,1+2              X          100                Silver fang (u,u to cancel)
f,f,3+4             throw      40                 Knee drive
  same as paul
f,f,3,4,4           mmh        20,15,25           Shredder kick combo (high)
f,f,3,4,f|df,4      mmm        20,15,15           Shredder kick combo (middle)
f,f,3,4,d|db,4      mml        20,15,15           Shredder kick combo (low)

  same as heihachi
f,f,3               m          30                 Left Axe Kick

  lee original 
b,b,N,3+4           -          -                  Flic flac (sp?)
d,4,N,4             lh         7,20               Lee kick combo
ws  3,3,D,3,3...    mmhm...    10,25,15,10,...    Infinity kick combo
infinity  D,3,...   ...lmh...  ...,10,10,10,...   Infinity kc, low
infinity  U,3,...   ...mmh...  ...,10,15,15,...   Infinity kc, axe
f,f,N,3+4           l          15                 Lee sliding
D,4,4,4,4           lllm       7,5,5,21           Lazer's edge kick combo
d,db,4              m          18                 Blazing kick
d,3+4               X          80                 Silver cyclone

df,1,2,(2,1,3,(3,3,4,3,4       mhmhhlhhhm         10,5,6,5,7,6,7,7,10,25

run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17             dash head sliding

Special attacks:
  same as jack-2
2,1,2               hmm        17,25,25           Straight, Elbow, Upper
1+2,1+2             mm         22,22              Double hammer 1
ws  1+2,1+2         mm         25,30              Double hammer 2
1,1,1               hhm        18,20,25           Bear punch combo
[f,f]|f|F,1+2       m          25                 Bear scissors
wc  1,2,1           mmm        15,12,12           Bear swing
df,1,2,1,2          mmmm       15,12,12,12        Upper rush
D,df,1,2,1,1        mmmh       12,15,15,30        Wild swing
lying  D,1+2        m          12                 Spring hammer punch
b,db,d,DF,2         m          45                 Megaton claw
D,1,1,1,2,F,1       llmmh      12,12,12,12,12     A-Bear rush high
D,1,1,1,2,DF,1      llmmm      12,12,12,12,12     A-Bear rush middle
D,1,1,1,2,D,1       llmml      12,12,12,12,12     A-Bear rush low
D,DF,1,2,F,1        mmh        12,12,12           B-Bear rush high
D,DF,1,2,DF,1       mmm        12,12,12           B-Bear rush middle
D,DF,1,2,D,1        mml        12,12,12           B-Bear rush low
D,DF,2,F,1          mh         12,12              C-Bear rush high
D,DF,2,DF,1         mm         12,12              C-Bear rush middle
D,DF,2,D,1          ml         12,12              C-Bear rush low
uf,3+4  (sit)       m          40                 Hip press
D,3+4               -          -                  sit in place
sit  1,2,1,2        llll       10,10,10,10        Blood claw

  same as michelle
f,1,1,1             hmm        10,8,14            Bear heaven cannon

  kuma original
b,f,2+3             l          60                 Salmon hunting
b,1+2,f,df,d,db,b,ub,u,UF  m   40                 Rolling bear
b,1+2               X          35                 Terrible claw
F,2+4               throw      50                 Bear bites

d,2,1,(1,(1,2,1,2,1,1+2,1+2    lllmmhmmmm         10,6,5,7,7,6,6,8,21,21


Wang Jinrey
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17             dash sliding

Special attacks:
  same as michelle
ws  2               m          18                 Zansui
df,2                m          15                 Housui
housui hit 1        ?          30                 Daiten Housui
ws  4               m          20                 SoukuuHou
big jump start 3+4  m          35                 ResshinTou
df,3                m          17                 Shoutai
D,DF,4              l          12                 KousouTai
kousoutai  3        h          25                 SenkyuuTai
wc  4               l          15                 ZensouTai
wc 4,1              lm         15,25              Zensou Juujiba 1
4,d,4,1             hlm        20,15,25           Zensou Juujiba 2
wc 4,4              lh         15,20              Zensou Rentai 1
4,d,4,4             hlh        20,15,20           Zensou Rentai 2
wc 4,D,4            ll         15,10              Zensou Sentai 1
4,d,4,D,4           hll        20,15,10           Zensou Sentai 2
b,B,1               X          50                 Zesshou TsuutenHou
2 hit b             h          12                 Backslip
backslip 1+2        throw      25                 German suplex hold

  same as paul
d,df,f,2            m          33 (cleanhit 49)   Ponken
  same as nina
[f,f]|f|F,1+2       m          20 (cleanhit 30)   SoushouHa

  wang original
df,1+2              m          25                 Awasezuki
1,1,1               hmm        18,10,25           Tsuutenhou 1
df,1,1              mm         12,20              Tsuutenhou 2
zansui  1,1         mmm        18,12,20           Zansui Tsuutenhou
f,2                 m          21                 MigiShouteiUchi
b,1+2               X          100                Seiranken

