Absolute PlayStation2
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Metal Gear Solid 2
"Could this be the most over-hyped game in videogame history..?

With all of this attention, the game will have to be legendary just to come close to expectations, but after seeing it in action, we think that maybe, just maybe, it is..! "
Metal Gear Solid 2 Box
Click Here for ScreenShots
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PS2 Readers Wish Lists
If you have views on a feature or aspect that you would like to see included in 'Metal Gear Solid 2' or future sequels of this game, we would love to hear from you. Better still we will pass on the very best of these ideas to the developers of the games and who knows, your wish may be granted..!

This readers wish list was sent to us by SOLIDSNAKE [Mike].
WISH 1:   pleaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeee have snake do more moves like do flying kicks and have new weapons like hold two hand guns and for moves make him do combo kicks and punches.
WISH 2:   Make this a very long game and very hard and have the guys smart smart and have em combat killing macines yeah! and have snake have more stelth moves.
WISH 3:   and have it when snake gets shot have it see that the bullet comes out and have the enemys have more blood and maybe see the insides if u shoot them enough and also have solidsnake trip guys 2 that would b cool and have him aim his gun while walking in first person veiw those things would be so kick ass cool well cya.

This readers wish list was sent to us by kiri marios robb.
WISH 1:   i wish capcom would release resident evil 4 & 5 now

WISH 2:   
WISH 3:   

This readers wish list was sent to us by arhmaan bhatti.
WISH 1:   please make solid snake use tear gas and more good weapons.
WISH 2:   pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaasssseeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!make it so you can do missions at the statue of liberty and go down alley ways and stuff because it is in new york.
WISH 3:   pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeee make solid snake drive some cars or army vehchiles eg like cop cars and army tanks thanks i am definatly going to by mgs2 and getting the ps2 beast.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Eric Lee Laney.
WISH 1:   I am getting a playstation 2 this April, so I would like to have Metal Gear Solid 2 for my first game.
WISH 2:   I really wish and hope that I could get this game, because I had to work all last summer, and some fall, lawn jobs, to get the playstation 2, so I would really like to have Metal Gear Solid 2.
WISH 3:   If my one wish was for a game, it would have to be Metal Gear Solid 2, I really want this game, so I don't have to pay the full price in stores, and you guys/girls have a great website.

This readers wish list was sent to us by chuck Ezell.
WISH 1:   Allow snake to use como(like stealth suit only if you mess up the guards can see you.
WISH 2:   Make the guards a 100 times smarter like looking twice for a trace of snake.
WISH 3:   Make the guards be more violant like using much more weapons(c4 bombs)etc

This readers wish list was sent to us by Eric Walthour.
WISH 1:   Ive seen every possible video,i want more colorful environments,a longer game 10 plus with 2 or more endings and branching paths to determine outcome. I would love to see what other areas will be in the game in New York like alleys,subways,parks,science centers or statue of liberty etc.
WISH 2:   I want snake to control a helicopter where the missles can fire or a jetboat or a tanker.
WISH 3:   I like the idea of a multiplayer mode. I heard we will get a 2nd player in the game but what will be nice is for a extra mode be able to unlock all the characters and play in arenas against each other and play 4player death match modes,stealth mode,reconnaissance missions,stop a bombing and retrieve documents using multitap.

This readers wish list was sent to us by george khomasuridze.
WISH 1:   I want to nkow can we play Metal-Gear on ps1?
WISH 2:   will we be able to see new version of Resident Evil?
WISH 3:   how do you think how much will cost ps 1 after one year

This readers wish list was sent to us by mickf.
WISH 1:   When you kill people they should have certain wounds and limp or hold their arm and if you hit them with a rocket they should explode!
WISH 2:   The best idea that I've heard yet has been the idea that you have to hide the body,if there is one(wish 1) and you should hide it but if it's seen then the alarm is started.
WISH 3:   The alarm shouldn't just go off, the guard should have to go and press a button to set it off. That way if you shot them or grab them is time then you can save yourself from being spotted. I hated when I would sneak behind the guard and sometimes they'd see you and the alrm just goes off.

This readers wish list was sent to us by TAN.
WISH 1:   We should have a twice for solid, like u know solid died then his brother revenge him or something.

