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[color=blue][b]Easy isn't always about how fast or slow it takes for you to defeat a title but moreso how much trouble you had beating it through at the amount of time it took you. Gungrave, beat it in 2 hours and 2 minutes yet it is one of the only games i have had trouble beating one part but when you have to reload your game, the time isn't docked so it's like starting over with a clean slate. Final Fantasy X was probably the easiest i have played for the PS2. I beat it once at the 42 hour mark and 4 or 5 more times up until my memory card blew up around the 152 hour mark. Honorable mention goes to Wild Arms 3 which i actually haven't beat but only because Xenosaga, Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, and a few other titles and anime DVDs have been keeping me quite busy recently. Well, i hope that you all enjoy posting and have fun gaming. [/b][/color]
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