DF,1+3+4            throw      30                 TatsumakiNage
df,DF,2+4           throw      30                 Zangetsu

2,1,1,(2,3,3,3,(4,4,1          hmmhlhmhlm         12,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,8,25


Bruce Irvin
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17             dash sliding

Special attacks:
1,2,f,4             hhh        10,12,30           One-two, High kick
1,2,d,4             hhl        10,12,10           One-two, Low kick
1,2,4               hhm        10,12,20           Onw-two, Middle kick
F,1,2,1             hhm        15,10,25           Triple ti-sok
f,1+2               h          25                 Sok club
1+2                 m          40                 Sledgehammer
1,2,3               hhm        10,12,20           Northern-light combo
1,4,3               hhm        10,20,25           Southern-cross combo
d,1,2               mm         10,10              Double face breaker
1,2,1,2             hhmm       10,12,12,15        Raging combination
3,2,1,4             mmml       25,12,15,12        Gatling combination
b,b,N,3+4           -          -                  backflip
backflip 4          h          15                 Feint leg bazooka
f,F,4               h          35                 Leg bazooka
f,f,3               m          30 (cleanhit 45)   Slicer
f,f,f,3             m          30                 Sniper slash
f,4,3,4             hmh        18,10,25           Sniper sobat combo
b,3                 h          20                 Stopping
b,3,2               hh         20,12              Stopping feint straight
b,3,4               hm         20,20              Stopping feint knee
b,4,3,4             mmm        20,15,25           Triple knee combo
b,4,3,d,4           mml        20,15,15           Double knee, Low kick
3,3                 mh         25,25              Quick sobat
df,3+4              m          15                 Step in middle kick
d,3+4,3             lh         15,10              Side low, Side high kick
df,3                l          12                 Cyclone edge
cyclone  1          m          50                 Tornado upper
B,2+3               X          60                 Sidewinder

f,d,DF,1+2+4        throw      20                 Right knee
right.k  1+2,1+2,1+2           35                 Neck throw
right.k  3,1+2+3               15                 Left side knee 1
right.k  4,1+2+3               15                 Left side knee 2
l.side.k  1,3,1+2+4            25                 Turning right knee
turn.rk  2,4,1,1+2+3           40                 Vaccuum knee

*no 10hit*


Anna Williams
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17             dash sliding

Special attacks:
  same as nina
1,2                 hh         10,10              One-two punch
2,3                 hh         10,20              PK combo
2,D,3               hl         10,10              PDK combo
2,4                 hh         10,15              Double smash
[f,f,1+2]|[F,1+2]   m          20 (cleanhit 30)   Soushouha
[D|wc],1,4          lm         5,10               Rave kick
df,1,2              mh         10,15              Upper, Straight
1|[df,1],2,4        [h|m]hh    10,10|15,15        Triple smash
df,3,1,2            mhh        10,10,6            Flash combo
D|d,2,4             lm         10,15              Frozen kick
uf,4,3,4            hlh        20,10,14           Hunting kick combo
f,f,4               m          16 (cleanhit 24)   Kneel kick
df,3,3,3,4          mhhh       10,6,8,15          Rapid kick combo
1|[df,1],2,1,4      [h|m]hhl   10,10|15,6,22      Spark combo
df,3,2,D,3          mhl        10,12,10           Quick attack, left low kick
df,3,2,3            mhh        10,12,20           Quick attack, left high 
df,3,2,4            mhh        10,12,15           Quick attack, right high
df,3,4              mh         10,15              Left middle, R.high kick
4,3                 hl         20,15              Right high, L.spin low kick
3,4                 hh         25,15              Left high, R.high kick
D|d,3,2             lm         12,10              Left spin low, Right upper
D|d,4,1             lh         7,10               R.low kick, Backspin chop
f,f,f,4             m          20                 Bone cutter
db,1+2              X          95                 Hunting swan (u,u to cancel)
df,DF,1             throw      50                 KakaeKomi HijiUchi
1+3,F               throw      40                 Kubikarinage

d,df,f,1+2          throw      15                 Shoaku
shoaku  3,4,3,1+2              30                 Kubikari JujiGatame
shoaku  1,3,2,1                30                 TachiGyakuWakiGatame
tachigyaku  2,1,3,4,1+2        25                 SuteGyakuWakiGatame
tachigyaku  3,1,4,1+2,1+2      25                 Urakanmekitakahajime

  same as paul
1,4                 hl         10,15              PDK combo

  same as law
D,ub|u|uf,4         m          25|30|35           Somersault kick (small)
D,UB|U|UF,4         m          30|40|40           Somersault kick (big)

  anna original
B,1,1,1             hhm        10,10,13           Cross cut saw
D,DF,1              l          15                 Cold blade
D,f,2               m          25                 Right hand stab
D,f,1               m          35                 Cat thrust
d,1+2               X          50                 Bloody scissors

d,df,f,1+2          throw      15                 Shoaku
shoaku  1+3,4,1+2              30                 UdehishigiTachiJujiGatame
udehishigi  1+2,4,3,1+2,1+2,1+2  35               UdehisshigiUraJujiGatame
shoaku  1,3,2,1                20                 TachiGyakuWakiGatame
tachigyaku  2,3,1+2,3+4,1+2    30                 Kan'nukiNage