WISH 2:   100% differ ways to kill ,, torture is good,, for infor and stuff ,,, have to hide body ,,,
WISH 3:   put more cutie in the game ,, hahahahaa

This readers wish list was sent to us by Andrew Hunnicutt.
WISH 1:   More way's to kill people with your bare hands, like beat them to death.
WISH 2:   More realistic gun shooting, they know were they've been hit, and they stay dead
WISH 3:   Shoot guns while running, crouched down or laying down.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Lee M. Taylor.
WISH 1:   That you could get a exoskeleton suit like Gray Fox's that would make you stronger and faster.
WISH 2:   Have cooler neck breaks, like Brandon Lee's at the end of his movie Rapid Fire.
WISH 3:   Have a jump kill attack like Tenchu 2.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Jersey.
WISH 1:   You can use more than one item at a time, and maybe more than one weapon at a time. think about how useful it would be to have the stealth suit, the bandana, and the card out al at once.
WISH 2:   Better hand to hand skills, punch punch kick got boring, especially at the end of the first one when fighting liquid, and he had all those kisk ass moves and shit and solid had shit.
WISH 3:   Snake needs to control some kick ass vehicles, like his own chopper, or a speed boat, something cool, and he should definately have control over Metal gear rex in the fight against Ray.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Daved James.
WISH 1:   i wish that in MGS2 u can use a Knife.
WISH 2:   My second wish is that MGS2 has 1 ending but the hole game is hard.its only fare.
WISH 3:   my 3rd wish is that MGS2 has more silent weapons.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Delta.
WISH 1:   Could you please include a part were snake can control metal gear or at least take control of some heavy artillery like anti-aircraft gun turrets.
WISH 2:   Pleeeeeeeeese change metal gear's looks but non of it's feature's,make it a more mech warrior type mech.
WISH 3:   Could you include a part were you can play as meryl or someone else,and please make gray fox come back!!!!And pleeeeeeese include a multi-player option!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This readers wish list was sent to us by delta.
WISH 1:   Could you please put a knife in metal gear and an auto targeting like syphon filter with a lot more gadgets and shit...
WISH 2:   A part were you play as gray fox or meryl,and make snake control metal gear.
WISH 3:   More sniper parts,and a multiplayer option,PLEEEEEEEEEEEESE!!!!!!!

This readers wish list was sent to us by Ilia george habib.
WISH 1:   i wish you can put a nife in metal gear 2.
WISH 2:   can u plese make the game longer and with only ONE ending.
WISH 3:   do not change how metal gear looks, but PLEASE change its features.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Sniper Wolf.
WISH 1:   There were more weapons.
WISH 2:   It was harder
WISH 3:   You are automaticlt armed with the stealth camo but you can only use it for a short period of time each time you use it. And i wish that the SOCOM was mre accutate

This readers wish list was sent to us by ignacio fuentes.
WISH 1:   Be able to have the hk-mp5 anti-terroist gun,a grenade launcer,smoke grenades, better high-tech sniper rifles.
WISH 2:   MORE KEWL gadgets!!! pleasssse!!
WISH 3:   

This readers wish list was sent to us by N2Kay.com.
WISH 1:   After killig enemy soldiers you have to hide their bodies
WISH 2:   commandos behind enelines, had a very good point of view for enemy (crawl in the dark green part with out been seen, i want that in metal gear too!
WISH 3:   more ways to distact enemys

This readers wish list was sent to us by Alex Berry.
WISH 1:   You should have their mouths move in the important cutscenes.
WISH 2:   For all weapons,have a targeting mode like syphon fillter 2.
WISH 3:   

This readers wish list was sent to us by sondre moen.
WISH 1:   new wepons
WISH 2:   meryl wil return and that you can play her
WISH 3:   when you are going to fight metal gear ray.
you can fight whit rex.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Chris Freeman.
WISH 1:   I wish that you would get to drive vehicles and other such things
WISH 2:   I wish if you were seen the game would be over cause if you get seen they aren't gonna look for you and if they dont find you quit looking that is stupid
WISH 3:   I wish that they had more stealth moves like an adams apple breaker yaknow where you crack there adams apple it is quit yet deadly

This readers wish list was sent to us by Gazza Ransom 2nd.
WISH 1:   As I liked the x-treme sports in the 1st game if you don't know what I mean yet I mean the absailing down the wall to escape liquid's hind-D helicopter I think it would be cool if they had a bungee jump or parachute jump or as we know the setting is on a boat so maybe you could get thrown of and half to swim for it.
WISH 2:   more weapon situations like being able to use the sniper rifle in the air vents and use other guns while on the floor and I heard others talking about knives and breaking necks and wanting more moves so I came up with the idea of cutting someones throat. You should be able to grab the neck and then for example circle to slice and x to break.
WISH 3:   I also liked the ocelot torture where you had to rub the buttons (like in track and field) maybe they should have another scene like that but not 2 because your fingers would hurt.WISH 4 - MORE WOMEN!!!!!. WISH 5- and the 1st person on this list said the bosses were stupid well if we made them better then the crap gamers wouldn't be able to complete the game!!

