her site at http:DrSusanWells.
  • Losing A Tooth 锟?The Domino Effect What can you do if you are already missing one tooth? Do not leave it the way it is. It is not cost effective. Unfortunately [url=http://www.tigersauthoritystore.com/omar-vizquel-jersey-c-28/]Tigers Omar Vizquel Jersey[/url] , one single missing tooth can cause damage you won t see or feel until it s too late. For millions of people, one missing tooth has caused the needless loss of all their other teeth. Most people run to the dentist if they lose a front tooth, but make the mistake of ignoring their back teeth. They say, I can t see it; it doesn t hurt; I ll leave it alone. And that is a bad idea. The absence of one tooth can trigger a domino effect that will eventually cause your entire mouth to crumble.

    Mother Nature designed your teeth to work together, with each tooth performing a specific function. When a member of the group is lost, more work is required from the remaining teeth. The other teeth begin to shift toward the hole left by the missing tooth; teeth on either side will tilt into the space; the tooth above will grow down. Gaps open up; teeth shift; your smile changes for the worse.

    Your bite is thrown off, almost always causing a destructive bite, which may lead to terrible headaches [url=http://www.tigersauthoritystore.com/omar-infante-jersey-c-27/]Tigers Omar Infante Jersey[/url] , intolerable jaw pain, broken teeth and teeth that wear down too quickly. Have you ever seen someone with short front teeth? Odds are good that s the result of a destructive bite. Don t let this happen to you.

    The tooth that has grown down into the gap is now threatened by gum disease because of its awkward position. The space vacated by the former tooth creates a trap for food and bacteria that can be very difficult to clean. Periodontal disease may spread to the rest of the body, doubling your risk for heart disease and increasing the risks for a multitude of other ailments. Remember, this is the result of one missing tooth. Imagine what several missing teeth can do.


    Porcelain or metal crowns, also called caps, may be necessary when a tooth is chipped or cracked, and cannot support a filling. Occasionally, teeth that were filled when you were younger will weaken [url=http://www.tigersauthoritystore.com/nick-castellanos-jersey-c-23/]Tigers Nick Castellanos Jersey[/url] , and may need to be crowned later in life. A tooth that is cracked, or likely to crack, should be crowned as soon as possible. This will strengthen the tooth, make cleaning easier and prevent decay. Once the crown is cemented on the tooth, it acts as a protective cover, and may improve the tooth s appearance.

    Be aware many teeth exhibit natural fracture lines, which don t always indicate impending trouble. A cracked tooth usually causes pain when you bite down or when it s exposed to extremes of hot or cold. Although the pain may not be constant, schedule a visit to your dentist if you suspect the tooth is cracked. A powerful bite and a weakened tooth are a perfect combination for cracking or splitting that incisor [url=http://www.tigersauthoritystore.com/miguel-cabrera-jersey-c-5/]Tigers Miguel Cabrera Jersey[/url] , bicuspid or molar.

    Combination porcelain and metal crowns are less expensive, but reveal black lines at the gums, which aren t particularly attractive. For this reason, they are usually reserved for the back molars. All porcelain crowns are cosmetically superior to the older models made by fusing porcelain to metal, and are perfect for the teeth you want to flash to the world. However, the new technology does cost a bit more. You can choose different crowns on different teeth to save money. Ask your dentist about all of your options.

    Tooth Replacement

    If fillings, crowns, inlays or a root canal are unable to save your tooth [url=http://www.tigersauthoritystore.com/mark-lowe-jersey-c-12/]Tigers Mark Lowe Jersey[/url] , then extraction is the alternative. Holding onto your natural teeth after they ve been hopelessly diseased may lead to periodontal disease, which may eventually destroy your jaw bones. Please note it is possible to remove, and then completely restore the function of bad teeth without resorting to partial dentures. One option is a fixed bridge. The second alternative, which might be a better but often much more expensive choice, is to put technology to work in the form of modern dental implants. Unfortunately, not everyone is a good candidate for this procedure.

    Fixed Bridges

    As the name implies, a fixed bridge spans the gap between your missing teeth. The bridge is anchored from one healthy tooth to the next, and fills the void left by the missing tooth with an artificial tooth or teeth. Unlike full or partial dentures [url=http://www.tigersauthoritystore.com/lance-parrish-jersey-c-10/]Tigers Lance Parrish Jersey[/url] , fixed bridges are stationary, and don t have to be removed at night.

    Bridges can be more comfortable than dentures. A bridge doesn t move when you chew, and anchors and supports your neighboring teeth, keeping them aligned. However, cleaning is often more problematic than with natural teeth or dentures. Yon may need a floss threader or irrigator to reach under the bridge to prevent plaque and bacteria build up.

    Whatever the current state of your teeth it is important for you to visit your dentist to see what needs to be done to bring your teeth up to a comfortable and healthy state.
    Author's Resource Box

    Dr. Susan Wells DMD has been practicing dentistry in Alabama since 1978. Although she treats patients for all aspects of general dentistry, the cosmetic procedures including traditional veneers and Lumineers are what she enjoys the most. Visit her site at http:DrSusanWells.

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    Homer Bailey is the last unsigned Cincinnati Reds player eligible for arbitration.

    "We're still talking," Walt Jocketty said. "We had another conversation today. We'll continue to keep talking. We'll talk again in another day or so and get something resolved one way or the other. There has not been a lot of progress, but good conversations anyhow."

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