1,2,1,2,(3,(3,2,1,2,4          hhhhhlhhhh         10,10,6,6,7,9,6,6,6,30

Baek Doo San
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17             dash sliding

Special attacks:
ws 3,3,4            hml        35,15,20           Wave needle
ws 3,4,4,3          hhmm       35,15,25,25        Hit destruction
ws 3,4,4,4,3        hhmhh      35,15,25,25,15     Hurricane destruction
4,3,4               hhl        20,12,7            Smash kick
3,4                 hl         20,8               Break needle
3,3,4,4,3           hhhmm      20,20,20,25,25     Black widow
3,3,3,4             hhmh       20,20,20,25        Butterfly kick
3,3,3,D,4           hhml       20,20,20,25        Butterfly needle
F,4,3               mm         30,10              Heel knife
f,F,3               m          15                 Hammer heel
ws 4,4,3            mmm        13,21,25           Albatross 1
df,4,4,3            mmm        15,25,10           Albatross 2
f,N,d,DF,3          m          25                 Wing blade
ws 4,4,4,3          mmhh       13,21,15,15        Flame hawk 1
df,4,4,4,3          mmhh       15,25,15,15        Flame hawk 2
D|d,4,3,3,3         lmmm       7|10,10,15,25      Baek rush
D|d,4,3,3,D,3       lmml       7|10,10,15,15      Baek rush needle
3,4,3               hlm        20,20,25           Break blade
F,4,4,3             mhh        30,15,15           Triple threat
uf,N,3,4            hh         25,20              Trick smash
D|d,3,3,d,4         lll        12,7,7             Snake kick
uf,N,3,d,4          hl         25,20              Trick needle
D|d,3,3,3           llm        12,7,25            Snake blade
b,B,3,N             -          -                  Flamingo
flamingo  f|b       -          -                  Flamingo move
flamingo  [b,3]|[b,B,3]  h     21                 Heel hunter
flamingo  3              m     15                 Heel cutter
flamingo  db|d|df,3      l     7                  Mach needle
flamingo  3,3,4          mml   15,15,15           Flamingo wave needle
flamingo  3,4,4,3        mlmm  15,20,25,25        Flamingo destruction
flamingo  3,4,4,4,3      mhmhh 15,10,25,15,15     Flamingo hurricane
3,3,4,4,4,3         hhhmhh     20,20,20,25,15,15  Silver mantis
f,f,f,3             m          35                 Killing blade
uf,N,3,d,4,3        hlm        25,20,25           Starlight blade
uf,N,3,4,3          mhh        25,20,25           Hunting hawk
db,3+4              X          40                 Heel explosion
f,F,2               throw      40                 Cobra bite throw
DB,1+3              throw      34                 Swordfish throw

4,3,(4,3,3,3,(3,3,4,3          hhlmmmhhlm         20,12,5,6,6,6,5,5,7,25
   \(3,4,(3,3,3,(4,3,3         ..hlmmmlmX         ..,..,8,5,6,6,6,7,21,25
 ______ ____________________
|      |                    |  possible combos:
|      | (4,3,3,3,(3,3,4,3  |  4,3,(4,3,3,3,(3,3,4,3
| 4,3, |--------------------|  4,3,(3,4,(3,3,3,(4,3,3
|      | (3,4,(3,3,3,(4,3,3 |


run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp

Special attacks:
  same as jack-2
1,1,1               hhm        18,20,25           Ganryu combo
1+2                 m          22                 Moroteburi
wc  1,2,1           mmm        15,12,12           NodoRin combo
ws  1+2             m          25                 Morote upper
1+2,1+2             mm         22,22              Morote hammer 1
ws  1+2,1+2         mm         25,30              Morote hammer 2
lying  D,1+2        m          12                 Spring hammer punch
D,df,1,2,1,1        mmmh       12,15,15,20        Tsukidashi
F,2,1               hm         15,15              Punch elbow
3+4                 m          30                 Hip press
[f,f]|F,1+2         m          25                 Saba smash series
D,1,1,1,2,F,1       llmmh      12,12,12,12,12     Sumo rush (high)
D,1,1,1,2,DF,1      llmmm      12,12,12,12,13     Sumo rush (mid)
D,1,1,1,2,D,1       llmml      12,12,12,12,14     Sumo rush (low)
b,db,d,DF,2         m          40                 Megaton thrust

  same as nina
2+4,F               throw      35                 Izori

  ganryu original
D,4                 down       50                 Thigh quake
d,1,1,1,...         lll...     15,15,10,...       Kabuki harite
F,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2   hhhhhhhh   12,10,8,5,5,5,5,5  Enmatsuppari
df,2+3              l          12                 Kaminari hateri
df,2,1,1,1          mhhhh      15,10,10,8         L.upper, Enmatsuppari
D,1+2               l          25                 ChabudaiKaeshi
b,db,d,DF,1         m          30                 KachiAge
B,1+2               X          90                 Kyoku WaruKamashi
f,F,2+3             throw      35                 Agokudaki