This readers wish list was sent to us by Gazza ransom.
WISH 1:   destruction should stay e.g windows, dead bodys including main boss bodys, and if some sort of destruction happens in video form it should be there when you enter.
WISH 2:   when you get found by security they shouldn't forget in 30 seconds they should take more action to find you like call for more guards or set up alarmed trip wires or something.
WISH 3:   In the last game I found the bosses interesting and I thought it was well thought out the way you could only beat the bosses in different ways but the internet kind of tells you who everyone is before the game is released so you know what to expect but I think they should bring back a character from the old game and the creators shouldn't tell anyone so when people read the net pages they won't expect the returning character because of the net I know half the cast (no offense to the net)

This readers wish list was sent to us by Miguel Angel Muņoz Ruvalcaba.
WISH 1:   M O R E - E N D I N G S
D O N ' T remove the subtitles P L E A S E !
WISH 2:   I think that enemies in MGS were stupid or they were almost blind
WISH 3:   Limited enemies,Put the old Nintendo Metal Gears, new moves, game longer, and if you can I like to see Metal Gear Solid 2 for Game Cube too

This readers wish list was sent to us by Jake Steed.
WISH 1:   The ability to pilot the Mech. Make everything destructible in the game, and when you blow it up, it stays blown up. Let the dead bodies stay.
WISH 2:   Encode the whole game in Dolby Digital and DTS mode for sound. Put more women in the game. Put some cars in the game.
WISH 3:   Do not remove the torture part. Allow snake to break enemy arms and legs, and to snap people necks. Make the game longer!

This readers wish list was sent to us by Brian Costain.
WISH 1:   Redo Metal Gear Solid, it was a great game could be even better with PS2 graphics
WISH 2:   More weapons and items
WISH 3:   Put the all of the old nintendo Metal Gears on the disk

This readers wish list was sent to us by Danny.
WISH 1:   Somebody already said this one, but I think that it would be wonderful if (memory permitting) the original 8-bit Nintendo games were included as "unlockable" features.
WISH 2:   Since a plot point of this game is the optical disk stolen by Ocelot, perhaps there could be an in-game segment where Snake has to figure out how to operate a computer terminal in order to achieve one of his objectives. I know that this may seem more puzzle game oriented than action game oriented, but it would add to the overall variety of experiences within the game. Maybe it could be setup to where instead of having to gather cardkeys, Snake has to hack into a security system like Otacon did in MGS.
WISH 3:   More influence on the environment. I loved blowing up sections of the Armory wall and finding new areas in MGS, and also enjoyed being able to tap walls and perform other actions on my surroundings. If more things like this were included, it would add to the game's realism.

This readers wish list was sent to us by You.
WISH 1:   WOMEN !!!! Somewhat BOND-ish proportions.
WISH 2:   Stealth Suit, as a tribute to GRAY FOX.
WISH 3:   More weappons & gadgets...Tasers, Katana, Knives,etc.

This readers wish list was sent to us by anthony rovira.
WISH 1:   instead of giving snake a knife he should get the sword that grey fox used.with a number of sword strikes including decapitation.he should also be given some more hand 2 handcombat moves like a punch 2 the throat so the guys can't scream and alert the others.
WISH 2:   snakes artillery should have more silenced guns and bigger guns like ocelots revolver .44 magnum preferrably.and multiplayer would only increase your sales but it would have 2 use aiming sights similair 2 syphon filter 2 but make the stages bigger than that theres no room 2 fight in that game.
WISH 3:   instead of being given advice over com. links like in part 1 snake should be able 2 knock enemies unconscious and interrogate them and they should resist and snake can torture them instead of being tortured give him something like a bag full of pins and he can heat them up 2 torture them or he can threaten 2 start removing their manhood, and the game should be much longer and difficult from the very beginning and at least let him start with some type of weapon.

This readers wish list was sent to us by John.
WISH 1:   Leave the bodies of people you kill.
WISH 2:   multiplayer.
WISH 3:   Drive vehicles, tanks, helicopters, etc.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Vernon Goodwin.
WISH 1:   way longer game
WISH 2:   more wepons like nives nija stars
WISH 3:   multie player

This readers wish list was sent to us by Patrick Swayze.
WISH 1:   I'ld like to be able to set traps. Like being able to set trip-wire thats rigged to C4 across a hallway.
WISH 2:   You could knock out genome soldiers and slip into their uniforms like Meryl did. It would be cool to see what type of reactions you get from the other guards when they see you walking around.
WISH 3:   It would be cool if the original 8-bit metal gear was available to play, I doubt it would take up much space on a dvd, and a code could be given to use on the menu screen after completion of the game.

