Introducing our new forums!
  • Well, as many of you will see we have a new look happening here with the forums which, we hope, will make things easier for both veterans of the boards and new members alike.

    Among the new changes are ties to Facebook, Twitter, etc. to make signing up/ in easier. Those looking to join the forums but not wanting to bother remembering another password (some of us have too many already) just click on the button to log in using your social media of choice.

    The main page may seem a bit jumbled but there is a method to the madness (maybe ;) ). Over on the left you'll see the listings of the various forum categories- just click on one of those to filter into what you want (PlayStation 3 Game Help, PlayStation Discussion, etc.) to filter out the stuff from the other sections.

    Starting a new thread is as easy as clicking on the 'Start A New Discussion" button at the top of the page. Once in the writing section you can set your new post as "Ask A Question" or "Start A New Discussion", depending on the sort of post you're making. The rest is very basic stuff with areas to put your title, choose the category (just in case you mis-click) and the big ol' white space to write your message. Of course, you can preview your post to see how it looks before hitting the "Post Discussion" button on the bottom of the page.

    Private messaging is still here, accessed via the "Inbox" link along the top of the page. If you want to adjust your profile (new av, edit in details, etc.) just click on your username up top to head into the profile editing.

    That pretty much wraps things up for me so enjoy and see you around the forums!
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