*no tenhit*


run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         25             dash head sliding

Special attacks:
  same as jack-2
1,1,2               hmm        17,25,25           Straight, Elbow, Upper
[f,f]|f|F,1+2       m          25                 Power scissors
1+2,1+2             mm         22,22              Double hammer 1
ws  1+2,1+2         mm         25,30              Double hammer 2
1,1,2               hhm        18,20,25           Hammer combo
lying  D,1+2        m          12                 Spring hammer punch
b,db,d,DF,2         m          35 (cleanhit 53)   Megaton punch
wc 1,2,1            mmm        15,12,12           Swing knuckle
DF,1,2,1,2          mmmm       15,12,12,12        Upper rush
db,1,1,1,df,2       lllm       25,25,25,40        Machinegun knuckle
D,3+4               -          -                  sit in place
sit  1,2,1,2        llll       10,10,10,10        Blood fan
uf,3+4  (sit)       m          35                 Hip press
D,1,1,1,2,F,1       llmmh      12,12,12,12,12     A-Hammer rush high
D,1,1,1,2,DF,1      llmmm      12,12,12,12,12     A-Hammer rush middle
D,1,1,1,2,D,1       llmml      12,12,12,12,12     A-Hammer rush low
D,DF,1,2,F,1        mmh        12,12,12           B-Hammer rush high
D,DF,1,2,DF,1       mmm        12,12,12           B-Hammer rush middle
D,DF,1,2,D,1        mml        12,12,12           B-Hammer rush low
D,DF,2,F,1          mh         12,12,             C-Hammer rush high
D,DF,2,DF,1         mm         12,12,             C-Hammer rush middle
D,DF,2,D,1          ml         12,12,             C-Hammer rush low
D,df,1,2,1,1        mmmh       12,15,15,30        Wild swing
b,db,d,df,f,...,1   X          20|40|60|80|199    Gigaton punch
     continue stick spin to increase strength, unblockable after
     the first spin

  same as paul
d,1,2               mm         15,30              P.Jack blast

  p.jack original
F|f,3+4             m (start)  25                 Head sliding
                    l (end)
b,db,d,DF,1         m          30                 Exploder
f,4,1               X          100                Darkness cutter
3+4                 X          60                 Dive bomber
db,2+3              throw      32                 Slapping down
2+4,db,d,DF,2       throw      40                 Punishment megaton

2,d,1,(1,(1,2,1,2,1,1+2,1+2    lllmmhmmmm         10,6,5,7,7,6,6,8,21,21


run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  2                     throw     25             stab
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp

Special attacks:
  same as yoshimitsu
2,3                 hh         12,30              PK combo
2,D,3               hl         12,17              PDK combo
f,2                 h          12                 ManjiUraKen
B,1,1,1,1,1,1       hhhhhh     10,10,10,10,10,10  Ninpoh ManjiKazura
DB,3,3,3,3,3        lllll      12,7,7,5,5         Ninpoh ManjiSou
ManjiSou f,4        m          12                 ToubokuShuu
D,DF,3              l          12                 TsuyuBarai
3,4                 lm         35,30              Inazuma
f,f,4               m          20                 Fubuki
f,f,3+4             m          40                 Ninpoh Kageroh
Kageroh 1+2         h          40                 Ninpoh Kusanagi
uf,3+4              m          30                 NinpohManjiGuruma
3,3,3               hhh        20,20,20           Sazanka

  kunimitsu original
DB,1+3              throw      35                 HaraiGoshi
db,2                X          15                 Kunai Zashi
b,2                 X          22                 Kunai Giri
f,f,N,2             X          25                 Kunai Kage
1,2,1,(4,(4,(4,1,2,3,2         hmmhhlmhmX         10,8,6,9,9,5,5,7,12,25


Armor King
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 3,3,3         lll       17,7,7         dash ali kick