This readers wish list was sent to us by joe mcgarry.
WISH 1:   i want to play as more people,like meryl or otocon
in a four player game!
WISH 2:   give more weapons and let snake break peoples body parts, but dont make the dead people dissapear let them lay there for the other people to see.
WISH 3:   dont change the gameplay and make this game for playstation not ps2......please! the ps2 cost too much.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Me.
WISH 1:   All you retards who think there is a need for less enemeys to go home. (wimps)
WISH 2:   I also wish the people know that a knife if not all that silent. (If I were stabbed I would feel the need to make a lot-o-noise)
WISH 3:   I wish and hope that all your people know there are two other MetalGear games out there. (Metal Gear,and Metal Gear 2: Snake's Revenge)

This readers wish list was sent to us by Dean Baio.
WISH 1:   Allow snake to break enemys arms and legs.Also if snake shoots an enemy in the leg make the enymy limp, or if the enemys arm is broken it should just hang there.
WISH 2:   Let snake be able to disarm guards and take their weapons.
WISH 3:   Give snake more hand to hand combat moves.Such as headbut,palm strike, knee to head,etc.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Vince Murphy.
WISH 1:   A longer game. I would rather an epic game that takes ages to finish than one which you have to keep on beating to get all the endings.
WISH 2:   Give the sniper rifle the ability to shoot soldiers which are on another level.
WISH 3:   Other people have said it but I had to write it too. Having the characters you killed disappear when you kill them then reappear when you reenter the room isn't good. But the concept of having to drag their bodies away seems to complicate it too much.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Marvel Vella.
WISH 1:   in the 1st game, the enemies were infinit, and if u kill 1 and come back an other one is there. make it have a limited number of enemies!! PLEASE.
WISH 2:   in the 1st game when a soldier is killed he vanishes after a few seconds. why dont' you let him there and give snake the ability to carry him and hide him somewhere?? it would be a lot more interesting...
WISH 3:   increase more interesting weapons such as knife, lethal injection, and why not a pair of handcuffs so snake would be able to tie up enemies in stead of killing them!!!!!!!

This readers wish list was sent to us by Jesse woodward.
WISH 1:   be able to drive vehicles for boss battles
WISH 2:   more endings/special equipment
WISH 3:   more weapons and make the sniper rifle a bigger part.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Marvel Vella.
WISH 1:   my biggest wish is :please DO NOT REMOVE THE TORTURE PART.
WISH 2:   make the game longer but do not change the game play
WISH 3:   increase the amount of silent weapons, maybe buy increasing a knife or a silent sniper rifle.

This readers wish list was sent to us by John Esser.
WISH 1:   M-U-L-T-I-P-L-A-Y-E-R mode. Up to 4 players with ability to play
on any board completed. Choice of Weapons.
WISH 2:   
WISH 3:   

This readers wish list was sent to us by Kennth R..
WISH 1:   in the first soild snake, you could not use a knife. why? it is a silent wepon that you could use when you are low on ammo. how cool would that be?
WISH 2:   the first game there was only one way to beat the game. this is outrageous!! there is alway more then one way to win. must i go on?
WISH 3:   being able to control more then just snake, not like he isnt enough, but it would make things more interesting.

This readers wish list was sent to us by Fast Eddie.
WISH 1:   Make the game longer. But no change in game play.
WISH 2:   More cool gadgets and weapons.
WISH 3:   Make it available now!!

This readers wish list was sent to us by Adam Terrett.
WISH 1:   A crap load more gadgets/weapons
WISH 2:   Being able to stealth kill bad guys different ways. (Sort of like in Tenchu)
WISH 3:   Heat sensors within the game, and a stealth suit that can adjust to the temperature.

This readers wish list was sent to us by alex edward berry.
WISH 1:   get to play meryl
WISH 2:   new weapons and moves
WISH 3:   new characters and enemys

This readers wish list was sent to us by Paul Hughes.
WISH 1:   allow Snake to drive vehicles and use heavy machinery like artillery guns or anti-aircraft guns - after all it is set in America
WISH 2:   make sniper rifle more prominent, i.e you don't just use it to kill a boss, you need to kill patrolmen
WISH 3:   make game longer, but please, PLEASE!!!! do not change the gameplay

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