Special attacks:
  same moves as king
1,2                 hh         12,15              One-two punch
                               15,15 with stick
1,2,1               hhm        12,15,10           One-two upper
                               15,15,10 with stick
uf,1+2              m          35                 Knuckle bomb
f,f,2               m          20                 Smash upper
f,f,N,2             l          6                  Grand smash
2,1                 hm         12,15              Right straight, Left upper
wc  1,2             lm         5,15               Left straight, Right upper
F,DF,2              m          20                 Dynamite upper
big-jump start 2+4  m          35                 Elbow drop
f,f,4               m          30                 Jail kick
f,f,f,3+4           m          40                 Sattellite drop kick
[D,DF,4]|[d,3+4],4,4 lll       17,7,7             Ali kick
D,DF,4,4,4,4,4      lllll      17,7,5,4,3         Ali kick (counter)
big-jump start 3+4  m          40                 Double knee drop
f,f,1+2             h (start)  15                 Flying cross chop
                    l (ending)
df,3+4              m          20                 Frankensteiner
                                                  (outside throw range)
df,3+4              throw      45                 Frankensteiner
                                                  (in throw range)
df,3+4              throw      20+45              Frankensteiner
                                                  (in throw range, no guard)
d,df,F,1            throw      25                 Jaguar driver
db,DB,1+2           throw      45                 DDT
db,F,1+2            throw      65                 Tombstone piledriver
f,b,db,d,df,F,1     throw      70                 Giant swing

  same moves as heihachi
f,N,d,DF,2          m          30                 Black smash
f,N,d,DF,1          m          38 (cleanhit 57)   Dark Smash

  armor king original
[f,f,3+4]|[3+4]     h          30                 EnzuiGiri
b,1+4               h          35                 Arrow straight
f,1+4               m          30                 Black shoulder attack
uf,1+2,D            X          45                 Super knuckle bomb
u|uf,N,1+2,D        X          45                 Jumping super knuckle bomb
u|uf,N,1+2          m          35                 Jumping knuckle bomb
u|uf,N,3+4,4,4      lll        17,7,7             Jumping Ali kick
u|uf,N,1+4          X          25                 Jumping moonsault drop
2+4,d,d,D,1+2       throw      55                 Steiner screwdriver

1,2,1,1,(2,4,4,(4,1,3          hhmmhlllmm         12,15,10,6,6,5,5,5,7,25


run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 3,3,3         lll       17,7,7         dash ali kick

Special attacks:
  same moves as king
1,2                 hh         12,15              One-two punch
                               15,15 with stick
wc  1,2             lm         5,15               Left straight, Right upper
2,1                 hm         12,15              Right straight, Left upper
                               15,10 with stick
1,2,1               hhm        12,15,10           One-two upper
                               15,15,10 with stick
D,df,2              m          20                 Dynamite upper
f,f,N,2             l          6                  Grand smash
f,f,2               m          20                 Smash upper
big-jump start 2+4  m          35                 Elbow drop
uf|F|f,1+2          m          35                 Knuckle bomb
big-jump start 3+4  m          40                 Double knee drop
f,f,1+2             h (start)  15                 Flying cross chop
                    l (ending)
f,f,4               m          30                 Jail kick
f,f,f,3+4           h          40                 Satellite drop kick
3+4                 m          25                 Drop kick
df,3+4              m          20                 Frankensteiner
                                                  (outside throw range)
df,3+4              throw      45                 Frankensteiner
                                                  (in throw range)
df,3+4              throw      20+45              Frankensteiner
                                                  (in throw range, no guard)
d,df,F,1            throw      25                 Jaguar driver
b,F,1+2             throw      65                 Tombstone driver
f,b,db,d,df,F,1     throw      70                 Giant swing
db,DB,1+2           throw      45                 DDT

  roger/alex original
[D,DF,4,4,4] |      lll        17,7,7             Ali kick
[D,DF,4,4,4,4,4] |  lllll      17,7,5,4,3         Ali kick (counterhit)
f,N,1               h          30                 Kurukuru punch
F,f,1,2,1,2,1       hhhhm      12,15,10,15,20     Animal rush, Kurukuru
f,N,d,df,1          m          50                 Animal uppercut
db,3                l          17                 Tail cutter
B,1                 X          100                Animal Megaton punch
db,4,3,4,3,4        mmmmm      17,17,17,17,17     Animal kick rush
Kick rush  B        -          -                  Animal backroll
db,4,1              m          17                 Rolling animal
b,3+4               h          30                 Animal drop kick
*no 10hit*

Animal Kick Rush Flowchart
|     Animal Kick Rush (db,4,3,4,3,4)     |
     |                    /|\ |       |
    \|/                    |  |_______| 
 Rolling Animal (db,4,1)___|          |
    /|\                    |         \|/
     |                     |     backroll (B)
 Animal Drop Kick (b,3+4)__|


Kazuya Mishima
run for less than 4 seconds   throw     5              tackle
tackle  1,2,1,2               throw     5,5,5,5,5      tackle punch
for for more than 3 seconds   X         30             super tackle
run >2 seconds, 1+2           m         30             run chop
run >3 seconds                down      15             stomp
run >2 seconds, 4             l         17              dash sliding

Special attacks:
  same moves as heihachi
1,2                 hh         10,15              One-two punch
                               12,15 with stick
uf,4,4              hl         25,15              RasenShuujinKyaku
f,N,d,DF,1          m          33 (cleanhit 49)   RaijinKen
f,N,d,DF,2          m          30                 FuujinKen
f,4                 m          30                 Right axe kick
4,3                 m          30                 Hasaishuu
f,f,f,3             m          30                 KuuzanKyaku
1,1,2               hhm        10,10,20           SenkohRekken
                               12,10,20 with stick
ws  4,4             mmm        13,21              Axe kick
1,2,2               hhh        10,12,25           KikokuRenken
                               12,15,25 with stick
f,f,3               m          30                 Left axe kick
f,f,1+2             throw      35                 Super headbutt

  kazuya original
df,1,2              mm         10,15              Double upper
df,4,4              mm         10,15              Heel cut
f,N,DF,4,4          ll         17,12              NarakuBarai
d|DB,1+2            throw      5                  Ultimate Tackle
U.Tackle 2,1,2,1,2  throw      5,5,5,5,5          Yamigumo
uf,4,4,4,4          hllm       25,15,12,20        Rasen GenmaKyaku
ws  2               m          25 (cleanhit 37)   MajinKen
f                   -          -                  Kiriashi
f,N,DF,2            m          30                 Kiriashi FuujinKen
f,N,DF,1            m          33                 Kiriashi RaijinKen
f,N,DF,4,4          ll         17,12              Kiriashi NarakuBarai
f,N,d,DF,1,3        mm         33,12              RaijinKen, Mid-kick
f,N,D,DF,1,3        ml         33,12              RaijinKen, Low-kick
b,1+4               X          40                 KijinMetsuretsu
B,1+4               X          80                 ShinKijinMetsuretsu

F,F,2,1,2,2,(3,4,(4,1,2,1      hhhhmmlhmh         7,8,6,7,6,11,5,5,8,30
       |           \3,(2,1     .......lmX         .,.,.,.,.,..,.,5,25,30
       \(4,4,(2,4,(3,(2,1      ..mmlmlmX          .,.,7,10,5,7,5,25,30
 __________ ______________ ________
|          |              |        |  possible combos:
|          |              | 1,2,1  |  F,F,2,1,2,2,(3,4,(4,1,2,1
|          | 2,2,(3,4,(4, |--------|  F,F,2,1,2,2,(3,4,(4,3,(2,1
| F,F,2,1, |              | 3,(2,1 |  F,F,2,1,(4,4,(2,4,(3,(2,1
|          |______________|________|
|          |                       |
|          | (4,4,(2,4,(3,(2,1     |


2+4                 throw      35                 Bodydrop
1+3                 throw      40                 TsumujiKeri
f,f,1+2             throw      35                 Super Headbutt
1,2                 hh         10,15              One-two punch
uf,4,4              hl         25,15              RasenShuujinKyaku
f,N,d,DF,2          m          30                 FuujinKen
f,f,f,3             m          30                 KuuzanKyaku
f,4                 m          30                 Right axe kick
ws  4,4             mm         13,21              Axe kick
1,1,2               hhm        10,10,20           SenkouRekken
                               12,10,20 with stick
4,3                 m          30                 Hasaishuu
f,N,d,DF,1          m          33 (cleanhit 49)   RaijinKen
1,2,2               hhh        10,12,25           KikokuRenken
df,1,2              mm         10,15              Double upper
f,N,d,DF,4,4        ll         17,12              NarakuBarai
f,f,3               m          30                 Left axe kick
back  1+3|2+4       throw      40                 SeOtoshi
1+2                 X(high)    40                 Inferno
3+4                 X          80                 Devil Blaster

F,F,2,1,2,2,(3,4,(4,1,2,1      hhhhmmlhmh         7,8,6,7,6,11,5,5,8,30

note:  The Gamest mook does not include a seperate section for Devil,
     instead, just including it's unblockable attacks in Kazyua's section.
While the Devil does share many attacks with the Mishima family, it does
not have all the attacks (of Kazuya) i.e. Kiriashi.  Thus the above list
has been pulled from the Devil article in Gamest #162 which does not
include damage or strike levels.  Damage and levels have been taken from
the Sony Hyper Visual Book.)


Unreversable Attacks
     Five Characters (Jun, Paul, Nina, Anna and Wang) have the ability
to reverse oncoming attacks.  This is done by hitting B,1+3|2+4 for
Jun, Paul and Wang, or B,2+3|1+4 for Nina and Anna when the opponent's
attack lands.  In determining which attacks may be reversed, general
rule of thumb is that all attacks above the waist may be reversed (mid
and high strikes), this includes many "unblockables."  However there is
a set of attacks for most characters which do strike "above the waist"
but cannot be reversed by some if not all of the five mentioned.

Key:                     J  Jun   (B,1+3|2+4)
     -  unreversable     P  Paul  (B,1+3|2+4)
     *  reversable       N  Nina  (B,2+3|1+4)
                         A  Anna  (B,2+3|1+4)
                         W  Wang  (B,1+3|2+4)

move                level J P N A W  |  move                level J P N A W
-----------Paul-Phoenix------------  |  ----------Kuma---------------------
Rakuyoh              lm   - - - - -  |  Hell press           m    - - - - -
Hazakura             m    - - - - -  |  Hip press            m    - - - - -
Kawarawari rakuyoh   mlm  - - - - -  |  Terrible claw        X    - - - - -
Hazakura ponken      mm   - - - - -  |  Rolling bear         m    - - - - -
Hazakura tekki       ml   - - - - -  |  ------------Armor-King-------------
Hayate               m    - - - - -  |  Satellite drop kick  h    - - - - -
-----------Marshall-Law------------  |  Elbow drop           m    - - - - -
Dragon knuckle combo hmh  - - - - -  |  Flying cross chop    h->l - - - - -
---------------King----------------  |  Double knee drop     m    - - - - -
Drop kick            m    - - - - -  |  L.Straight, R.Upper  lm   - - - - -
Satellite drop kick  h    - - - - -  |  Super knuckle bomb   X    - - - - -
Elbow drop           m    - - - - -  |  Jump.S.knuckle bomb  X    - - - - -
Flying cross chop    h->l - - - - -  |  Jump.moonsault drop  X    - - - - -
Double knee drop     m    - - - - -  |  Black shoulder attack m   - - - - - 
Moonsault press      X    - - - - -  |  --------------P.Jack---------------
Jaguar impact        X    - - * * *  |  Hell press           m    - - - - -
Elbow sting          m    - - - - -  |  Hip press            m    - - - - -
L.Straight, R.Upper  lm   - - - - -  |  Gigaton punch        X    - - - - -
--------------Jack-2---------------  |  Head sliding         m->l - - - - -
Hell press           m    - - - - -  |  Dive bomber          X    - - - - -
Hip press            m    - - - - -  |  --------------Ganryu---------------
Gigaton punch        X    - - - - -  |  Thigh quake          m    - - - - -
Sit, Hip press       m    - - - - -  |  Hip press            m    - - - - -
----------Michelle-Chang-----------  |  Kyoku WaruKamashi    X    - - - - -
Resshintou           m    - - - - -  |  -------------Kunimitsu-------------
Koshinchuu           m    - - - - -  |  Ninpo Kageroh        m    - - - - -
Shippo Houchuu       m    - - - - -  |  Ninpo Kusanagi       h    - - - - -
Zansui Houchuu       mm   - - - - -  |  Ninpo Manjiguruma    m    - - - - -
Zangeki Houchuu      mm   - - - - -  |  Fubuki               m    - - - - -
KoshinRenkou         mm   - - - - -  |  Kunai Zashi          X    - - - - -
------------Yoshimitsu-------------  |  Kunai Kiri           X    - - - - -
Ninpo Kageroh        m    - - - - -  |  Kunai Gake           X    - - - - -
Ninpo Kusanagi       h    - - - - -  |  ------------Wang-Jinrey------------
Ninpo Manjiguruma    m    - - - - -  |  Resshintou           m    - - - - -
Fubuki               m    - - - - -  |  ------------Bruce-Irvin------------
ZankokuKen           X    * - * * -  |  Sok clob             h    - - - - -
ZetsumeiKen          X    * - * * -  |  Triple ti sok        hhm  - - - - -
HikuuShuuKen         X    * - * * -  |  Triple knee combo    mmm  - - - - -
SenpuuKen            X    - - - - -  |  Double knee, Low.k   mml  - - - - -
MadoInashi           X    - - - - -  |  Stopping feint knee  hm   - - - - -
FueriInashi          X    - - - - -  |  Double face breaker  mm   - - - - -
HyougaHou            m    * - * * *  |  -----------Roger-&-Alex------------
RengokuKen           X    * - * * -  |  Drop kick            m    - - - - -
KusanagiHou          mhm  * - * * *  |  Satellite drop kick  h    - - - - -
------------Lei-WuLong-------------  |  Elbow drop           m    - - - - -
TenshinRenhou        hh   - - - - -  |  Flying cross chop    h->l - - - - -
SenpuuRenkyaku       m    - - - - -  |  Double knee drop     m    - - - - -
HououSenpuukyaku     X    - - - - -  |  L.Straight, R.Upper  lm   - - - - -
------------Lee-Chaolan------------  |  Animal gigaton punch X    - - - - -
Lee knuckle combo    hmh  - - - - -  |  Animal kick rush     m x5 - - - - -
Silver cyclone       X    - - - - -  |  Rolling animal       m    - - - - -
----------Kazuya-Mishima-----------  |  ---------------Devil---------------
ShinKishinMetsuretsu X    * - * * -  |  Inferno              X    - - - - -
                                     |  Devil blaster        X    - - - - - 

Yes, Heihachi, Nina, Anna, Baek, and Jun are absent from the list.


Throw Escapes:

Move name                  command             escape       effective entry
regular throws             1+3|2+4             1+3|2+4      16th frame
(all characters)
Ultimate Tackle            DB,1+2              2+4          12th frame
(Paul, Kazuya)
Shoaku [a]                 d,df,f,1+2
KubikariJujiGatame         [a] 3,4,3,1+2       1+2          9th frame
TachigyakuwakiGatame [b]   [a] 1,3,2,1         1+3          9th frame
UrakanNukiTakaHajime       [b] 3,1,4,1+2,1+2
SutegyakuwakiGatame        [b] 2,1,3,4,1+2
UdehishigiJujiGatame [c]   [a] 1+3,4,1+2       2+4          9th frame
UdehishigiUraJujiGatame    [c] 1+2,4,1+2(x3)
Kan'nukiNage               [c] 2,3,1+2,3+4,1+2
Figure-4 leg lock          DB,1+2              3+4          1st frame
                                                       (damage to King: 26)
Standing achilles [a]      f,DF,2+3
S.T.F.                     [a] 1,2,3,1,1+2     1+3          9th frame
Scorpion death lock        [a] 1+2,3,1,1+3     2+4          9th frame
Indian death lock [b]      [a] 1+2,1,3,1+2+4   1+2          9th frame
                                          (STF,Sdl,Idl  damage to King: 10)
Romero special             [b] 1+2,3,4,1+2,ALL

Wonderful Mexican Combo:                       [a]  [a']
Reverse arm clutch [a]     d,DF,1+3
Reverse arm clutch [a']    d,DF,2+4
Backdrop [b]               [a|a']2,1,1+2       1+2  2+4     9th frame
German suplex [c]          [b] 3+4,1+2         3+4  1+3     9th frame
Power Bomb [d]             [c] 1,2,3+4
Giant swing                [d] 2,1,3,4         2+4  1+2     9th frame
HizaJigoku:                                    [b]  [b']
ShomenMigiHizaKeri [a]     f,d,DF,1+2+4
KubiNage                   [a] 1+2,1+2,1+2
HidariyokoHizaJigoku [b]   [a] 3,1+2+3
HidariyokoHizaJigoku [b']  [a] 4,1+2+3
MawashiMigiHizaKeri [c]    [b|b'] 1,3,1+2+4    3+4  2+4     3rd frame
ShinkuuTobiHizaKeri        [c] 2,4,1,1+2+3
YamigumoShibori            tackle 1,2,1,2,1    1+2          10th frame
  This may only be done by Paul, to intercept any punches
        following a tackle.


Sub-boss selection codes:
     All codes assume you have inserted your credits but not started
yet.  "Hold" means to hold until instructed to release, or code ends.

Lee:         ?
Kuma:        hold RP, start, go to Paul, down, start, down
Wang:        start, go to Baek/Jun (whoever is default), start,
               down, right, up, left
Bruce:       start, go to Lei, start, start, start, start, right
Anna:        ?
Baek/Jun:    ?
Ganryu:      start, go to Michelle, start, down, up
P.Jack:      start, go to Jack-2, down, down, start, up, up
Kunimitsu:   hold RP, start, go to Yoshimitsu, right, start
Armor King:  start, go to King, left, hold start, left, right,
               release start, right
Roger/Alex:  hold LK (RK for Alex), start, up up
Kazuya:      start, go to Heihachi, down, hold up, start, start,
               release up, up
Devil:       ?


"[PSX]" indicates the book is written with the Sony Playstation
game in mind.
Gamest Mook Vol.15: Tekken2 Act.1
     GMC-15  Shinseisha  780yen
Gamest Mook Vol.23: Tekken2 Act.2
     GMC-23  Shinseisha  1280yen
Gamest Mook EX Series Vol.4: Tekken2 Skill Manual                [PSX]
     GMC-29  Shinseisha  980yen
Sony Magazines Deluxe #173: Tekken 2 for Playstation Players     [PSX]
     Sony Magazines  680yen
Sony Magazines Deluxe: Tekken 2 Hyper Visual Book                [PSX]
     ISBN: 4-7897-9024-X  Sony Magazines  1500yen

Namco Sound Express Vol.26: Tekken 2
     VICL-15050  Victor Entertainment (Japan)  1500yen

If you have some electronic resource and would like to see it listed
here, drop me a line.  (so far, no electronic resources exist other
than this file, the Tekken 2 Project. =^)


     If you _really_ liked this list, or even if you don't, I only
require one thing from you.  Money? no, not that I'd mind the extra
presidents in my company, rather your comment.  Go through the list,
peruse it, use it, share it, and tell me what you think.  Send your
e-mail to


Release history
1996.4.15.0:  Errors abound!
1996.5.20.1:  Typos corrected.  Wanted to add basic moves but time
       didn't permit.
1996.9.4.2    Maintenance release.  Few changes made.

Tekken 2 Project copyright 1996 Galen Komatsu.  This document is to
be distributed and archived in it's entire form, and no fee is to
be charged for it's distribution.  End users may print sections for
personal use only.  Contact author for inclusion in media, printed,
electronic, or otherwise.

Please note that A.P.I shall not be held responsible for the accuracy of this article.

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